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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Accounting Standards Developed by IASB-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Look at the Accounting Standards Dveloped by IASB. Answer: Presentation The examination did in the current report targets analyzing the bookkeeping gauges created by IASB corresponding to resource hindrance. The IAS 36 and AASB 136 has been embraced according to the hindrance of advantages according to which the composing estimation of a benefit during monetary announcing must not surpass its recoverable sum (Hussey, 2010). The report represents the need, procedures and data required by organizations for weakness testing of advantages regarding Myer Holdings Ltd. The report is coordinated to the CFO of Myer for the sake of a bookkeeping partner for assessing whether the impedance of benefits is an issue required to be tended to by the firm. Need of Impairment Testing of Assets In Relation to Myer The distinguishing proof of hindrance testing of benefits of Myer is completed by dissecting the state of its substantial and non-unmistakable resource as follows: Resource Recognition: The progression of advantages in Myers stores is moderately same and there is no proof of decrease in its benefit in the gathering store over the previous year. Along these lines, in the premise of benefit stream in the Group it very well may be said that there is no sign of weakness of advantages. Resource Value: There is no adjustment in the general resource base of the Group and all the benefits have an equivalent commitment towards its net resources and hence there is no advantage weakness. Resource Turnover Rate: There is comparable resource turnover proportion of the Group in the course of recent years demonstrating no debilitation of advantages (Myer Holdings Limited 2016 Annual Report, 2016). Assurance of Asset Impairment of Myer The Myer Holdings Ltd has decided the debilitation of benefits using limited income model. As delineated in the money related report of the Group, it has perceived a generosity of about $27.1 million having an inconclusive valuable live. The altruism can't be appointed to the individual money producing units of the Group and in this manner have been dispersed to the general business gathering. The recoverable mount of these advantages has been estimated through an incentive being used limited income model for doing their disability testing. The model utilized income projections over the time of five years that depend on budgetary financial plans and terminal development rate. The significant presumptions utilized by the model are deals development and working gross net revenue. The affectability investigation of these suppositions delineated that there is no adjustments in these key suspicions at given degree of overabundance future incomes over the conveying estimations of advantage for CGU of Myer Holdings Ltd. Therefore, the conveying estimation of CGU doesn't surpass the recoverable measure of benefits arraigning no advantage hindrance. The Group has likewise revealed about the bookkeeping strategies and methodology received for deciding the benefits debilitation. The generosity and impalpable resources having inconclusive valuable lives are every year evaluated for disability testing. Additionally, other non-current resources are inspected for disability testing on distinguishing proof of any progressions that demonstrates that their conveying sum may not be recoverable. The recoverable sum is more noteworthy than the reasonable estimation of an advantage less expense to sell and incentive being used. The advantages are ordered at the lower levels having recognizable inflows of money and have no reliance on the money inflows of other resource gatherings. The store resources have singular stores as their money creating unit (Myer Holdings Limited 2016 Annua l Report, 2016). Data required by Myer in deciding resource impedances The data required by Myer Holdings Ltd based on above graph for resource impedances can be depicted as follows. The Group at each revealing information requires data with respect to the sign that benefits might be impeded. The Group needs to consider the data accessible from both inward just as outer hotspots for deciding the benefit weaknesses. The outer source may incorporate data accessible from advertise loan fees, changes in the advances, vacillations in monetary or lawful condition and adjustment in the market capitalization. Then again, interior sources may incorporate inner rebuilding, oldness or physical harm of the advantage (Impairment bookkeeping the nuts and bolts of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, 2011). Be that as it may, the recoverable measure of altruism and impalpable resources with uncertain valuable lives should be resolved yearly whether any markers exist. The recoverable measure of advantages should be resolved for estimating the benefit impedance. The conveying m easure of the advantage is contrasted and its recoverability for distinguishing whether the benefit has weakened or not (Maynard, 2017). In any case, in the circumstance of a benefit that doesn't give money inflows. The recoverable sum is credited to the CGU to which it has a place. The Group likewise needs to evaluate the current estimation of future incomes that is assessed to be accomplished from a benefit or CGU. The Value being used (VIU) approach is normally utilized for anticipating the future incomes. The disability misfortune is recorded as consumption in the expense of a benefit and on account of revalued resource it is initially perceived against its past revaluation gains in other far reaching pay. The hindered misfortunes, other than that emerging from generosity, whenever recognized already for an advantage are venerated if there has happen any adjustment in the appraisals that were utilized for deciding its recoverability (Hussey, 2010). Adaptability accessible with Myer Holding the board for assurance of the disability of the benefits Impedance of the advantages is the ceaseless procedure and it ought to be done once in the year so as to determine estimation of benefits on the date of revealing of the budget reports (Hussey, 2010). Through creation an investigation of the yearly reports of the Myer Holdings Limited it has been discovered that administration has taken appropriate consideration to complete the impedance of the advantages. It has been discovered that administration is very adaptable to complete the test to decide any debilitation is required for the specific resources. AASB 136 sets out the prerequisite for all the organizations to do the test once in the year so as to decide if debilitation is required for any benefit or not (Collings, 2015). It is critical to have point by point level of data in regards to the estimation of future progression of money from the money creating units of the Myer Holding Limited. Each CGU produces some incomes and it is normal that it will create the equivalent in future years. Based on such suspicions estimation of future incomes are assessed and it is contrasted and the conveying estimation of that advantage. In the event that any disparity is discovered it is stamped and essential methods are followed for making the weakness such resources. Consistently the executives audits the conveying estimation of the every one of the Myer stores and if any defeat is discovered it is evacuated through making the hindrance in such CGU. In the event that where it has been seen that a specific CGU needs as debilitate than, recov erable measure of such CGU is estimated through limited income model. The executives consistently makes important presumptions to figure the recoverable sum. Recoverable sum is likewise determined through the Value being used methodology and most elevated of both RA is taken for making the debilitation. Weakness basically implies making a change in the estimation of resources for the estimation of its recoverable sum. So it very well may be said that administration discovers it is adaptable to make the impedance of the advantages (Myer Holdings Limited 2016 Annual Report, 2016). End The examination of Myer Holdings Ltd case gathered that impedance of benefits is a significant issue of concern required to be tended to by the firm. The Group, in any case, needs to intermittently audit its advantages for ID of any benefit debilitation. References Collings, S. 2015. Understanding and Application of UK GAAP: For Accounting Periods Commencing On or After 1 January 2015. John Wiley Sons. Everingham, G. also, Kana, S. 2008. Corporate Reporting: eighth Edition. Juta and Company Ltd. Hussey, R. 2010. Basics of International Financial Accounting and Reporting. World Scientific Publishing Company. Disability bookkeeping the nuts and bolts of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. 2011. [Online]. Accessible at:$FILE/Impairment_accounting_IAS_36.pdf [Accessed on: 26 August, 2017]. Maynard, J. 2017. Monetary Accounting, Reporting, and Analysis. Oxford University Press. Myer Holdings Limited 2016 Annual Report. 2016. [Online]. Accessible at: [Accessed on: 26 August, 2017].
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Anna Freud, Founder of Child Psychoanalysis
Anna Freud, Founder of Child Psychoanalysis Anna Freud was the girl of Sigmund Freud. While her dad was a goliath in the field of brain research, Anna Freud was a practiced therapist in her own right. She was the author of youngster analysis and broadened and further refined her father’s thoughts regarding safeguard systems. Quick Facts: Anna Freud Known For: Founding kid analysis and work on ego’s barrier mechanismsBorn: December 3, 1895 in Vienna, AustriaDied: October 9, 1982 in London, EnglandParents: Sigmund Freud and Martha BernaysKey Accomplishments: Chairman of the Vienna Psycho-Analytic Society (1925-1928); Honorary President of the International Psychoanalytical Association (1973-1982); Founder of the Hampstead Child Therapy Course and Clinic (1952, presently known as the Anna Freud National Center for Children and Families) Early Life Anna Freud was conceived in 1895 in Vienna, Austria. She was the most youthful of six youngsters destined to Sigmund Freud and his significant other, Martha Bernays. She didn't have a decent connection with her mom and was far off from her five kin, particularly her sister Sophie, who she felt was an opponent for her father’s consideration. In any case, she was near her dad. <img information srcset= with-family-640455985-0eb6290587504b6c9afab7894e6fd641.jpg 300w, with-family-640455985-0eb6290587504b6c9afab7894e6fd641.jpg 1234w, with-family-640455985-0eb6290587504b6c9afab7894e6fd641.jpg 2168w, with-family-640455985-0eb6290587504b6c9afab7894e6fd641.jpg 4036w information src= with-family-640455985-0eb6290587504b6c9afab7894e6fd641.jpg src=//:0 alt=Sigmund Freud Dining with Family class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-6 information following container=true /> Sigmund Freud, fourth from left, sits at a rich feasting table with the remainder of his family, including his little girl Anna, far right. Corbis/VCG through Getty Images/Getty Images Anna Freud moved on from Cottage Lyceum in 1912. While she didn’t go on to advanced education, she asserted that she took in additional at home from her dad and his associates than she could possibly do at school. What's more, obviously, Anna Freud had unmatched access to data on analysis, which would in the end empower her to turn into a significant voice in the field. Profession In 1917, Anna Freud accepting a vocation as a grade teacher. She additionally began to experience therapy with her dad a training that would be viewed as surprising today however was progressively basic at that point. In 1923, Anna Freud began her own psychoanalytic work on concentrating explicitly on kids. This was additionally the year that her dad was determined to have malignant growth and Anna turned into his guardian. In the blink of an eye a while later, Anna Freud began educating at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Training Institute. At that point in 1927, she turned into the Secretary for the International Psychoanalytic Association, and in 1935, the chief of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Training Institute. The next year she distributed her most popular work, The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense, which developed her father’s thoughts regarding safeguards and the manners in which the inner self attempts to secure itself. In 1938, when the Nazi danger turned out to be excessively extraordinary, Anna and Sigmund Freud fled Vienna and settled in London. World War II began there in 1939. Sigmund Freud kicked the bucket half a month later. <img information srcset= 300w, 1279w, 2258w, 4217w information src= src=//:0 alt=Freud In Paris class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-16 information following container=true /> Austrian therapist Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939) (second right) shows up in Paris in the wake of leaving Vienna on the way to London, Paris, France, June 1938. He is joined by his girl Anna (1895 - 1982) (left), spouse of Prince George of Greece, Marie Bonaparte (1882 - 1962) (second left), and her child Prince Peter of Greece (1908 - 1980) (right). Pictorial Parade/Getty Images During her initial a long time in England, Freud ended up in strife with Melanie Klein, another psychoanalyst who was additionally defining procedures to use with youngsters. Freud and Klein varied on key focuses about kid advancement, which prompted their various ways to deal with examination. So as to determine the contradiction, they occupied with a progression of â€Å"Controversial Discussions†that finished with the British Psychoanalytical Society framing instructional classes for both perspectives.â In 1941, Anna Freud opened The Hampstead War Nurseries with her companion Dorothy Burlingham. There, they thought about kids who had been isolated from their families because of the war and archived the children’s reactions to the pressure of being isolated from their folks. In the wake of shutting the nursery toward the finish of the war, Freud established the Hampstead Child Therapy Course and Clinic in 1952. She was its executive until her demise in London in 1982.â Commitments to Psychology Freud was a pioneer of kid analysis. She grew new methods to support youngsters, as she discovered they required unexpected mental medicines in comparison to adults. She additionally brought up that the symptom’s showed by kids shifted from those showed by grown-ups. She recommended this was an aftereffect of children’s formative stages. Furthermore, her work on the ego’s barrier instruments is as yet viewed as original. It was a significant commitment to both inner self brain science and youthful brain science. Freud said constraint, the oblivious concealment of driving forces that could be hazardous on the off chance that they were followed up on, was the rule protection system. She likewise point by point various other protection systems, including refusal, projection, and uprooting. Key Works Freud, Anna. (1936). The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense.Freud, Anna. (1965). Typicality and Pathology in Childhood: Assessments of Development.Freud, Anna. (1966-1980). The Writing of Anna Freud: 8 Volumes. Sources Cherry, Kendra. â€Å"Anna Freud Biography (1895-1982).†Verywell Mind, 11 November 2018. story 1895-1982-2795536GoodTherapy. â€Å"Anna Freud (1895-1982).†14 July 2015. analysts/anna-freud.htmlSandler, Anna Marie. Anna Freud. English Psychoanalytical Society, 2015. and-scholars/anna-freudSmirle, Corinne. Profile of Anna Freud. Psychologys Feminist Voices Multimedia Internet Archive, altered by In A. Rutherford. Freud Museum. Vita Anna Freud. Sigmund Freud Museum. Account Anna Freud. Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. â€Å"Anna Freud: Austrian-British Psychoanalyst.†Encyclopedia Britannica, 29 November 2018. https://www.britannica .com/life story/Anna-Freud
European Films & An Analysis Essay Example for Free
European Films An Analysis Essay Movies are results of culture. It is a culture woven into a bit of workmanship. Movies resemble mirrors mirroring certain societies, and these societies thusly, are likewise influenced back by these movies where they identify with. Indeed, film is considered as one incredible sort of craftsmanship due to its adequacy in impacting its crowd or film watchers. It is thusly essential to be cautious about what ought to be appeared to the watchers however films due to the potential impacts that it can do to the general population, a social substance that is reappearing from the film with a very much characterized chronicled and contemporary jobs and capacities. This open is the place the film crowds additionally originated from and, crowd, is where the film is speaking to, impacting them, their considerations, their thoughts and their convictions as they see their own way of life unfurls before them before the screen through the movies. It is really hard to envision a founded and fortified open/national personality without support between or among the individuals who are sharing this national character. The job of movies along these lines is to transfer the data back to those people with shared character, qualities, culture and numerous different things in â€Å"their feeling of normal social memory or common belonging†1 as indicated by David Forgacs, expressed in the book of Ricci. With this high reasonableness to people in general, as a general rule, governments take a few, or even a lot, safeguards previously permitting some arrival of movies by managing them or, now and again, governments exploit the movies to advance their national objectives through the support of certain subjects in them in return to certain advantages and benefits given to producers. II. Significant European Nations and Their Films It is critical to comprehend that movies are commonly managed. A few organizations situated in a nation or district into where the film is based or made, or the way of life of that locale or region where the film identifies with, must likewise be considered in the production of that specific film. Movies should likewise be resembled or should be lined up with the impulses of the administrative bodies controlling them, or, in all likelihood they can't be affirmed for open discharge and review. At present day, these guidelines are clear to certain orders given by overseeing bodies, for example, the European Union (EU) in European nations. A portion of the directive’s arrangement incorporates explanation, for example, †broadcasters hold for European works the lion's share extent of their transmission time†2. This is the general order. Every nation anyway has their separate methods of controlling and coordinating their own film enterprises just as the movies that are to be appeared in their individual domains, both before and by and by. In English film industry in the mid eightees, before Thatcher’s intercession, it â€Å"had been commonly expected that a Labor government would build state support for film in acknowledgment of its social, and not simply business, worth†3 (Hill 1996, 101) Another film industry that can be viewed as controlled, making the craftsmanship as a way to energize national objectives, is found in the French national film industry where there are portions regarding the level of European and American/outside movies that might be appeared to the general population, and this is professed to be as per social protection of European qualities. In Italy be that as it may, films are more liberated and without so much limitations forced upon their endorsement and discharge to people in general. In the mid 1920’s Soviet time, remote movies were even used with the end goal of its own â€Å"industrys recovery†. 4 The accompanying area centers around significant European countries and their national film shapes inside and out investigations in their institutional setting. This incorporates the English, French and Italian film enterprises among others. III. Chosen European Films in Their Institutional Context As the Second World War drew closer, it was accepted that the film creations in European territories were arbitrary. That was history. Today, beside the umbrella guidelines of the ongoing EU Directive, every country, particularly the more prominent ones, have their own arrangements of rules and approaches, just as style and culture in their individual movie enterprises. Coming up next are significant European nations/regions and how their particular film ventures are regarding institutional setting/
Friday, August 21, 2020
Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans on French Revolution Free Essays
Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans on French Revolution The Federalists needed to stay unbiased in regards to the issue of French Revolution so as to keep away from to an exchange struggle with Britain. In any case, the Jeffersonian Republicans needed to assist France with accomplishing autonomy from a barbarous government and help the Frenchmen bolster the possibility of opportunity simply like the United States. The Federalist Party was driven by Alexander Hamilton. We will compose a custom article test on Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans on French Revolution or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Federalists supported a solid central government, accepted that the legislature ought to be administered by instructed, affluent men, needed to take care of national obligation, setting up a national credit, advanced business amp; fabricating, and deciphered the United States Constitution with a receptive outlook. These perspectives upheld the Federalists’ see on the French Revolution thus did Jefferson’s party. Thomas Jefferson drove his gathering known as the Jeffersonian Republicans. The Jeffersonian Republicans bolstered the possibility of government managed by educated men, put stock in a solid state government, needed to develop an economy by developing harvests, and followed the U. S. Constitution verbatim. Jefferson’s party too had a feeling on the French Revolution. Hamilton and Jefferson upheld their party’s sees. The Federalists needed to stay unbiased to evade an assent from Britain on American merchandise since they were exceptionally worried about taking care of the national obligation and guarantee a solid economy by sending out produced products. Then again, Jeffersonian Republicans and his pioneer, a creator of the Declaration of Independence, bolstered the theme of the French Revolution and accepted that the Americans should bolster one like theirs. Taking everything into account, the Federalist Party needed to stay nonpartisan with respect to the issue of French Revolution to evade an assent from Britain. However, the Jeffersonian Republicans upheld the French residents to evacuate a medieval framework, rebel against an oppression and accomplish autonomy like America. The most effective method to refer to Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans on French Revolution, Papers
How Writing Feeds Your Inspiration
How Writing Feeds Your Inspiration Ahhhh, inspiration. That moment when the rest of the world falls away and all thats left is you and the perfect sequence of words, like the unveiling of a mystery, the solving of a puzzle, everything all of the sudden just fits. While these moments exist, and thank goodness that they do, most professional writers will confirm that inspiration isnt enough to finish a project or to carry an idea to its fruition. You have to also sit down and slog through some pretty ugly stuff when everything you write looks awkward and stupid and youre considering becoming a waitress or a used car salesman because this artist thing is just too hard. But sitting down and slogging through the mud is actually what opens you up to moments of inspiration. Its creating the space for it to happen and working through it when it isnt present that allows for inspirations sudden arrival. Kind of like a lightning beacon by showing up, sitting down, scribbling out some words that may look like total nonsense, youre basically holding up a metal rod in the middle of the storm, saying “Okay, come and hit me.†Many novice writers carry the erroneous notion that in order to write, they must first be inspired. Researcher David Boice found that writers who write on a daily basis have creative thoughts twice as often as those who only write when they feel like writing. William Faulkner said of inspiration: “I only write when I am inspired. Fortunately, Im inspired at 9 oclock every morning.†Its true. The writing process is the road to inspiration. Take this quote from Joyce Carol Oates: “The first sentence cant be written until the last sentence is written.†It might sound like a Zen koan. But it basically means you start out not knowing where youre going or even where you are. By the time you get to the end, you can finally see the beginning. But without going through the steps to get to the end, youll never even see the beginning and the rest of the story will never unfold. Louis LAmour advises us to “Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.†Many writers describe the feeling they get when theyre writing as something transcendental. It has the ability to heal, to comfort, to transform and yes, to inspire. Catherine Drinker Bowen explains one of the great pleasures of writing, “For your born writer, nothing is so healing as the realization that he has come upon the right wordâ€. Neil Gaiman explains the feeling of fulfillment that writing can bring when he says, “Tomorrow may be hell, but today was a good writing day, and on the good writing days, nothing else matters.†Anne Frank said, “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.†Anais Nin defines the pleasure of writing: “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.†And Joss Whedon tells us that “I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things Im afraid of.†Joan Didion uses writing as an exploration of her own mind, “I write entirely to find out what Im thinking, what Im looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.†Toni Morrison advises us to use writing as creative fulfillment when she says, “If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasnt been written yet, then you must write it.†Some writers warn that writing comes with a huge price. Flannery OConner explains that, “Writing a novel is a terrible experience, during which the hair often falls out and the teeth decay. Im always irritated by people who imply that writing fiction is an escape from reality. It is a plunge into reality and its very shocking to the system.†And George Orwell admits that, “Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one was not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand.†(via WritersDigest) The demon, the muse or whatever it is that drives writers to write is also what makes it so painful when they dont. Though writing does have a price, what about the price of not writing? Paulo Coelho poetically explains that, “Tears are words that need to be written.†(via Goodreads) Mitch Albom says, “Nothing haunts us like the things we dont say,†and Maya Angelou warns, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.†Writing not only inspires better writing, but having the courage to write inspires you to live more freely and courageously. Kurt Vonnegut tells us, “We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.†(via BuzzFeed) And Ray Bradbury begs us, “Let the world burn through you. Throw the prism light, white hot, on paper†and “You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you. (via WritersDigest) And Franz Kafka instructs us, “Dont bend; dont water it down; dont try to make it logical; dont edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.†(via Goodreads) And Natalie Goldberg wants us to be brutally honest with ourselves in the writing process, “Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open.†(via BuzzFeed) The writing process takes you out of the mundane and throws you into the creative realm. Its there that lightning most often strikes. So if you want to be inspired, dont wait, write.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Research On Islamic Banking In The United Kingdom - Free Essay Example
This research plan will be a hub of attention to inspect the opportunities of progress and growth as well as the major challenges to Islamic banking in the UK. The UK is the hub of Islamic banking and contains importance in Islamic financial sector due to its fast growing Muslim population. Islamic banking is facing some great challenges in the UK because the financial system is more favourable to conventional banking. There are greater opportunities in the UK for development and growth of Islamic financial system because Muslim community is eager to take financial products and they are willing to spend their lives according to their religion. There is need to educate the Muslim community toward Islamic financial products; service providers need to improve the information system within the communities and Islamic banking institution is need to work hard for survival and compete with conventional banking system in the sector of regulations and supervisions. The keywords in this research are Islamic banking, Islamic finance, Muslim population, Muslim scholars, Islamic banking growth in the UK and Islamic banking challenges. 2.0 RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE According to the figures of Office for National Statistics 2001, there was 1.6 million (2.8%) Muslims living in the United Kingdom but according to Home Secretary the Muslim population is increasing with high growth rate. In just seven years there is an increase of 40,000 Muslims in the UK and figures reached on 2 million which consist of 3.3% of total UK population. There was no any facility available to Muslim community before 2000 but the Muslim population want to spend their lives according to their faith. According to Islamic teaching interest is strongly prohibited in Islam and they want to take banking services such as saving accounts, current accounts, home finances, insurance and loan according to Islamic Shaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢riah law. The United Kingdom is non-Muslim country and all its financial rules and regulation in favour of conventional banking. Because the Muslim community is active part of the UK economy, there was need to start a system which is acceptable to the se people. Islamic banking is started in the UK in 2003 with authorization of Financial services Authority. From 2003 to 2009 there is enough improvement and development in Islamic banking system. Currently two main high street conventional banks and one wholly Islamic bank are involved in Islamic banking services. But Islamic banking institution is still in the growth and infancy stage and Islamic banking is facing different challenges in this Western society such as socially, economically, fund management and regulations. With increasing popularity of Islamic banking in Western countries especially in the UK there are some difficulties in the way of Islamic Shaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢riah law, Islamic banking system as well as the role of Financial Services Authority and UK Government are the critical issues. It is necessary to find out the opportunities for development and growth of Islamic banking in the UK and major challenges are faced by Islamic banking. 3.0 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main objectives of this proposal is to find out the opportunities for development and growth of Islamic banking in UK and challenges which are currently faced by Islamic banking in the world and United Kingdom specially. The main objective of this research proposal is to investigate the basic understanding of Islamic banking in community and in banking sector because without basic understanding it is difficult to develop this financial system, whether there is any opportunity for growth and development in the UK and which kind of challenges is faced by Islamic banking. The objectives of the research proposal are to: Examine that how important to know the fundamentals for Islamic banking for Muslim community and service providers. Investigate that do Muslims really believe and know the difference between Islamic banking and conventional banking and what are the factors which make Islamic banking prior to conventional for Muslim community. How important in Shaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ riah law and its practise for Islamic finance and the role of Islamic scholars in promoting Islamic banking services and products. 4.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review illustrates the concept, scope and principles of Islamic banking around the globe in general and specifically in the United Kingdom. Islamic banking is a universal concept in the conventional banking, which is in practice with its many products in most of high street banks in the UK like HSBC, Lloyd TSB and as well Islamic Bank of Britain. 5.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY There are two main research paradigms positivistic and phenomenological. It is possible that different authors may use the alternative terms for these main paradigms in different time. The most commonly and alternatively used the terms are quantitative research method for positivistic and qualitative for phenomenological (Collis and Hussey, 2003). The originally the positivistic paradigm was developed in the natural sciences to study natural phenomena and it is confirmatory and deductive in nature. The phenomenological paradigm was developed in the social sciences to facilitate the researchers to research and analyze social and cultural phenomena and this approach is exploratory and inductive in nature (www.socialresearchmethods). The paradigm is very important because it gives you a right path to use the right methodology. According to Collis and Hussy (2003 p.55) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Regardless of which paradigm you are employing, it is important that you pay attention to all the feat ures, and ensure that there are no contradictions or deficiencies in your methodologyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. The paradigm of this research is phenomenological because it tends to produce qualitative data not quantitative. The quantitative research is objective in nature that involves analysis of numerical data by applying statistical tests (Collis and Hussey, 2003). But the qualitative research is much more subjective in nature, concerned with generating theories and can be generalized in understanding of the phenomenon of challenges and opportunities of Islamic banking in UK. 6.0 RESEARCH PURPOSE Islamic banking is a hot topic in western countries especially in the UK. In the UK almost 2 million Muslims community is living and they want to spend their lives according to their religion ( This community is well contributing to the economy of the UK due to this the UK government gives more importance in the sector of Islamic banking. Nowadays the UK is the hub of Islamic banking and most of the high street banks providing the services of Islamic window. Due to this growing demand, Islamic banking faces some difficulties and challenges in western countries. The purpose of the study is to examine and analyze the growth and opportunities of Islamic banking in the UK.  7.0 RESEARCH METHOD For this research project, I chose to undertake qualitative research method. The qualitative method is a type of research that emphasizes the quality of meaning in consumer perceptions and behaviours; there are different criteria or techniques can be used in qualitative method such as in-depth interviews and focus groups. The most common qualitative research techniques include: In-depth interview Focus group Case study Direct observation  7.1 Reason for choosing In-depth interview: I chose in-depth interview technique for my qualitative research due to its unique advantages over other techniques such as focus group and questionnaires. In the way of in-depth interviews it is easy to speak to an individual and keep his attention on specific topic comparatively it is difficult in focus group interviews. There is a lot of time saving and reducing the hassles to take an appointment from individual. The main advantage of in-depth interview is that the interviews can be easily conducted with key community leaders through that researcher can get a fast overview of a community according to his requirements. 7.2 Sources of data: 7.2.1 Primary data: This research is based on a study of the UK because growing population of Muslims community is playing positive role for the UK economy. Actually most of the Muslims want to spend their lives according to their faith. In this case study it will be examined that what are the problems and opportunities in the UK for Islamic banking. I will use the qualitative method of research in this project. There are different techniques of qualitative method but according to the situation the in-depth interviews is more suitable form for this project. According to Collis and Hussey (2003) in phenomenological approach the interview questions are unstructured or semi- structured in pattern not closed questions like positivistic approach. The plan is that the researcher will prepare semi-structured questions that are helpful to take maximum information from interviewees because in closed questions it is possible that some important information will be ignored. In semi-structured interviews the rese archer has an opportunity to probe various areas and to raise specific queries during the semi-structured interviews. 7.3 Data collection methods: For the collection of primary data I shall use technique of in-depth interview. The plan is to hold the eight in-depth interviews from different sectors of the society. The researcher will hold four interviews from the banks authorities such as HSBC, Lloyd TSB and Islamic Bank of Britain that will give the clear facts and figures about the growth, opportunities and problems related to Islamic banking with reference to shaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢riah compliance and Governmental authorities. Two with such Muslims who already customer of the Islamic banking which will facilitate the research through providing the information why they did take up Islamic banking, advantages and disadvantages of this system and as well about the scope of Islamic banking in UK. Two with such Muslims that are not using Islamic banking product which will helpful to investigate why they have not taken the Islamic banking product and which factors are stopping them from these services that are according to their f aith. My plan is to speak to non-Muslims that are using the Islamic banking products that will provide the best information for the growth and strong fundamentals of Islamic banking. The planned is to conduct these interviews through sending letters to banking authorities and emails to customer services department of the perspective banks to arrange an appointment. To take interviews from customers and non-customers of the Islamic banking the interviewer will use the posters advertisement in the mosques and libraries in that area where the Muslims are living in majority. The interviews will be recorded using the voice recorder with the permission of the interviewees. If the voice recorder is not possible then the interviewer will take notes which will be summarized with full detail and also these notes will be available on demand for further investigation. 8.0 Research limitations: This research was proposed to be conducted in a very short span of 8 weeks, which forced the researchers to curtail the research from expanding in to a wider spectrum. According to the proposed planned of seven interviews it is possible that there should be some hurdle to get all information from customers of Islamic banking. In the course of research if the researcher will feel to get more widely information about the growth of Islamic banking then mini open ended questionnaires will be conducted. As the research was a part of student project there where huge limitations on financial resources. Lack of financial backup congests the team, which in turn curbed the research team from dilating the research. Conclusion: The purpose of research is to find out opportunities of growth and development as well the main challenges to Islamic banking in the United Kingdom. The primary data which was collected through in-depth interviews is to match with the different opinions of the community members about the scope and future of Islamic banking in the UK. The outcomes and results of these in-depth interviews are matched with aims and objectives of the research.
Monday, May 25, 2020
A Relationship Between Physical Properties And Mental...
The relationship between the physical and the mental is an issue that philosophers have pondered for centuries, and this issue still remains relevant today. In the attempt to determine the relationship between physical properties and mental properties two schools of thoughts emerged: Monism and Dualism. People who subscribe to monism believe physical properties, such as color and location, as well as mental properties, such as emotions and beliefs, are all one entity. Materialisms, the most popular form of monism, claims that everything mental is also physical. On the other end of the spectrum, Dualists believe that physical and mental properties are two separate entities. This paper will address the merits of interactionist substance dualism (interactionism) and epiphenomenalist property dualism (epiphenomenalism) as well as functionalism which is a type of materialism. The debate between dualism and materialism has retained its relevance today even though most contemporary philosophers believe materialism to be true. This is in large part due to the implications that comes with both views. If dualism is true, this means that there are some things that science will never be able to explain because science only has the ability to explain the physical. Therefore, dualism does not correspond with a scientific worldview which indicates why most scientists and philosophers are reluctant to accept this view. On the other hand, if materialism is true the possibility of anShow MoreRelatedProperty Dualism1389 Words  | 6 Pagesassesses property dualism, a theory of mind. It proclaims the existence of a single, physical substance (unlike Cartesian dualism), but argues that this single substance has two potential properties: physical and mental states that are not reducible. The idea that mental states are non-reducible properties of brain states is the central tenant of a theory of mind called property dualism. However, before we can assess the theory we must be aware that the question assumes the existence of mental statesRead MoreThe Three Concepts Of Donald Davidsons Anomalous Monism1359 Words  | 6 Pages Donald Davidson’s Mental Events, challenges how we discuss mind-body interactions. The thesis presented by Davidson, is that of Anomalous Monism, which attempts to answer the causality of mental and physical events. Differing from forms of the more common Dualism, Davidson accepts monism as the best way to describe the mind-body relationship. Meaning he accepts token identity and rejects type-identity. Davidson’s argument consists of three key principles. The first being the Principle of CausalRead MoreThe Mind Body Problem By Mark Rowlands957 Words  | 4 Pagespaints a beautiful picture of what love actually looks like, espe cially if it was between a zombie and a human being. This movie tells the story of a brain-dead, non-mentally functioning zombie and how true love has the power to turn this creature into a real man again. As stated later, according to the dualism, zombies do not exist, so that whole story line can be thrown out the window. Dualism separates the properties of the mind and the body. By looking at the mind-body problem, the aspects of dualismRead MoreThe Mind-Body Problem Essay957 Words  | 4 Pagesdebated even today, raises the question about the relationship between the mind and the body. Theorists, such as Renà © Descartes and Thomas Nagel, have written extensively on the problem but they have many dissenting beliefs. Descartes, a dualist, contends that the mind and body are two different substances that can exist separately. Conversely, Nagel, a dual aspect theorist, contends that the mind and body are not substances but different properties. However, although Nagel illustrat es the problemsRead MoreIn The Philosophy Of Mind, One Of The Most Prominent Philosophical955 Words  | 4 Pagessubstance. Likewise, Anomalous Monism theorized and developed by Donald Davidson in his work, Mental Events, proposes that reality consists of one kind of substance, namely, physical substance. That is, according to Davidson, all mental events are a part of the physical realm. Furthermore, Anomalous Monism, also known as the token-identity theory, is Davidson’s attempt to rectify the problem of the mind-body relationship – which questions how the human mind and the body can causally interact. However, itRead MoreRelationship Between Mind And Body929 Words  | 4 PagesIn philosophy, Mind–body dualism is any theory that states that the mind and body are two distinct kinds of substances or natures. The problem of the relationship of the mind to body arose from the works of Renà © Descartes, a French philosopher and mathematician of the 17th-centu ry who gave dualism its classical formulation or made it to be what it is today. Conceived from his famous â€Å"Cogito, ergo sum†(Latin) meaning â€Å"I think, therefore I am,†he developed a theory of the mind as a nontangible andRead MoreThe Mind Body Problem And Substance Dualism869 Words  | 4 Pagessupport for Descartes notion of the immaterial mind, by critically discussing the view of substance dualism, pertaining to the relationship between the mind and body. The two arguments of which I will provide in this paper to support this view are divisibility and disembodied existence. There are two fundamentally different substances in this universe, physical and mental properties, this paper will explore both of these substances (8). The first supporting argument which I will present to support substanceRead MoreEssay about Descartes Theory of Substance Dualism791 Words  | 4 Pagesnonphysical characteristic of ourselves. Does our physical brain automatically give us nonphysical characteristics like feelings, thoughts, and desires or is there something else there, the mind, that interacts with our bodies and makes us feel, think, and desire? Also, is the mind the only nonphysical entity in our universe or do other entities exist such as ghosts or souls? One man came up with a theory to explain the two different properties in our universe in which he called Dualism. HopefullyRead MoreWhat Is Mind And Does It Exist?937 Words  | 4 Pagesname of Plato. Plato observed the differences between the ideal forms of the content of mind and the every world. Plato defined the philosophy of mind as â€Å"a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind, mental events, mental functions, mental properties, consciousness, and their relationship to the physical body, particularly the brain.†Trying to relate the mind and body together created the mind-body problem which when â€Å"the relationship of the mind to the body, is commonly seen as aRead MoreFunctionalism And Its Positive And Negative Arguments1582 Words  | 7 Pagesargument and demonstrate the properties of functionalism. Before I begin to discuss functionalism I think it would be only best if I lightly outline philosophy and the theories that originated functionalism. The three main branches of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology. Epistemology focuses on the nature of knowledge. Within this category is the philosophy of the mind. The Philosophy of the Mind addresses how the mind is related to the physical world of cause and affect (Sober
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