Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Make a Cloud Chamber

Although you cannot see it, background radiation is all around us. Natural (and harmless) sources of radiation include cosmic rays, radioactive decay from elements in rocks, and even radioactive decay from elements in living organisms. A cloud chamber is a simple device that allows us to see the passage of ionizing radiation. In other words, it allows for indirect observation of radiation. The device is also known as a Wilson cloud chamber, in honor of its inventor, Scottish physicist Charles Thomson Rees Wilson. Discoveries made using a cloud chamber and a related device called a bubble chamber led to the 1932 discovery of the positron, the 1936 discovery of the muon, and the 1947 discovery of the kaon. How a Cloud Chamber Works There are different types of cloud chambers. The diffusion-type cloud chamber is the easiest to construct. Basically, the device consists of a sealed container that is made warm on the top and cold on the bottom. The cloud inside the container is made of alcohol vapor (e.g., methanol, isopropyl alcohol). The warm top part of the chamber vaporizes the alcohol. The vapor cools as it falls and condenses on the cold bottom. The volume between the top and bottom is a cloud of supersaturated vapor. When an energetic charged particle (the radiation) passes through the vapor, it leaves an ionization trail. The alcohol and water molecules in the vapor are polar, so they are attracted to ionized particles. Because the vapor is supersaturated, when the molecules move closer, they condense into misty droplets that fall toward the bottom of the container. The path of the trail can be traced back to the origin of the radiation source. Make a Homemade Cloud Chamber Only a few simple materials are needed to construct a cloud chamber: Clear glass or plastic container with lid99% Isopropyl alcoholDry iceInsulated container (e.g., a foam cooler)Absorbent materialBlack paperVery bright flashlightSmall bowl of warm water A good container might be a large empty peanut butter jar. Isopropyl alcohol is available at most pharmacies as rubbing alcohol. Make sure its 99% alcohol. Methanol also works for this project, but it is much more toxic. The absorbent material could be a sponge or piece of felt. An LED flashlight works well for this project, but you can also use the flashlight on your smartphone. Youll also want your phone handy to take pictures of the tracks in the cloud chamber. Start by stuffing a piece of sponge into the bottom of the jar. You want a snug fit so it wont fall when the jar is inverted later on. If necessary, a bit of clay or gum can help stick the sponge to the jar. Avoid tape or glue, since the alcohol may dissolve it.Cut the black paper to cover the inside of the lid. Black paper eliminates reflection and is slightly absorbent. If the paper doesnt stay in place when the lid is sealed, stick it to the lid using clay or gum. Set the paper-lined lid aside for now.Pour isopropyl alcohol into the jar so that the sponge is completely saturated, but there isnt excess liquid. The easiest way to do this is to add alcohol until there is liquid and then pour the excess out.Seal the lid of the jar.In a room that can be made completely dark (e.g., a closet or bathroom without windows), pour dry ice into a cooler. Turn the jar upside down and place it lid-down onto the dry ice. Give the jar about 10 minutes to chill.Set a small dish of warm water on top of the cloud chamber (onto the bottom of the jar). The warm water heats the alcohol to form a cloud of vapor.Finally, turn off all the lights. Shine a flashlight through the side of the cloud chamber. Youll see visible tracks in the cloud as ionizing radiation enters and leaves the jar. Safety Considerations Even though isopropyl alcohol is safer than methanol, its still toxic if you drink it and its highly flammable. Keep it away from a heat source or open flame.Dry ice is cold enough to cause frostbite on contact. It should be handled using gloves. Also, dont store dry ice in a sealed container, as pressure build-up as the solid sublimates into gas can cause an explosion. Things to Try If you have a radioactive source, place it near the cloud chamber and see the effect of the increased radiation. Some everyday materials are radioactive, such as brazil nuts, bananas, clay kitty litter, and vaseline glass.A cloud chamber offers an excellent opportunity to test methods of shielding against radiation. Place different materials between your radioactive source and the cloud chamber. Examples might include a baggie of water, a piece of paper, your hand, and a sheet of metal. Which is best at shielding against radiation?Try applying a magnetic field to the cloud chamber. Positive and negative charged particles will curve in opposite directions in response to the field. Cloud Chamber Versus Bubble Chamber A bubble chamber is another type of radiation detector based on the same principle as the cloud chamber. The difference is that bubble chambers used superheated liquid rather than supersaturated vapor. A bubble chamber is made by filling a cylinder with a liquid just above its boiling point. The most common liquid is liquid hydrogen. Usually, a magnetic field is applied to the chamber so that ionizing radiation travels in a spiral path according to its speed and charge-to-mass ratio. Bubble chambers may be larger than cloud chambers and can be used to track more energetic particles.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

John Stuart Mill vs. Immanuel Kant - 2163 Words

John Stuart Mill vs. Immanuel Kant The aim of this paper is to clearly depict how John Stuart Mill’s belief to do good for all is more appropriate for our society than Immanuel Kant’s principle that it is better to do whats morally just. I will explain why Mill’s theory served as a better guide to moral behavior and differentiate between the rights and responsibilities of human beings to themselves and society. Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill are philosophers who addressed the issues of morality in terms of how moral customs are formed. Immanuel Kant presented one perspective in The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals that is founded on his belief that the worth of man is inherent in his skill to reason. John Stuart Mill holds†¦show more content†¦Mill disagreed that it is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied, meaning, human dissatisfaction is superior to animal satisfaction, or more clearer stated as better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. This means the fool would simply be of a different view because he did not know both sides of the question. This statement means that Mill has rejected the identification of the concept happiness and replaced it with pleasure and the absence of pain and rejected the concept unhappiness and replaced it with pain and the absence of pleasure. Even though his point was based on the maximization of hap piness, he showed the differences between pleasures that are higher and lower in quality. Mills principle of utility seeks for the logical rationality of ethics through the consequences of actions as the consideration determining their morality, therefore the possession of happiness as opposed to the avoidance of pain. Utilitarianism might be an instance of a more general theory of right consequentialism, which supports that right and wrong can only, be reviewed by the kindness of consequences. This common kind of theory can be easily understood by considering the form of consequentialism. Consequentialism states that an act is right if, of those accessible to the agent at the time, it would produce the most overall value in the end. UtilitarianShow MoreRelatedKant And Mill On Animal Ethics Essay1365 Words   |  6 PagesIn this essay I will begin by explaining the overall views of Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill, then compare and contrast the ideas and philosophies of Kant and Mill on Animal Ethics. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design -

Question: Discuss about the Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. Answer: Introduction This report is to critically evaluate and make a research foundation for further research. The main focus of the previous assignments was to review the cybercrime environments in some sector where the impact of the crime is high (Soomro 2016). Therefore, the organisation chosen is of manufacturing sector in mining called BHP Billiton. The research design and approach to conducting the research in the field is also outlined in the following discussions. The project objectives of doing the research are also discussed (Sales 2012). The data collection process and research limitations while doing the research is opined as suitable. Based on the research method and outlines activity the main tasks are scheduled in a chart below. To analyse the cyber protection level of the company by doing primary and secondary research of the company To build a primary foundation of doing research and gather data for to analyse To recommend further usage and increase responsibility of the companies regarding cyber crime and cite the advantage of using such protection system Project scope The main scope of doing this research is to gather primary research data for further usage of the cyber crime laws and regulations. Further, this project will be useful for those companies, which are very prone to data hacking. This advantage of this research will be helpful in having further knowledge in this regard. The recommendations can also be useful for the companies, which are trying to incorporate the cyber security programs in their company and planning for implementing further improvement. The scope of this project also lies in recommendations of to develop more protections for the companies facing the cyber hacking problems and initiate actions to increase the responsibility of the companies towards their dat. With the evolution of the technology, crime in the cyber space has also increased. The negative aspect of internet and technologies, the scope of crime has become a challenging aspect that threatens the company (Sales 2012). Therefore, the essential part of the process is to practise the preventive methods to increase cyber security. The company that are getting more responsibility about cyber security aspect is identified to be BHP Billiton, which tries to secure its data from cyber attacks. This company uses different internet protocols and recruited nine-security architecture for professional security purpose. It has a separate unit of the for cyber security, which incorporates security governance and risk mitigation group and compliance group. The transactional data that the company have or shares with their stakeholders are protected, recognised and analysed thoroughly. Comparative analysis There are many policies regarding cyber security that the company goes by, for insecurity of information. The responsibility of the company is also in the matter of national security and economic growth. The CIIP handbooks that gives an overview of how the security infrastructure must be in the issues that makes the mitigation of the companys security more reliable are discussed and abide by in the process (Tonge et al. 2013). The critical sectors that gets affected by the cyber crime like breach of company data, Botnets, web based attacks, malicious software, malwares and malicious codes, virus, and Trojans. BHP takes different kind of initiatives in mitigates vulnerabilities of the systems, and protects its assets (Crozier 2017). The plan to employ the CIRT (critical incident response team) is also a stern step to revise the remaining security system of the companys different process. BHP Billiton is also reinforcing their organizations security architecture resources, which is out side the domain of specific security of the companies data (Jacobs 2016). The organization security architecture team of BHP Billiton will be leading globally based out of Melbourne. This new security team also in process of designing, implementing, supporting and documenting the architecture of security infrastructure. The collective security methods like using firewalls, role based access, physical separation, encryption of data and backing up the data for future use in emergency are also part of the process of security methods (Jacobs 2016). Cyber crime and security team always conducts an adequate audit trails in application to analyze the root cause of these kind of data breaches and crimes. To perform the administrative task in the company regarding security measures BHP Billiton conducts research for tracking the objectives of cyber security functional initiatives in partnerships with high level of authority. What are the risks involved in cyber crime for an organisation and what is the responsibility of the owners of the business in mitigating the risk? How BHP Billiton uses the cyber security programs? What are the data hacking risk factors affects the impacts the operation of the company? What are the different types of risk that BHP Billiton faces in their organisation and what protection level does it use in their company? Research design and methodology The research methodology here includes both qualitative research and quantitative research from the secondary and primary data. The qualitative approach is known as the respondents unstructured responds in different categorical variable but a quantitative research is based on the huge number of respondents survey analysis. This helps in generalising the responds for the research purpose. In a research, approach of reliability and validity outlines the main concerns of the research system. This also ensures the outcomes of the research are valuable and can be correctly used. This validity and reliability is also takes into consideration about the ethics of conducting a research program. Reliability defines as a testing and evaluation of the data. The most important part of doing a qualitative research is to provide it with quality. The factors that must be given emphasise are credibility, neutrality, conformability, consistency, applicability and transferability (Low and Ong 2014). This is essentials among the factors that need to be considered. To ensure this factors the examination process must be trustworthy. On the other hand the validity must be kept in mind and while doing the qualitative research. The two kinds of validity must be kept in mind, the construct validity and concept validity. The concept validity must be taken into account for imperceptivity of con ceptions (Sauter and Carafano 2012). Qualitative research is more naturalistic approach to seek the phenomena that are context specific. The categorical variable are more used in this king of research but the numeric and alpha numeric is considered more quantitative approach to study the research (Creswell and Poth, 2017). The quantitative approach to research is more findings based and takes into consideration the following things. For example, prediction, generalisation also extra and interpolation of the findings. This is not philosophical in nature rather like qualitative research. Research approach After designing, the research comes the approach. The more basic of the approach process is inductive and deductive. It has been described, the inductive approach to be done in the data collection, analysis and observation of data (Low and Ong 2014). The theory selection, hypothesis testing and implementation of theories are confirmation of research done on the topic. Here the part of collecting the research data is done in inductive ways. The research design in this study is exploratory. This design enlightens the background information that has been collected while doing the literature review of the study. There is also descriptive study process done in the finding the objectives of the research. Here in this research design the focus is to collect primary data from the company and based on the fining and analysis the correct conclusion must be given (Yin 2013). Data collection process By objectives of this study, it has been decided that primary and secondary both data must be collected on the company BHP Billiton. The research topic is based the cyber security and what are the precautions that must be taken in mitigating the risk arising from not having cyber security method incorporated in the company Information system (Yin 2013). The group of six managers are identified from the company to do a primary research. Based on the case objectives the research questions will be prepared. The secondary data will be collected from the group of employees that are from BHP Billiton. The set of hypothesis will be constructed based on the data collected and findings are analysed. As the research goes after primary and secondary data collection, which is the crucial part of the system and surveying the respondents (Creswell and Poth 2017). Sampling method includes interviewing the appropriate candidate for research and based on that sample must be chosen. The probability sampling is the best method chosen for this research study. Convenient sampling reduces the deviation of the responds of the candidate. 6 managers are chosen for interviewing and remaining 50 employees of the company will be surveyed for primary data collection. The sample variables that are collected will be one dependent and one independent variable. The independent variable here is the cyber crime rate and dependent is the security system that is incorporated in BHP Billiton. Research Limitations There are some limitations to conducting research. For example, getting authentic journals of the research and building the research foundation for further research. In addition, the budget constraint must be kept in mind. However, it also must be kept in mind the time constraint of the research. Conclusions Therefore, from the above text it can be suggested that the company BHP Billiton takes a number of protection measure in there system and takes care of their confidential datum of their system and operations. Further, the text outlines a research method for conducting a research on the measuring the cyber security and what the company takes into consideration while incorporating protection level in the system. The data collection process and research limitations while doing the research is opined as suitable. Based on the research method and outlined activity the main tasks are scheduled in a chart above. Reference Creswell, J.W. and Poth, C.N., 2017.Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage publications. Crozier, R, 2017, BHP Billiton to create big Aussie infosec unit, retrived on 19th August 2017 from: Franke, U. and Brynielsson, J., 2014, Cyber situational awarenessa systematic review of the literature, Computers Security, 46, pp.18-31. Goo, J., Yim, M.S. and Kim, D.J., 2014, A path to successful management of employee security compliance: An empirical study of information security climate, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 57(4), pp.286-308. Jacobs, T., 2016, Industrial-sized Cyber Attacks Threaten the Upstream Sector,Journal of Petroleum Technology,68(03), pp.42-50. Low, S.P. and Ong, J., 2014. Research Design and Methodology. InProject Quality Management(pp. 69-77). Springer Singapore. Sales, N.A., 2012. Regulating cyber-security. Sauter, M. and Carafano, J., 2012.Homeland Security: A Complete Guide 2/E. McGraw Hill Professional. Soomro, Z.A., Shah, M.H. and Ahmed, J., 2016, Information security management needs more holistic approach: A literature review, International Journal of Information Management, 36(2), pp.215-225. Tonge, A.M., Kasture, S.S. and Chaudhari, S.R., 2013, Cyber security: challenges for society-literature review, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2(12), pp.67-75. Yan, Z., Zhang, P. and Vasilakos, A.V., 2014, A survey on trust management for Internet of Things, Journal of network and computer applications, 42, pp.120-134. Yin, R.K., 2013.Case study research: Design and methods. Sage publicat

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The River Of Freedom Essay Example For Students

The River Of Freedom Essay In Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn, the Mississippi River plays many roles and holds a prominent theme throughout much of the story. Huck and Jim are without a doubt the happiest and most at peace when floating down the river on their raft. The river has a deeper meaning than just water and mud, almost to the extent of having its own ideal personality. It provides the two characters a means of escape from everything and everyone, and puts them at ease. Although quite constrained in its capacity to provide freedom of movement, the raft offers the two a certain amount of freedom in actions, words, and emotions. Huck senses this truth when he mentions how; other places feel so cramped and smothery, but a raft dont. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft.; (Twain, 113) However, the freedom that is experienced on the raft can be deceiving. This freedom is only temporary and will not last forever. Huck and Jim cannot live on a raft traveling down the Mississippi forever and m ust focus on the main situation at hand, getting Jim his true freedom A freedom that stretches beyond the limiting reaches of a raft. Huckleberry resents the objectives and beliefs of the so-called civilized; people of the society around him. Huck likes to be free from the restrictions of others and just be himself, living by his own rules. He disbelieves the societal beliefs that have been embedded in his mind since birth, which is shown by his brother-like relationship with Jim, a runaway slave. Only on the raft do they have the chance to practice the idea of brotherhood which they are so devoted to. When Rifkin, 2on the raft, peacefully wading down the river, skin color plays no major part in the way that they interact and outright racist perception is nonexistent. The river is the only form of separation from all of the negative virtues of society which Huck has access to. However, it still does not completely separate them from what they disbelieve in. Although the river allows them a certain amount of freedom at first, this freedom is very limited in its capacity, for they must still make a big effort to avoid others, hiding by day and floating down the river by night. Huck has to constantly invent new stories to tell nearby boatsmen or any other people who might interfere with their quest for freedom. We will write a custom essay on The River Of Freedom specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Another appeal of the river its ideal peacefulness. It does not seem like Huck enjoys the company of others too much with the exception of Jim, Tom Sawyer, and secondary characters such as Mary Jane Wilks. He seems to enjoy a tranquil environment where there are not many unnecessary annoyances. When he and Jim anchor to watch the sun rise, he mentions that there was; Not a sound anywhere- perfectly still- just like the whole world was asleep; (113) With just Huck and Jim on the raft things probably would tend to be more quiet for two people can only talk for so long, as opposed to having mixed conversations with many people. He loves these moments which possibly last for even days at a time, for at one point Huck says; Two or three days and nights went by; I reckon I might say they swum by, they slid along so quiet and smooth and lovely.; (113) This degree of peace and appreciation of quietness took time to get accustomed to and strengthens every time they return from the land. The m ore they venture onto the shore, the more they appreciate everything the raft has to offer. Hucks attachment to the raft and his companion grows every time he returns to the serenity of the raft. Not only does he enjoy Rifkin, 3in a way being cut off from society, but he somewhat becomes detached from it, not realizing that he has entered the realm at times. Although the river provides such heavenly things to Huck and Jim, it is also a source of danger, and the threat is ever-present. There is the threat of the raft being ripped apart during storms. (Thunderstorms on the Mississippi were especially severe) This threat

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Logophile Definition, Etymology, and Use

Logophile Definition, Etymology, and Use A logophile is a lover of words. Also called a  word lover or philologos.  A related term is logomaniac, defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as a person who is obsessively interested in words. EtymologyFrom the Greek, word love Examples and Observations I am a lifelong logophile if not an out-and-out verbivore. I have a good ear and a good memory for words, its just a kind of tic or trick, the way some lucky people can play a song by ear after hearing it once or count cards at blackjack or spot four-leaf clovers. Unusual and specialized words tend to lodge in my mind, where they hang around, often for years, until I need them. American English has an astonishingly rich vocabulary and we typically use so little of it; I think thats a shame, or maybe it would be better to say I think of it as an invitation.I write with two dictionaries right at my elbow . . .. I look forward to visiting my dictionaries anew every time I sit down to write. The same goes for when Im reading and I come across an unknown word: Quaternions? Yahoo! I get to go to the dictionary!I know thats probably kind of freakish. I guess I am counting on the readership of freaks.(Michael Chabon, Questions for Michael Chabon. The New York Times, Feb. 8, 2007)I am a medic al logophile, and in using words, I will often go to the Greek or Latin roots; doing so helps me use words more precisely.(Robert B. Taylor, Medical Writing: A Guide for Clinicians, Educators, and Researchers, 2nd ed. Springer, 2011) Vocabulary Building[The] suspicion of new words, a distaste of verbal novelty, is acquired in school from dreary English teachers still in thrall to Hemingwayesque simplicities. You know their chief cliche from your own school days: always use the simple word, class! Never seek out a synonym or exotic foreign term. Thank goodness I had a father who taught the very opposite: always discover the rarest yet still correct word. By doing that, a young student accomplishes two things. You expand your vocabulary and you flummox ordained pedagogical authority, namely the dull teacher.(  Bill Casselman,  Where a Dobdob Meets a Dikdik: A Word Lovers Guide to the Weirdest, Wackiest, and Wonkiest Lexical Gems. Adams Media, 2010)The Sweetest-Sounding Words in English (1950)While most of the words that [columnist Frank] Colby discusses are suggested by his readers, Colby turned the tables in 1942 by asking them: What are the most euphonious English words? The top ten by popular vote: mother, m emory, Cellophane, bellboy, melancholy, belladonna, flamingo, wilderness, tambourine, lavender. Last week Logophile Colby reported the results of a new readers poll. Mother had slipped a bit, but was still listed among the top ten. There were eight new favorites. The 1950 hit parade: melody, lullaby, mimosa, memory, mellow, mother, moonbeam, murmuring, beautiful, lanolin.(The Press: Mimosa, Moonbeams Memory. Time magazine, Jan. 30, 1950) Creating KingdomsA love of words comes from the work of playing around with language. We learn words by hearing them, rolling them around on our tongues and in our minds like a small child does as she learns language. A person who loves language plays with ithears words and links them with other sounds, other meanings, and other words. The patterns and sounds of language are fascinating to the lover of words. From these connections, many poets find poems. Poetry comes as Harry Behn writes (1968) from falling in love with language. Rebecca Kai Dotlich says in A Kingdom of Words, that a word may seem to be just a word, but a poet can create a kingdom around it.(Barbara Chatton, Using Poetry Across the Curriculum: Learning to Love Language. Greenwood, 2010) Also Known As: word lover, philologos

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free sample - The Clash. translation missing

The Clash. The ClashIntroduction Aesthetics is a philosophy that was concerned with the nature of art work and criteria of artistic art work. A clash in art work refers to noise that is produced when doing art work or bad objects which result from aesthetic work. In art work creativity and symbolic aspect of an object is considered.   Clash between aesthetics and function The clash between aesthetics and function has become an issue in architecture beyond reasonable doubt. The work of art including ceramics, textiles and art furniture was an architect designed modernist for apartments in early 1960s and 1970s.This was marked as the time when people had experience on design work based on social, civic and cultural significance. But nowadays, architecture work has changed because building aesthetic achievement has been left out from its real function. The work of artist architecture at present depends on clients; target consumer needs and products at consumer prices but contain professional grade functionality (Shiner 2003). The constructions of modern architectures are important in art museum though they incur challenges when relating with aesthetic and function museum designs. Art museum is a challenge because it needs a lot of art work in every stage of production. The category of art museum represent type of structures either explicitly created to commemorate important events like churches and civic buildings. Art itself has an important function which people admire and tour especially places like museums which have exiting features. The clash between aesthetic and function has totally changed for a decade ago. At that time many contemporary artists produced long and thoughtful observation products that were meant for spiritual purposes. For instance temporary exhibitions and installations were less designed as neutral containers for permanent works than areas of interactive experience (Shiner 2003). Conclusion The art of historical past and present has caused a clash in aesthetic work. The contemporary issues involved opposed conceptions of what social workers of art and modern artists have done. Different views between past and present art workers were raised in consideration of aesthetic and function thus continuing causing trouble in studio crafts. Reference list Shiner, L. (2003).The Invention of Art: A Cultural History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Applied statistics for economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Applied statistics for economics - Essay Example Consistent with the research predictions, the study found out that standard & poor 500 indexes are more likely to release good news forecasts following larger stock price declines. Moreover, as expected there is no association between the likelihood of releasing good news forecasts and the magnitude of an exogenous stock price increase. Also to be illustrated in this report is the potential of Time-frequency Representation (TFR) techniques, for the analysis of stock markets data and compare their performances. It is for this reason that we seek to analyze the behavior of the stock market price over the period from 2002 to 2007. MAIN OBJECTIVES/BROAD PURPOSES OF THE PROJECT This report aims at investigating the following objectives; i) To investigate whether all the investors are risk averse and measure risk in terms of the standard deviation in a portfolio’s return. ii) To investigate whether all investors have a common time horizon for investment decisions (e.g., a year). iii ) To investigate whether all investors have identical subjective estimates of future returns and risks for all securities. iv) To investigate whether there exists a risk-free asset and all investors may borrow or lend an unlimited amount at the risk free nominal rate of interest. v) To investigate whether all securities are completely divisible, there are no transactions costs or differential taxes, and there are no restrictions on short-selling. vi) To investigate whether information is freely and simultaneously available to all investors. We could summarize the above by stating that all individuals are price-takers and that markets are perfectly competitive. OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT Comparing... Applied Statistics For Economics A time series can be said to collection of data yt (t=1,2,†¦,T), with the interval between yt and yt+1 being fixed and constant. Time series analysis is the estimation of difference equations containing stochastic (error) terms (Enders 2010). Time series forecasting takes the analysis from the time series data and tries to predict what the data may be in the near future, based on what it has been in the past. This is especially important in the field of stock market investment, as traders want to make the right moves at the right times to maximize financial profit. But because there are many factors influencing the fluctuation of the stock market, creating an accurate forecast based on the analysis alone is difficult. Therefore, many approaches and models have been developed to utilize the time series analysis and provide an accurate prediction of what is to come in the stock market. Standard & Poor 500 indices are designed to reflect the U.S. equity markets and, through the mar kets, the U.S. economy. The Standard & Poor 500 index focuses on the large-cap sector of the market; however, since it includes a significant portion of the total value of the market, it also represents the market. Companies in the Standard & Poor 500 index are considered leading companies in leading industries. Comparing the mean of dly and that of dlsap, we observe that the end of week mean price for the logarithm of share price for a particular stock (denoted dly) is lower compared to the end of week mean for the logarithm of Standard & Poor 500 index.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Where does government spending go Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Where does government spending go - Essay Example It is also important to note that often the overall expenditure made by the government on its purchase of goods and services exceeds the revenue generated by the government through taxes. As such government tend to borrow either from the international or domestic market in order to fill short fall or deficit arising in its budget. US government spent its revenues on major goods and services which it renders including the defense services, infrastructure development, salaries of the government employees as well as other heads under which the overall revenue or budget of the country is spent. Almost 54% of the revenue earned by the government is spent on the military related activities whereas 46% of the revenue is spent on the non-military related expenditure. The recent surge in the military related expenditure has mostly been associated with the new military activities conducted by US government in Afghanistan and Iraq. The current budget proposed by the Obama administration show a complete breakdown of how the overall budget will be spent on different activities of the government. The government has also proposed different budget cuts in order to improve the situation of its finances. (Harris). The overall public debt in US still more than $14.2trillion dollars suggesting that the government may be borrowing heavily in order to finance its activities. This paper will trace as to where the government money is spent and why US faces such huge debt of $14.2 trillions. How government money is spent? The recent budget proposed by the Obama administration shows how the government money will be spent under different heads1. A critical analysis of the data would suggest following: National Defense 2011 proposed budget is $3.69 trillions out of which $738 billions will be spent on the national defense which is mostly related with the military related expenditure. The money spent on the national defense however, is further broke down into different sub-headings such as operations and maintenance, military personnel, procurement, research and development, military construction, energy as well as family housing and other benefits to the military personnel. This composition of the spending suggests that most of the spending on the national defense is made in terms of operations and maintenance. Social Security The second largest chunk on which government money is spent is social security services provided by the government. Under social security, most of the money is spent on the old age and survivors insurance whereas the rest of the money is spent on the disability insurance. Income Security Another important source where most of the money is spent by the government is providing income security to the citizens. Under this head, money is spent on the unemployment insurance, food stamps, child tax credit, supplemental security income, military retirement, unemployment insurance, rental income support, child nutrition and various other heads. Income security therefore serves as an income stabilizing factor for the citizens with the help of government. Health and Education Another important source on which the government spends money is health and education sector under which State offer both these basic services. Under the health and education, government offers grants to the States for health facilities as well as the health services are offered to the retired employees, funding to National Institute of Health, children health insurance program as well as other expenditure is made. Under the head of education, government offers assistance in terms of student scholarships, support for the disadvantaged, elementary and vocational training, training and employment services as well as other services which are offered by the governmen

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Stem Cell Research Essay Example for Free

Stem Cell Research Essay Introduction A look at the progressive societies today indicates that science is encumbered by moral and political considerations.   The world of science is yet to be democratized and viable ideas are being sent to the gallows to satiate conservative thinkers at the helm of leadership.   A glimpse at most of the useful vaccines that have evolved indicates a struggle between morality and modern intelligence.   Science is struggling to permeate an almost non impervious wall of ethical consideration before a certain well meaning project can be allowed into the mainstream. Since the research into stem cells was pioneered in the 1960s, it has elicited hue and cry from the public with some claiming that scientists are trying to play God.   Many however have remained marveled at the exploits of modern science and have identified the wide range of benefits that arise from this research. Stem cell research is indeed revolutionizing the treatment of various human impairments and diseases such as leukemia and Parkinson’s disease amongst a wide range of other benefits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The fascination created by stem cells research is immense and has expanded the scope of scientific study.   It continues to elicit interest regarding how organisms are able to grow from just one single cell and also the ability of such single cells to multiply and replace the damaged ones. Immense research is being carried out focusing on the application of cell therapy in the treatment of a number of diseases. Definition Stem cell refers to a â€Å"generic cell that can make exact copies of itself indefinitely.† (Chad). Gerald (203) definition of stem cells is centered on the inherent characteristics that they have which make them outstanding in comparison to other cells.   He observes that â€Å"they are undifferentiated cells that renew themselves at the single cell level for many cell doublings.† (203). There are two types of stem cells; the embryonic stem cell and the adult stem cells. Types of Stem Cells Embryonic stem cells are derived from a fetus (blastocyst) before the cell initiates the process of differentiation. They posses a higher ability of differentiation compared to the adult stem cells.   Much of the controversy that has arisen centers on the embryonic stem cells due to their origin. Adult stem cells on the other hand are obtained from the bone marrow.   Their versatility in research is restricted by the fact that they posses a number of limitations in terms of differentiation and divisibility.   The research into adult cells commenced earlier than for the embryonic cells and although both possess a number of similarities, adult cells are less flexible and much research and furor has been focused on the embryonic stem cells. Properties of Stem Cells All in all, stem cells serve an important purpose of replenishing damaged cells in the body. They repair the body system due to their higher potential of dividing into many cells limitlessly and also their ability to adapt to the prevailing chemical environment.   As Pam et al (8) observes that, â€Å"when a stem cell divides, each daughter can remain a stem cell or adopt a more specialized role such as muscle, blood or brain cell, depending on the absence or presence of chemical signals†.   Indeed, stem cells have the ability to grow and metamorphose into a particular cell that possesses characteristics that are similar to the cells of the deformed tissues. It is this self renewal capability and their higher potency that continue to arouse much curiosity amongst scientists who see them as the answer to various health and medical problems facing humanity.   Self renewal characteristic of a stem cell simply refers to its ability to divide and form multiply cells without losing its initial original characteristics.   Potency of a stem cell revolves around the ability to differentiate into desired specialized cells.   Depending on the capacity of cells to divide, they are referred to either pluripotency or unipotency. Pluripotent cells have â€Å"the ability to differentiate into a vast majority.† (Bellomo 35) Such cellular quality has become a major source of scientific inquiry as piluripitent cells have demonstrated unmatched ability of transform themselves into any set of tissues. They can develop either into endodermis, mesoderm or ectoderms as has been outlined by research. Endodermis refers to the inner tissues that range from the lining of the lungs and also the other internal organs such as the guts.   Mesoderm is the middle layer of body tissues that range from blood and the marrow alongside others.   On the other hand ectoderm refers to the outer most layers. Medical Benefits of Stem Cells The multipotent characteristic of a stem cell endows it with the ability to produce other cells although limited in number. An example of the multipitent cell is the hematopoietic cells.   Such cells too can give rise to other blood cells but their nature of differentiation limits their ability to â€Å"form liver cells, kidney cells, nerve cells, or any other kind of cell except for a select few kinds of blood cells.† (Bellomo 37).   Research into the multipotent cells was intensified in the recent past upon the discovery that they possess the potential to be used in stem cell therapies hence easing the suffering of millions in the world. Further research into this will uncover even further limitless application. Such research will enable scientists to fathom the complex process that the undifferentiated cells have to undergo before becoming differentiated.   This mostly is because majority of ailments experienced in the body are as a result of the abnormal processes of cell differentiation.   Scientists are yet to understand â€Å"the signals that turn specific genes on and off to influence the differentiation of the stem cell† (The National Institute of Health Resource of Stem Cell Research).   A further grasp of such a process will no doubt provide knowledge of what causes diseases as well as the various strategies to treat such diseases. Hopes are high hence in the medical profession that advances in modern technologies will be able to find a lasting cure to diseases such as cancer and diabetes.   This is because there still exists a huge gap in the current knowledge of stem cell research as some of the processes are still shrouded by mystery.    The existing treatments, after a breakthrough of research in the past 30 years, have centered on offering treatment to cancer patient that have complications such as leukemia.   Chemotherapy has been used in the destruction of the malignant tissues.   This however has proved to be detrimental to other useful cells such as the haematopoietic cells.   Advances made in the stem cell research have will be able to address this problem. This is because stem cells will be reintroduced into the system in a bid to replace the destroyed cells during chemotherapy.   Further research will be centered on the treatment of cancerous tumors.   A look at brain cancer history and trends over time indicates it is one of the most difficult to treat due to the speedy spread of the malignant tissues.   Research that has been conducted in dogs indicate that drugs can be developed that will specifically target the cancerous stem cells. Stem cell research has also been found to possess a potential of curing spinal cord injuries. In a study conducted in Korea, scientists have been able to come up with â€Å"stem cells tailored to match an individual† (BBC News channel).   Further information on the research indicates that this will result to diseases such as diabetes being treated without a patient’s body rejecting tissues. This is a major discovery that has solved one of the major headaches facing the treatment of diabetes.   In addition to diabetes, heart damages and baldness too will be contained in future. This indicates that in the end a wide range of medical maladies facing humanity will be eradicated through stem cell research. Stem Cell Research Controversy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the face of all the above mentioned benefits, stem cells research has been largely hampered by the opposition that has raged on centering on the use of embryonic stem cells. As afore mentioned, embryonic stem cells have been found to possess unique characteristics that give them a high ability to multiply and differentiate. Research has indicated that they can self divide and be able to maintain their inherent characteristics. This has made them more viable in the stem based therapy than the adult stem cells. They are seen as providing the answers to various diseases facing mankind. This has attracted criticism from pro life activists. The Catholic Church for example has been very vocal in its opposition of the research citing a number of moral grounds.   The major argument has been that embryonic research devalues human worth.   Critics insist that â€Å"the embryonic human should have the same moral status as the fetus or the child or the adult† (The ebrary ebrary, 210). They criticize the notion that embryos are not yet human insisting that focus hence should be on adult stem cells which may posses the same differentiation and division abilities rather than on embryonic research.   This opposition insists that â€Å"the proper test of humanity should be if the embryo has the potential to organize itself into a living human whole† and not on whether it is yet living (Inc ebrary ebrary 210) Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These arguments made against the stem cell research may hold some water when addressed on the context of morals.   Indeed it is important to accord embryos the respect they deserve in the recognition that it is a stage in human growth. However, such arguments fail to recognize the immense benefits that such a research accords to humanity. It hence defeats logic for critics of stem cell research to equate human embryos with human beings.   Though a human embryo is important in itself it is not always that it develops into a human being and if there is a way that it can be beneficial to humanity such benefit should be explored.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is hence important that the public in the understanding of the mentioned benefits urge the political regimes to allocate more funding to the stem cell research to uncover their full potential.       Works Cited. Chad H.   Stem cell research. Medical Encyclopedia. National library of Medicine. 2007.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved on October 30, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Gerald P. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. Academic Press, 2006; 203 Bellomo M. The Stem Cell Divide: The Facts, the Fiction, and the Fear Driving the Greatest Scientific, Political, and Religious Debate of Our Time. AMACOM Div   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   American Mgmt Assn, 2006; 33-39 BBC.UK. Stem Cells Tailored to Patients. 2005. Retrieved on October 30, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Inc ebrary ebrary. The Debatabase Book: A Must Have Guide for Successful Debate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   IDEA, 2004; 209-211 Judith A., Erin W.   Stem Cell Research.   Congressional Research Service. 2004.   .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved on October 30, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Pam S., Gail P., Mary T. The Promise and Politics of Stem Cell Research. Greenwood    Publishing Group, 2007; 8

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nitrification Process in Landfill Leachate Treatment

Nitrification Process in Landfill Leachate Treatment CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Overview Landfilling is one of the oldest and common methods used for waste disposal. It is perceived as the most economical and environmentally acceptable technique. It is a complex system with physical, chemical, and biological processes. While undergoing the process of wastes degradation, there is the production of highly contaminating liquid, leachate, and polluting gases. If discharged in an uncontrolled and non-engineered manner, leachate will contaminate groundwater bodies and subsequently jeopardizing the ecosystem. There is a network for the collection the contaminants. The gases such as methane and carbon dioxide are flared before they can affect the atmosphere. The leachate generated, requires treatment before discharge and it is the main problem. In Mauritius, there has been an upsurge in the amount of wastes generated due to rapid industrialization. A structure for solid waste management was necessitated which resulted in the construction of Mare Chicose Sanitary Landfill Site. Over the years, there has been an increase the volume of wastes being disposed and consequently, a rise in the amount of leachate generated. As previously mentioned, the polluting liquid requires treatment prior to disposal. Nowadays, we do have laws that are regulated by the Wastewater Management Authority Act and the organization operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Public Utilities. After treatment leachate shall comply with the standard limits for effluent discharge as shown in Appendix C. Many studies have been carried out for the treatment of leachate and various methods are available. There are several parameters that define the treatment method. The treating technique shall be efficient, cost-effective with minimum input, flexible and if possible usage of the effluent. Aim and Objectives The aim of the project is the study of the nitrification process in the treatment of landfill leachate. The project had the following objectives set: To determine the suitability and efficiency of a SBR and co treatment method for the treatment of landfill leachate. To find the concentration at which ammonia nitrogen is toxic to microorganisms. To design a suitable tank for the method being adopted. To assess the cost-effectiveness of the treating system Structure of Thesis The remainder of this thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2: gives a brief overview of landfilling process, describing the various components of a landfill. There is a description of the Mare Chicose Sanitary Landfill Site and a summary of typical leachate effluent. Chapter 3: deals with the treating options available for wastewater treatment particularly leachate. The efficiency for ammonia nitrogen removal is outlined and a reviewing some case studies on biological treatment of landfill leachate. Chapter 4: describes the methodology adopted for leachate treatment. Chapter 5: gives a detailed analysis of the results obtained and assessment of various parameters. Chapter 6: consists of the design a treating system for leachate. Chapter 7: describes the cost effectiveness of the treatment methods and some recommendations for improvement of the designs. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW of LITERATURE 2.1. Landfill A landfill may be defined as a physical facility used for the disposal of residual solid wastes in the surface soils of the earth (Tchobanoglous et al.). Nowadays, the term sanitary landfill is more usually utilized to describe an engineered facility, designed, operated and monitored with the foremost objective of reducing environmental and health hazards. According to Tchobanoglous, a landfill may be categorized with respect to the incoming waste materials. There are various criteria that are considered before the design and construction phases. The site cannot be close to water bodies, highways, any residential areas or even airports. The main reason is the pollution accompanied by the operation of such a site which will eventually disturb its surrounding environment. Another factor is the hydrogeology of the site, groundwater maps are prepared by studying the different soil stratum. This helps in determining the permeability of the soil, the depth to groundwater, the direction of groundwater flow and hydraulic gradients. If clay is to be used as a liner, then borrow sources are found. Landfill Components Liner: It is a barrier that will prevent the leachate and other liquids from penetrating the soil. It can be made of clay, synthetic materials or both which is known as composite liner. This barrier also restricts the underground migration of landfill gases. Cap system: Usually a soil cover placed over the landfill at completion of filling, also known as final cover, with vegetation grown over it. The cover may consist of geosynthetic materials also, thus hindering the escape of landfill gases to the air and restricting the infiltration of rain into the landfill (Bagchi, 1994). Gas management system: As shown in the diagram above, these are a series of gas wells that removes methane and other decomposition gases from the landfill for flaring and reuse. The methane gas may be used in the electricity production. Leachate management system: A number of horizontal and vertical pipes placed just above the liner that drains and collects leachate. Afterwards the polluting liquid may be brought to a retention pond. Mare Chicose Sanitary Landfill Site Over the last few years, a rapid development at socio-economic levels has brought an upsurge in the amount of wastes generated in Mauritius. There was a need for an integrated solid waste management programme. The Mare Chicose Sanitary Landfill is the only waste disposal site for Mauritius till date. The site is located in the southern part of the island near a small village called Cluny. It receives mostly municipal solid wastes and therefore categorized as a Class à Ã‚ ¨ type. The site was previously operated by STAM Ltà ©e, from 1997 to 2006, and presently by Sotravic Limità ©e/ Bilfinger-Berger consortium. The amount of wastes disposed at the landfill has nearly tripled over the years, reaching to a daily value of about 1,200 tonnes. The percentage of incoming wastes is summarized below: The field capacity of the landfill was already attained and currently there is an extension of works on existing cells. The site is comprised of six cells and actually the fifth one is in use. Prior to disposal at the landfill, the wastes are compacted at transfer stations. The wastes are dumped from a tipping point and soon, they are spread over existing wastes by means of specialized vehicles. At the end of the day, a cover is placed to reduce the amount of windblown debris. Both clayey and geosynthetic liners were used on the site. The amount of leachate being carted away for the period of January 2007 December 2007 is 110 858 m3. Actually, no leachate treatment is being carried out. Among the landfill gases produced methane is the most dangerous and it is dealt with in a controlled environment. The gas is being collected by means of pipelines and subsequently flared. Leachate The definition according to EPA is as follows; â€Å"Water that collects contaminants as it trickles through wastes, pesticides or fertilizers. Leaching may occur in farming areas, feedlots, and landfills, and may result in hazardous substances entering surface water, ground water, or soil.† Leachate can be described as a highly contaminated liquid, containing a considerable amount of dissolved and suspended solids that has percolated down through wastes. The leachate quality varies throughout the operational life of a landfill and long after its closure. There are three broad and overlapping phases of waste decomposition, in which chemical and biological processes give rise to both landfill gas and leachate during and beyond the active life of the site (Carville et al.). Phase 1: Oxygen present in the wastes is rapidly consumed by aerobic decomposition. This phase has duration of less than one month and is normally relatively unimportant in terms of leachate quality. This phase is exothermic and high temperatures may be produced. If some of this heat is retained, then as a result of that the rate of the upcoming phases is increased. Phase 2: Anaerobic digestion is comprised of the following four phases; Hydrolysis: A chemical reaction where large polymers are converted to simple monomers. Acidogenesis: A biological reaction where the monomers are converted to volatile fatty acids. Acetogenesis: A biological reaction where the fatty acids are converted into hydrogen, carbon dioxide and acetic acid. Methanogenesis: The acetic acid is converted into acetates. Hydrogen is used up to convert the acetates into methane and carbon dioxide. Anaerobic and facultative microorganisms hydrolyze cellulose and other putrescible materials such as complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins to soluble organic compounds. These hydrolysis products are then fermented during acidogenesis to various intermediates such as volatile fatty acids and alcohols. Finally, these intermediates are converted during acetogenesis to acetic acid, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The high content of putrescible material in the waste may sustain acidogenic conditions for quite some time and provide a rich feed stock for methanogens subsequently. Leachate from this acidic phase typically contains a high concentration of free fatty acids. It therefore has low pH of 5 or 6, and will dissolve other components of the wastes, such as the alkaline earths and heavy metals, which can be mobilized in the leachate, possibly as fatty acid complexes. The leachate also contains high concentrations of ammoniacal nitrogen and has both a high organic carbon concentration and a biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Phase 3: Conditions become more anaerobic as waste degradation proceeds and methanogenic bacteria gradually become established. These start to consume the simple organic compounds, producing a mixture of carbon dioxide and methane that is released as landfill gas. The carbon dioxide tends to dissolve producing the very high bicarbonate concentrations typical of Phase 3 leachates. The rate at which this phase becomes established is controlled by a number of factors, including the content of readily putrescible waste. Since the majority of the organic compounds are high molecular weight humic and fulvic acids, the leachates are characterized by relatively low BOD values. Ammoniacal nitrogen continues to be released by areas of the waste where phase 2 is continuing and generally remains at high concentrations in the leachate. Falling redox potential immobilizes many metals as sulphides in the waste. (Source: Typical leachate effluent Leachate is usually termed as a high strength wastewater. The polluting liquid has a high concentration of contaminants and varies throughout the landfill age as shown in the table below. From the above table, it noticed that leachates are normally alkaline having a pH of 6.0-8.4. The average COD value is found to be 5000 mg/l and the ammoniacal nitrogen remains within a similar range 900-3000 mg/L for all most of the sites. As it has been portrayed, the leachate does not meet the requirements for discharge either in sewers or surface water (see Appendix C) and this clearly indicates a need for treatment. CHAPTER 3 Treatment Options Overview Most landfills operate their own onsite leachate pretreatment and treatment facilities. Three types of treatment are possible physical, chemical and biological. Usually they are used in conjunction with one another. The constituents of leachate and availability of resources determine the treatment method to be adopted. Therefore, it should be efficient, flexible and an economical option. The leachate quality is highly dependent on the waste materials being disposed and the stage of their anaerobic decomposition. Hence, there is a variation in the constituents concentration. It has been observed that throughout the life cycle of a landfill, the ammonia nitrogen concentration remains very high. Amongst several usual parameters, ammonia nitrogen is a key one as it influences the selection and the design of the treating system. Physical Treatment Ammonia Stripping Ammonia can be removed by the air stripping technique which consists of blowing air through the wastewater. The method is based on the following equation; The above equation is highly dependent on the pH so that an exchange of ionic forms can take place. The equilibrium constant for this reaction is 10-9.25 at 18 ° C (Sorensen, 1993). pH = 9.25 + log [NH3] / [NH4+] From the above equation a pH greater than 10 is needed for releasing the ammonia gas. At normal temperature only 2% of the gas is liberated and therefore the wastewater should be heated to increase the efficiency of the treatment process. In achieving relatively low effluent values of ammoniacal-N (e.g. Reverse Osmosis The process consists of applying a pressure to the wastewater, i.e. the leachate, which passes through a semi permeable membrane. The water molecules present in the wastewater will pass the membrane forming the permeate and the contaminants remaining are the concentrate. The main advantage of using such a system is the removal of non-biodegradable compounds such as residual COD, heavy metals and chloride ions together with other large molecules present in leachate. The concentrate produced is a major issue as it is highly toxic to the environment. It is usually recirculated in the landfill or disposed off-site for storage. The removal rate of the contaminants is usually greater than 99.6 %. The plant is usually operated in more than one stage and occupies less space when compared to other treating systems. The process is currently in use in several countries such as France, Germany and Holland (IPCC, 2007). Activated Carbon Adsorption Activated carbon is used as an adsorbent for the removal of organic compounds. It is used in one of the following forms, powdered and granular. Due to the high cost of activated carbon, it is normally utilized for polishing after biological treatment. With an optimum dose and sufficient contact time, a considerable decrease in COD and BOD concentration can be achieved by this method. In the powdered form, the carbon is meant for single use and it loses its adsorption capacity and therefore cannot be reactivated. The mixed liquor must then be treated to remove the PAC, by subsequent processes, such as coagulation, flocculation, or filtration. In the granular form, the carbon can be used again but must be removed which requires specialized equipment (IPCC, 2007). Biological Treatment Processes The treatment process is comprised of growing and reproducing microorganisms in a controlled environment to stabilize organic matter. There are two forms of growth process attached and suspended. In suspended growth treatment systems, microorganisms are maintained in suspension within the wastewater whereas in the attached growth process, the biomass grows and is retained on a medium. Attached Growth Processes Percolating filters Rotating biological Contactors (RBC) Suspended Growth Processes Aerated lagoons Activated Sludge Process (ASP) Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Combined treatment with domestic wastewater (co treatment) Percolating Filters It is an aerobic biological treatment system. Wastewater flows over a fixed and inert medium to which biofilms are attached and trickles down under gravity. The medium may be made up of different materials such as plastics and gravels and the depth of the filter is normally 2-4 m. The effluent is passed through a clarifier to remove biological solids. The percolating filter has many disadvantages concerning the treatment of landfill leachate. The system is efficient mostly for the treatment of low strength leachate. A recurrent problem is the clogging of the filter media and vulnerability to shock-term load (IPCC, 2007). Rotating Biological Contactors The process consists of large diameter steel or corrugated plastic media centered around a horizontal shaft, usually placed in a concrete tank. The media is slowly rotated (mechanical or air drive). At any given time during the rotation, about 40% of the media surface area is in the wastewater. Organisms in the wastewater are attached and, multiply on the rotating media until they form a thin layer of biomass. RBC is most effective for treating methanogenic than acetogenic leachates and for concentrations of ammoniacal-N below 500mg/l. The rotating biological contactor may have operational problems, since high concentrations of degradable COD can result in excessive sludge growth, and clogging of interstices within rotors (IPCC, 2007). Aerated Lagoons Aerated lagoons are operated by a combination of aerobic and anaerobic processes. The lower part of the lagoon converts the settled solids and sludge into carbon and methane by the action of anaerobic decomposition. The upper part is usually aerated, surface aeration or by algae present, to oxidize compounds from the anaerobic zone. Effluent is withdrawn from the upper zone, generally over an overflow arrangement. For discharge into surface waters, a secondary settlement lagoon or reed bed filtration system is needed for wastewater polishing. The constraints of the system are as such it requires large space and is quite sensitive to temperature changes. There is the possibility of odurs emanating from the lagoon. The main concern is the inability to provide consistent and reliable design in order to meet the discharge limits. Activated Sludge Process It is the most widely used aerobic biological process for treatment of domestic wastewater. It operates on the basis of a continuous inflow of wastewater. The latter is completely mixed and aerated for certain period of time, giving rise to mixed liquor. For nitrification to occur the sludge age must be greater than 8 days, so that the nitrifying bacteria can grow sufficiently large in numbers to exert an oxygen demand. The mixed liquor is allowed to settle in the clarifier and the biomass is returned to the aeration tank. The clarified effluent is decanted for disposal or tertiary treatment. The ASP is a continuous process and leachate cannot be treated directly, it requires dilution due to ammonia toxicity. Sequencing Batch Reactor The reactor is a slight modification of the ASP. It operates on a fill-and-draw basis using the suspended growth process. The SBR utilizes a single tank which accommodates aerobic biological treatment, flow equalization, settlement of solids, effluent clarification and decanting. Thus, it is usually described as operating in time rather than space when compared to conventional ASP. The reactor consists and operates under the following cycles: Fill: During the fill operation, volume and substrate (raw wastewater or primary effluent) are added to the reactor. The fill process typically allows the liquid level in the reactor to rise from 75% of capacity (at the end of idle period) to 100%. During fill, the reactor may be mixed only or mixed and aerated to promote biological reactions with the effluent wastewater. React: During the react period, the biomass consumes the substrate under controlled environmental conditions. Settle: Solids are allowed to separate from the liquid under quiescent conditions, resulting in a clarified supernatant that can be discharged as effluent. Decant: Clarified effluent is removed during the decant period. Many types of decanting mechanisms can be used, with the most popular being floating or adjustable weirs. Idle: An idle period is used in a multitank system to provide time for one reactor to complete its fill phase before switching to another unit. Because idle phase is not a necessary phase, it is sometimes omitted. Advantages of the system It requires small space as a common tank is used for the various unit processes. Flexibility in operating the reactor. The reaction time can be controlled and settling can be achieved under quiescent conditions. There the elimination of the return sludge pumping when compared to the ASP. Disadvantages of the system A higher level of sophistication is required (compared to conventional systems), especially for larger systems, of timing units and controls. Potential of discharging floating or settled sludge during the draw or decant phase with some SBR configurations. Combined Treatment with Domestic Wastewater It is a combined method for treating domestic wastewater and landfill leachate. Both wastewater and leachate can be treated at suitable mixing ratios (Aktas, 2001). Domestic wastewater can provide phosphate while leachate can provide nitrogen based nutrients, thus compensating for nutrients deficiency. Hence, nutrients need not to be supplied. Leachates from older landfills have a lower BOD/COD value and a smaller biodegradable organic fraction. There may not be sufficient COD to support denitrification of nitrate, a supplementary source of organic carbon is required to ensure adequate denitrification. Synthetic chemicals, such as methanol or acetic acid, are effective but quite expensive. It is necessary to find an alternative cost effective source of easily biodegradable carbon (Zhang, 2005). The mixing ratios are determined or else there will be nitrification inhibition by the presence of excess free ammonia. Case studies for biological treatment of landfill leachate The Buckden Landfill Site has been operational since 1994 and has been successful in treating landfill leachate for more than 10 years. The landfill site uses twin sequencing batch reactors, each designed for treating up to 100 m3/day. The effluent is then treated by means of reed bed and an ozonation plant for wastewater polishing and removal of pesticides. The plant has a design loading rate of 0.02 0.040 kg N/kg MLVSS. The plant has been successful in removing ammonia nitrogen from 331 mg/L to 0.27 mg/L. Only the COD value has not met the discharge limits ( The main running costs are due to electricity for aeration and for ozonation. There is also the use of sodium hydroxide for automatic pH control, and of phosphoric acid for provision of phosphorus as a nutrient, which are relatively small costs. Another case is a South-African landfill which receives up to 2000 tonnes of MSW each day. Up to 80 m3/day of leachate are generated, which have to be treated to very high standards. The treatment system is made up of a SBR with final polishing through a reed bed planted with Phragmites. The SBR is highly efficient for ammoniacal nitrogen removal from over 1200 mg/l to less than 1.0 mg/l. COD values are reduced by 60% from raw leachate values of over 2000 mg/l (Robinson et al., 2005). CHAPTER 4 MATERIALS AND METHODS 4.1. Overview This chapter deals with the methodology adopted and is comprised of the following phases: Sampling Sample preservation Wastewater characterization Leachate Wastewater from SMTP Sludge Biological treatment of landfill leachate using a SBR Co-treatment of landfill leachate with wastewater from SMTP Testing Results and analysis Conclusions Sampling Sampling is done to represent a certain population, in this case wastewater, on which tests are performed and the results symbolize the wastewater characteristics. This can be achieved by two methods: composite sampling and grab sampling. A composite sample consists of collecting samples at regular interval in time. This will be representative of the average wastewater characteristics. A grab sample is based upon obtaining a distinct sample regardless to its flow or time of the day. If the wastewater quality is not highly variable, the results obtained from grab sampling will tend to corroborate composite ones. Both methods are used and for this project the grab sampling technique was adopted. Sample Preservation Soon after the samples were collected, they were tested and if not possible, they were preserved. The latter is crucial step as most of the wastewater constituents have to be kept as are in their original state. They were incubated at 4 ° C and when necessary pH control was done by adding sulphuric acid. Subsequently, this will stop all the biological activities. Wastewater Characterization The next step after sampling is characterization, i.e. determining the level of constituents present in the wastewater. As a fact of that, the treatment method is selected and applied to the polluting material. Each time, when new samples were obtained, they were characterized in compliance with Standard Methods of Testing. For the project, characterization has to be done for these materials; Leachate The leachates were delivered at the UOM Public Health Laboratory, on the 23rd October 2007 and 9th January 2008, and were characterized for the main polluting parameters. Then the sample was preserved till the treatment starts. Domestic Wastewater The domestic wastewater was collected at SMTP. The sample was collected from the primary clarifier after degriting has been done on the following dates: 26th February and 3rd March 27, 2008. The samples were immediately characterized and then used. Sludge For nitrification to take place there should be microorganisms feeding on the organic matter, but leachate does not contain any. Therefore, the returned sludge from SMTP was collected and brought to the UOM Public Health Laboratory. The sludge was allowed to settle and the supernatant was discarded, the residual left was used for testing. As a result of that the sludge concentration was increased and smaller amount is required for biological treatment. A TSS was carried out and the value obtained was used for calculations. The sludge was also studied under the microscope determining the microorganisms present and their conditions. Biological Treatment of Landfill Leachate using a SBR The first option for treating leachate was the biological treatment by making use of a SBR. It was made up of the following phases: fill, react, settle and decant. The reactor consisted of sludge, water and leachate with varying composition. Their volumes were calculated such that the ammonia nitrogen concentration is about 50 mg/L in the reactor. The latter was aerated for a period of 24 hours. The main polluting parameters were monitored and accentuating upon the level of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen. The system was run for a number of cycles and then denitrification phase was operated. Experimental Procedure A reactor of capacity 20 L was considered with an MLSS concentration of 4000 mg/l. The dissolved oxygen concentration had to be greater than 2 mg/l and this was achieved by the means of air diffusers. The diffusers provided the mixing within the reactor. Immediately after the setting out of the reactor, a grab sample was collected and was tested. These values were set as baseline. After 24 hours of aeration, another sample was collected from the reactor and tests were performed. The critical parameter i.e. ammonia nitrogen was observed and if, the value is not within the discharge limits then it aerated till the expected result is obtained. The biomass required nutrients which provided in the form of Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate. In order for the treatment to take place, we had to cater for alkalinity and this was achieved by the addition of concentrated sodium hydroxide. Thus the nitrification process was being monitored until no further treatment. A total of 3 sequential batch reactors were operated. After the operation of the third reactor, the denitrification phase was initiated. All the air diffusers were switched off and acetic acid was added to the reactor. The dissolved oxygen concentration was monitored till it reached the zero value and the nitrate nitrogen concentration was measured. Co-treatment of Landfill Leachate with Wastewater from SMTP The other alternative is a combined method, treating domestic wastewater and leachate together. The treatment is biological in nature using a SBR with phases; fill, react, settle and decant. The treating system consisted of aerating the SBR, composed of sludge, domestic wastewater and leachate, for a period of 24 hours. The volume of leachate was gradually increased until no further treatment was observed. The main parameters were monitored, laying emphasis on the nitrification process. The values were recorded and analyzed. Experimental Procedure Small reactors of capacity 5 L each were considered with an MLSS concentration of 1500 mg/l. The first SBR was made up of 100% DWW and sludge only, the second one 95% DWW, 5% leachate and sludge, the third one 90% DWW, 10% leachate and sludge and so on. An example is being shown below. The dissolved oxygen concentration was kept greater than 2 mg/l by the use of air diffusers which also provided the mixing within the reactor. Immediately after the setting out of the reactor, a grab sample was collected and was tested. These values were set as baseline. After 24 hours of aeration, another sample was collected from the reactor and tests were performed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Canadian Autonomy

The Fight for Freedom Neham Marwah CHC2D1 Ms. Ballantyne January 15 2011 Some may ask themselves, to what extent has the 20th century contributed to Canada’s autonomy? Canadian autonomy came as a result of the events that occurred within the 20th century. Without these vital events they would have never gained full independence from Britain to become their own nation. The main events that influenced their autonomy are their brave and fearless fighting in WWI, their mid-war self-success and great contributions in WWII and the great assistance Canada served nations post war.Canada showed bravery and fearlessness to new challenges in the First World War that proved that Canadians were able to walk on their own. Canada was new to the war life, and although they only participated because of their attachment to Britain they participated with full force. Citizens all around Canada joined to serve in WWI, ready to fight for their nation. The first battle Canadian soldiers took part in was Ypres in 1915 and they joined the French-Algerian troops in this battle. (Newman, 105) The position of the Canadian troops was surrounded by German trenches, which made them an easier target. Newman, 105) Little did the Canadians know that the Germans were about to release a treacherous weapon for the first time in history—chlorine gas. (Newman, 105) The Canadians were taken by surprise, but French officials had been warned prior to the attack, but they failed to instruct the Canadians about this new weapon or any method of defending themselves against it. (Newman, 106)The French-Algerians saw the gas and ran leaving an open space in their formation for Germans to penetrate through. (Newman, 106) Canadians were hit with the chlorine gas, but they held their position unlike their allies. Newman, 106) They waited three days under harsh attack, until British reinforcements came to relieve them. (Newman, 106) Canadians came out of the battle with injuries and lost members bu t they were recognized as strong and courageous fighters. (Newman, 106) Ypres may have been the first battle Canadians fought in, but The Battle of Vimy Ridge was the one that really changed the outlook on Canadians. German soldiers were confident that no one would take over Vimy Ridge, and they had an advantage as they were on a hill that had a great view of the whole field, this made hiding difficult for the Canadian soldiers. Newman, 117)Canadians corps fought alone in this battle, under the command of British general Julian Byng. (Newman, 119) Under Byng’s command was Canadian born Major-General Arthur Currie was the commander of the First Canadian Division; they decided to use a technique called â€Å"the creeping barrage. † (Newman, 119) The plan devised by Currie was very well thought out and the hard work and dedication of the Canadian soldiers helped them win the battle. (Newman, 119) Although Canadians number had been cut by 3500, (Newman, 119) by the end of the battle they held their heads high.This attack showed everyone that Canadians were capable of coming up with a successful battle plan and able to carry out their instructions and achieve the task at hand. Arthur Currie became the commander of the Canadian corps, (Newman, 119) eliminating the involvement of British officers in the Canadian army. It was a huge step for Canadians to finally have something that was completely theirs; they were no longer being pushed around and told what to do by British officers. Throughout the war, August 8 through to November 11 became known as â€Å"Canada’s 100 Day† because of their success within the time period.As WWI was coming to a close, Lloyd George invited Robert Borden to the Paris Peace Conference to represent Britain. (Newman, 128) Borden rejected his offer and insisted that after all of Canada’s sacrifice in the war, they should earn their own seat, as an independent country. (Newman, 128) Canada suffered many casu alties in the war that led to their first step to independence. They were running their own, strong army, and they were doing it well, without the help of Britain. All of their fight, and dedication through the war process showed nations around them, their ability to take charge of a situation, and get through a hassle.In the mid-war years Canada showed its ability to become a self dependent nation and survive without collaborating with the nations around it. Canadian contributions in WWII were not obvious, but were definitely there. Canada showed its potential as an independent country that can survive through tough situations staying intact. Very few countries were hit by the consequences of the depression as hard as Canada; 1 in 5 Canadians became dependant on the government for survival. (Canadian Encyclopaedia, Web) Canada was seriously affected by the collapse in world rade; 33% of its national income came from exporting resources, and because of the depression other countries would not buy. (Canadian Encyclopaedia, Web) Canadian goods had dropped to an extreme low which led to many people becoming homeless and being unable to support their families. There were very few people who had jobs, so when WWII started, munitions factories were being re-opened and there were more jobs that brought Canada out of poverty. Canada started over and built its economy from the ground up, making it stronger than its previous structure.It was wartime yet again, but this time Canada knew the consequences, it joined WWII in its own right and not to accompany Britain. Canadian corps was ordered to capture Ortona, which became known as one of the best battles fought by Canada. (Marwah, Battles Notes)The Germans defending Ortona were very strong fighters and were rewarded for their previous battles, and they also had the advantage of being entrenched in the hills. (Marwah, Battles Notes) Canadian corps took Ortona house by house and within one week they had it captured. The c apture of Ortona helped the allies take over Rome, without which they could have never won the war. Marwah, Battles Notes) After this success, Canadians got the difficult task of liberating the Netherlands. The Dutch were facing starvation as they were being controlled and used for slave labour by Nazi’s under Hitler’s command. (Marwah, Battles Notes) Canadians struggled with their task to kill the Nazi’s, and after months of hard labour, they had finally freed the Dutch. The Netherlands were, are, and always will be grateful for the assistance of the Canadian troops and their struggle to fight for Dutch freedom. Canadians continued their assistance in D-Day.There were 5 divisions called in to land along an 80 km form, and Canadians were the 3rd division and got Juno Beach. (Marwah, Battles Notes) They defeated the defending Germans and moved farther inland than any other allied troops. (Marwah, Battles Notes) The casualties they suffered in this battle were muc h fewer than they had feared. (Marwah, Battles Notes) Canadians succeeded in many aspects of WWII, but they did not win all of their battles. When 50,000 Japanese soldiers sprung out to attack Hong Kong, (Marwah, Battles Notes) Canadians were ordered to come to their defence. 0% of the Canadian soldiers had never shot a gun in their practice and very unready for this battle. (Marwah, Battles Notes) The total number of their defence force was a mere 14000 men, they did not have air protection and Canada itself was outnumbered 10-1. (Marwah, Battles Notes) When Hong Kong surrendered every Canadian was either killed or captured and used as slaves to build. (Marwah, Battles Notes) The ability to find strength within your own home is difficult, but when Canada was put through the test they passed without a problem.Canada contributed many forms of success in WWII, but there were sacrifices that came with their glory. Canadians put their selves in danger to protect others, and their protec tion has made them accepted in many parts of the world. Canada became known for its separate achievements, and not the ones that attached it to Britain. WWII had ended, but the rein of Canadian contributions continued to pour in far after their assistance in the World Wars. The Cold War was beginning and the United States and United Nations were working on creating the atomic bomb, (Newman, 244) trying to keep up with the Soviet Union’s advancements in weaponry.They were having difficulty coming across a substance without which the bomb could not be made—uranium. (Newman, 244) It just so happened that all of the uranium refineries were under the Nazi control, all except one located in Canada. Canada provided the UN and US the uranium to build the atomic bomb and provided a safe-working environment away from battlefields. (Newman, 244) Canada participated on its own, and while working with the UN and US, was looked at as an equal. Canada was a huge factor in the reason US won the cold war, although Canada is not the most powerful nation in the world, they assisted in getting their partners to glory.Canada’s involvement in the production of the atomic bomb got them in tussles further into the future. Russian, Igor Gouzenko worked in the Soviet Union embassy in Ottawa and he announced that there were Russian spies located in Canada, US, and the UN trying to find information about their production of the atomic bomb. (Marwah, Cold War Notes) An organization called NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was created and Canada, along with Britain, France and 8 other countries were taking part in it. Each of the countries who are involved in the organization must send army, navy, air force units to a new NATO defence force. Marwah, Cold War Notes) They put together their militaries together to make a sort of super army; it was made to intimidate the Soviet Union from taking over Western Europe. (Marwah, Cold War Notes) Canada was able to recru it the biggest intimidation towards the Soviet Union—the United States. (Marwah, Cold War Notes) Canada was seen on a world-scale when they got the US to join NATO; (Marwah, Cold War Notes) the fact that they recruited the most powerful country in the world really had everyone appreciate their effort and dedication.When the United States turned to Canada for help with the creation of NORAD, Canadians rose to the occasion. (Marwah, Cold War Notes) US was quite frightened of the SU’s ability to drop nuclear bombs on North America, so they had Canada help them develop a system that could warn them of enemy air bombing planes. (Marwah, Cold War Notes) Nations around the world looked and saw the US look to Canada for assistance, and support. Canada became known for their own successes and not their achievements with Britain.Canada’s contributions post war helped them become recognized as an independent nation; for the reason that most of their achievements were separ ated from Britain, the 2 countries were not interconnected. The events in the 20th century contributed to Canadian autonomy and independence in numerous ways like their brave and fearless fighting in WWI, their mid-war self-success and great contributions in WWII and the great assistance Canada served nations post war. Canada fought courageously in its first world war. They held their positions when hit with the first gas attack in history, while their allies fled to protect their own lives.In the battle of Vimy Ridge they won their fight when no other allies could, and they were able to lead their own army, a huge step towards their independence. They contributed great successes in WWII; they became heroes around the world, endangering themselves to free the Netherlands. They assisted the most powerful nation in the world and led them to success and prosperity in the cold war. Although Canada was in the background, their presence was noticed. They were the backbone of every success and triumph made in the 20th century.They made their mark wherever they could, the mark representing their independent nation— Canada. Works Cited â€Å"Canada Flag. † Photograph. Pastyme With Good Companye. 15 Feb 2008. Web. 15 Jan 2011. Hillmer, Norman. â€Å"Statute of Westminster. † The Canadian Encyclopaedia. James Marsh . Web. 14 Jan2011. Marwah, Neham. â€Å"Battles of World War 2. † 26 Nov 2010. Class Notes. Marwah, Neham. â€Å"Cold War Events. † 02 Jan 2011. Class Notes. Newman, Garfield. Canada: A Nation Unfolding. Toronto: McGraw, 2000. Print. Struthers, James. â€Å"The Great Depression. † The Canadian Encyclopaedia. James Marsh . Web. 14 Jan 2011.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Joy of Caring and Sharing

â€Å"JOY OF CARING AND SHARING† Sharing, taking, earning, losing, stealing, squandering, hoarding. These are all human impulses, and very natural otherwise we wouldn't be human without them. Yet on this list only one item — sharing — appears in the world's wisdom traditions. Why is giving or sharing set apart? After all, there's no mystery to why someone might want to earn, hoard, squander, or steal a million dollars. One way or another, most of our daily actions follow the principle of more is better, whereas giving and sharing means having less.Nobody likes to part with his things. Everyone in this world has an aim of being successful in other words having more of everything†¦.. More money, more cars, gadgets, more houses and the list goes on †¦.. If you ask people like Mother Teresa â€Å"why they give† or â€Å"what make them serve the needy†, the readiest answers offer to the mystery. â€Å"God wants me to. I feel better about mysel f. Others need, and I have. I want to share. It's only right. A hazy halo encircles these good-hearted answers, and if we bring it into focus, then it seems true that â€Å"Giving takes you out of yourself.You expand beyond your limitations that are being always self-occupied. I want this, I want that, I have to achieve more, me this, me that†¦ and somewhere along those lines you are slowly and slowly loosing yourself! You might think you are successful, but do you have the character? Unfortunately a person’s character is what the actual prosperity dwells on. It is something we achieve at every step of life, with ups and downs of our life, and something we would be remembered for and that’s what sharing, giving and caring gives you.You feel the joy of it once you feel it with a pure and clean heart, you will never again hesitate to give or share. We can feel the real joy of giving when we’re doing something for others knowing that we’re simply doing it for ourselves-we’re doing it for our own joy!! The people who give more let it be time, money, kindness, love, ideas; have more of these things because that’s the balance. And balance is the natural law of life. â€Å"Also you should never give ‘to get’. You’re here to have more to give more. One key in the giving process is never to expect a return when we give. But in reality everyone is centered in their own self. And it involves a tit for tat, this for that, getting and spending. When giving results in an experience are in the form of love, joy, peace, community, charity, caring, self-worth and immense satisfaction. Some visionaries foresee an economy based entirely on giving and sharing. That would be the ideal way to heal the excesses of poverty, lack of food, clothes and other woes. But this is possible only when we are out of our self-centered behavior.When we act out of the comfort zone &limitations this is how we realize the joy of gi ving and sharing I am sure it would cost you nothing to give your old clothes and blankets shoes and etc. to needy and unfortunate people and feel the joy of caring and sharing , And also very important please do propagate this idea as it can give a whole new picture of sharing. After all . It's a small, small world! If we don’t stand up for each other †¦who will FEEL THE JOY OF SHARING AND CARING! BE HAPPY AND SPREAD HAPPINESS!! (