Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Make a Cloud Chamber

Although you cannot see it, background radiation is all around us. Natural (and harmless) sources of radiation include cosmic rays, radioactive decay from elements in rocks, and even radioactive decay from elements in living organisms. A cloud chamber is a simple device that allows us to see the passage of ionizing radiation. In other words, it allows for indirect observation of radiation. The device is also known as a Wilson cloud chamber, in honor of its inventor, Scottish physicist Charles Thomson Rees Wilson. Discoveries made using a cloud chamber and a related device called a bubble chamber led to the 1932 discovery of the positron, the 1936 discovery of the muon, and the 1947 discovery of the kaon. How a Cloud Chamber Works There are different types of cloud chambers. The diffusion-type cloud chamber is the easiest to construct. Basically, the device consists of a sealed container that is made warm on the top and cold on the bottom. The cloud inside the container is made of alcohol vapor (e.g., methanol, isopropyl alcohol). The warm top part of the chamber vaporizes the alcohol. The vapor cools as it falls and condenses on the cold bottom. The volume between the top and bottom is a cloud of supersaturated vapor. When an energetic charged particle (the radiation) passes through the vapor, it leaves an ionization trail. The alcohol and water molecules in the vapor are polar, so they are attracted to ionized particles. Because the vapor is supersaturated, when the molecules move closer, they condense into misty droplets that fall toward the bottom of the container. The path of the trail can be traced back to the origin of the radiation source. Make a Homemade Cloud Chamber Only a few simple materials are needed to construct a cloud chamber: Clear glass or plastic container with lid99% Isopropyl alcoholDry iceInsulated container (e.g., a foam cooler)Absorbent materialBlack paperVery bright flashlightSmall bowl of warm water A good container might be a large empty peanut butter jar. Isopropyl alcohol is available at most pharmacies as rubbing alcohol. Make sure its 99% alcohol. Methanol also works for this project, but it is much more toxic. The absorbent material could be a sponge or piece of felt. An LED flashlight works well for this project, but you can also use the flashlight on your smartphone. Youll also want your phone handy to take pictures of the tracks in the cloud chamber. Start by stuffing a piece of sponge into the bottom of the jar. You want a snug fit so it wont fall when the jar is inverted later on. If necessary, a bit of clay or gum can help stick the sponge to the jar. Avoid tape or glue, since the alcohol may dissolve it.Cut the black paper to cover the inside of the lid. Black paper eliminates reflection and is slightly absorbent. If the paper doesnt stay in place when the lid is sealed, stick it to the lid using clay or gum. Set the paper-lined lid aside for now.Pour isopropyl alcohol into the jar so that the sponge is completely saturated, but there isnt excess liquid. The easiest way to do this is to add alcohol until there is liquid and then pour the excess out.Seal the lid of the jar.In a room that can be made completely dark (e.g., a closet or bathroom without windows), pour dry ice into a cooler. Turn the jar upside down and place it lid-down onto the dry ice. Give the jar about 10 minutes to chill.Set a small dish of warm water on top of the cloud chamber (onto the bottom of the jar). The warm water heats the alcohol to form a cloud of vapor.Finally, turn off all the lights. Shine a flashlight through the side of the cloud chamber. Youll see visible tracks in the cloud as ionizing radiation enters and leaves the jar. Safety Considerations Even though isopropyl alcohol is safer than methanol, its still toxic if you drink it and its highly flammable. Keep it away from a heat source or open flame.Dry ice is cold enough to cause frostbite on contact. It should be handled using gloves. Also, dont store dry ice in a sealed container, as pressure build-up as the solid sublimates into gas can cause an explosion. Things to Try If you have a radioactive source, place it near the cloud chamber and see the effect of the increased radiation. Some everyday materials are radioactive, such as brazil nuts, bananas, clay kitty litter, and vaseline glass.A cloud chamber offers an excellent opportunity to test methods of shielding against radiation. Place different materials between your radioactive source and the cloud chamber. Examples might include a baggie of water, a piece of paper, your hand, and a sheet of metal. Which is best at shielding against radiation?Try applying a magnetic field to the cloud chamber. Positive and negative charged particles will curve in opposite directions in response to the field. Cloud Chamber Versus Bubble Chamber A bubble chamber is another type of radiation detector based on the same principle as the cloud chamber. The difference is that bubble chambers used superheated liquid rather than supersaturated vapor. A bubble chamber is made by filling a cylinder with a liquid just above its boiling point. The most common liquid is liquid hydrogen. Usually, a magnetic field is applied to the chamber so that ionizing radiation travels in a spiral path according to its speed and charge-to-mass ratio. Bubble chambers may be larger than cloud chambers and can be used to track more energetic particles.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

John Stuart Mill vs. Immanuel Kant - 2163 Words

John Stuart Mill vs. Immanuel Kant The aim of this paper is to clearly depict how John Stuart Mill’s belief to do good for all is more appropriate for our society than Immanuel Kant’s principle that it is better to do whats morally just. I will explain why Mill’s theory served as a better guide to moral behavior and differentiate between the rights and responsibilities of human beings to themselves and society. Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill are philosophers who addressed the issues of morality in terms of how moral customs are formed. Immanuel Kant presented one perspective in The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals that is founded on his belief that the worth of man is inherent in his skill to reason. John Stuart Mill holds†¦show more content†¦Mill disagreed that it is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied, meaning, human dissatisfaction is superior to animal satisfaction, or more clearer stated as better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. This means the fool would simply be of a different view because he did not know both sides of the question. This statement means that Mill has rejected the identification of the concept happiness and replaced it with pleasure and the absence of pain and rejected the concept unhappiness and replaced it with pain and the absence of pleasure. Even though his point was based on the maximization of hap piness, he showed the differences between pleasures that are higher and lower in quality. Mills principle of utility seeks for the logical rationality of ethics through the consequences of actions as the consideration determining their morality, therefore the possession of happiness as opposed to the avoidance of pain. Utilitarianism might be an instance of a more general theory of right consequentialism, which supports that right and wrong can only, be reviewed by the kindness of consequences. This common kind of theory can be easily understood by considering the form of consequentialism. Consequentialism states that an act is right if, of those accessible to the agent at the time, it would produce the most overall value in the end. UtilitarianShow MoreRelatedKant And Mill On Animal Ethics Essay1365 Words   |  6 PagesIn this essay I will begin by explaining the overall views of Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill, then compare and contrast the ideas and philosophies of Kant and Mill on Animal Ethics. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design -

Question: Discuss about the Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. Answer: Introduction This report is to critically evaluate and make a research foundation for further research. The main focus of the previous assignments was to review the cybercrime environments in some sector where the impact of the crime is high (Soomro 2016). Therefore, the organisation chosen is of manufacturing sector in mining called BHP Billiton. The research design and approach to conducting the research in the field is also outlined in the following discussions. The project objectives of doing the research are also discussed (Sales 2012). The data collection process and research limitations while doing the research is opined as suitable. Based on the research method and outlines activity the main tasks are scheduled in a chart below. To analyse the cyber protection level of the company by doing primary and secondary research of the company To build a primary foundation of doing research and gather data for to analyse To recommend further usage and increase responsibility of the companies regarding cyber crime and cite the advantage of using such protection system Project scope The main scope of doing this research is to gather primary research data for further usage of the cyber crime laws and regulations. Further, this project will be useful for those companies, which are very prone to data hacking. This advantage of this research will be helpful in having further knowledge in this regard. The recommendations can also be useful for the companies, which are trying to incorporate the cyber security programs in their company and planning for implementing further improvement. The scope of this project also lies in recommendations of to develop more protections for the companies facing the cyber hacking problems and initiate actions to increase the responsibility of the companies towards their dat. With the evolution of the technology, crime in the cyber space has also increased. The negative aspect of internet and technologies, the scope of crime has become a challenging aspect that threatens the company (Sales 2012). Therefore, the essential part of the process is to practise the preventive methods to increase cyber security. The company that are getting more responsibility about cyber security aspect is identified to be BHP Billiton, which tries to secure its data from cyber attacks. This company uses different internet protocols and recruited nine-security architecture for professional security purpose. It has a separate unit of the for cyber security, which incorporates security governance and risk mitigation group and compliance group. The transactional data that the company have or shares with their stakeholders are protected, recognised and analysed thoroughly. Comparative analysis There are many policies regarding cyber security that the company goes by, for insecurity of information. The responsibility of the company is also in the matter of national security and economic growth. The CIIP handbooks that gives an overview of how the security infrastructure must be in the issues that makes the mitigation of the companys security more reliable are discussed and abide by in the process (Tonge et al. 2013). The critical sectors that gets affected by the cyber crime like breach of company data, Botnets, web based attacks, malicious software, malwares and malicious codes, virus, and Trojans. BHP takes different kind of initiatives in mitigates vulnerabilities of the systems, and protects its assets (Crozier 2017). The plan to employ the CIRT (critical incident response team) is also a stern step to revise the remaining security system of the companys different process. BHP Billiton is also reinforcing their organizations security architecture resources, which is out side the domain of specific security of the companies data (Jacobs 2016). The organization security architecture team of BHP Billiton will be leading globally based out of Melbourne. This new security team also in process of designing, implementing, supporting and documenting the architecture of security infrastructure. The collective security methods like using firewalls, role based access, physical separation, encryption of data and backing up the data for future use in emergency are also part of the process of security methods (Jacobs 2016). Cyber crime and security team always conducts an adequate audit trails in application to analyze the root cause of these kind of data breaches and crimes. To perform the administrative task in the company regarding security measures BHP Billiton conducts research for tracking the objectives of cyber security functional initiatives in partnerships with high level of authority. What are the risks involved in cyber crime for an organisation and what is the responsibility of the owners of the business in mitigating the risk? How BHP Billiton uses the cyber security programs? What are the data hacking risk factors affects the impacts the operation of the company? What are the different types of risk that BHP Billiton faces in their organisation and what protection level does it use in their company? Research design and methodology The research methodology here includes both qualitative research and quantitative research from the secondary and primary data. The qualitative approach is known as the respondents unstructured responds in different categorical variable but a quantitative research is based on the huge number of respondents survey analysis. This helps in generalising the responds for the research purpose. In a research, approach of reliability and validity outlines the main concerns of the research system. This also ensures the outcomes of the research are valuable and can be correctly used. This validity and reliability is also takes into consideration about the ethics of conducting a research program. Reliability defines as a testing and evaluation of the data. The most important part of doing a qualitative research is to provide it with quality. The factors that must be given emphasise are credibility, neutrality, conformability, consistency, applicability and transferability (Low and Ong 2014). This is essentials among the factors that need to be considered. To ensure this factors the examination process must be trustworthy. On the other hand the validity must be kept in mind and while doing the qualitative research. The two kinds of validity must be kept in mind, the construct validity and concept validity. The concept validity must be taken into account for imperceptivity of con ceptions (Sauter and Carafano 2012). Qualitative research is more naturalistic approach to seek the phenomena that are context specific. The categorical variable are more used in this king of research but the numeric and alpha numeric is considered more quantitative approach to study the research (Creswell and Poth, 2017). The quantitative approach to research is more findings based and takes into consideration the following things. For example, prediction, generalisation also extra and interpolation of the findings. This is not philosophical in nature rather like qualitative research. Research approach After designing, the research comes the approach. The more basic of the approach process is inductive and deductive. It has been described, the inductive approach to be done in the data collection, analysis and observation of data (Low and Ong 2014). The theory selection, hypothesis testing and implementation of theories are confirmation of research done on the topic. Here the part of collecting the research data is done in inductive ways. The research design in this study is exploratory. This design enlightens the background information that has been collected while doing the literature review of the study. There is also descriptive study process done in the finding the objectives of the research. Here in this research design the focus is to collect primary data from the company and based on the fining and analysis the correct conclusion must be given (Yin 2013). Data collection process By objectives of this study, it has been decided that primary and secondary both data must be collected on the company BHP Billiton. The research topic is based the cyber security and what are the precautions that must be taken in mitigating the risk arising from not having cyber security method incorporated in the company Information system (Yin 2013). The group of six managers are identified from the company to do a primary research. Based on the case objectives the research questions will be prepared. The secondary data will be collected from the group of employees that are from BHP Billiton. The set of hypothesis will be constructed based on the data collected and findings are analysed. As the research goes after primary and secondary data collection, which is the crucial part of the system and surveying the respondents (Creswell and Poth 2017). Sampling method includes interviewing the appropriate candidate for research and based on that sample must be chosen. The probability sampling is the best method chosen for this research study. Convenient sampling reduces the deviation of the responds of the candidate. 6 managers are chosen for interviewing and remaining 50 employees of the company will be surveyed for primary data collection. The sample variables that are collected will be one dependent and one independent variable. The independent variable here is the cyber crime rate and dependent is the security system that is incorporated in BHP Billiton. Research Limitations There are some limitations to conducting research. For example, getting authentic journals of the research and building the research foundation for further research. In addition, the budget constraint must be kept in mind. However, it also must be kept in mind the time constraint of the research. Conclusions Therefore, from the above text it can be suggested that the company BHP Billiton takes a number of protection measure in there system and takes care of their confidential datum of their system and operations. Further, the text outlines a research method for conducting a research on the measuring the cyber security and what the company takes into consideration while incorporating protection level in the system. The data collection process and research limitations while doing the research is opined as suitable. Based on the research method and outlined activity the main tasks are scheduled in a chart above. Reference Creswell, J.W. and Poth, C.N., 2017.Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage publications. Crozier, R, 2017, BHP Billiton to create big Aussie infosec unit, retrived on 19th August 2017 from: Franke, U. and Brynielsson, J., 2014, Cyber situational awarenessa systematic review of the literature, Computers Security, 46, pp.18-31. Goo, J., Yim, M.S. and Kim, D.J., 2014, A path to successful management of employee security compliance: An empirical study of information security climate, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 57(4), pp.286-308. Jacobs, T., 2016, Industrial-sized Cyber Attacks Threaten the Upstream Sector,Journal of Petroleum Technology,68(03), pp.42-50. Low, S.P. and Ong, J., 2014. Research Design and Methodology. InProject Quality Management(pp. 69-77). Springer Singapore. Sales, N.A., 2012. Regulating cyber-security. Sauter, M. and Carafano, J., 2012.Homeland Security: A Complete Guide 2/E. McGraw Hill Professional. Soomro, Z.A., Shah, M.H. and Ahmed, J., 2016, Information security management needs more holistic approach: A literature review, International Journal of Information Management, 36(2), pp.215-225. Tonge, A.M., Kasture, S.S. and Chaudhari, S.R., 2013, Cyber security: challenges for society-literature review, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2(12), pp.67-75. Yan, Z., Zhang, P. and Vasilakos, A.V., 2014, A survey on trust management for Internet of Things, Journal of network and computer applications, 42, pp.120-134. Yin, R.K., 2013.Case study research: Design and methods. Sage publicat

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The River Of Freedom Essay Example For Students

The River Of Freedom Essay In Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn, the Mississippi River plays many roles and holds a prominent theme throughout much of the story. Huck and Jim are without a doubt the happiest and most at peace when floating down the river on their raft. The river has a deeper meaning than just water and mud, almost to the extent of having its own ideal personality. It provides the two characters a means of escape from everything and everyone, and puts them at ease. Although quite constrained in its capacity to provide freedom of movement, the raft offers the two a certain amount of freedom in actions, words, and emotions. Huck senses this truth when he mentions how; other places feel so cramped and smothery, but a raft dont. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft.; (Twain, 113) However, the freedom that is experienced on the raft can be deceiving. This freedom is only temporary and will not last forever. Huck and Jim cannot live on a raft traveling down the Mississippi forever and m ust focus on the main situation at hand, getting Jim his true freedom A freedom that stretches beyond the limiting reaches of a raft. Huckleberry resents the objectives and beliefs of the so-called civilized; people of the society around him. Huck likes to be free from the restrictions of others and just be himself, living by his own rules. He disbelieves the societal beliefs that have been embedded in his mind since birth, which is shown by his brother-like relationship with Jim, a runaway slave. Only on the raft do they have the chance to practice the idea of brotherhood which they are so devoted to. When Rifkin, 2on the raft, peacefully wading down the river, skin color plays no major part in the way that they interact and outright racist perception is nonexistent. The river is the only form of separation from all of the negative virtues of society which Huck has access to. However, it still does not completely separate them from what they disbelieve in. Although the river allows them a certain amount of freedom at first, this freedom is very limited in its capacity, for they must still make a big effort to avoid others, hiding by day and floating down the river by night. Huck has to constantly invent new stories to tell nearby boatsmen or any other people who might interfere with their quest for freedom. We will write a custom essay on The River Of Freedom specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Another appeal of the river its ideal peacefulness. It does not seem like Huck enjoys the company of others too much with the exception of Jim, Tom Sawyer, and secondary characters such as Mary Jane Wilks. He seems to enjoy a tranquil environment where there are not many unnecessary annoyances. When he and Jim anchor to watch the sun rise, he mentions that there was; Not a sound anywhere- perfectly still- just like the whole world was asleep; (113) With just Huck and Jim on the raft things probably would tend to be more quiet for two people can only talk for so long, as opposed to having mixed conversations with many people. He loves these moments which possibly last for even days at a time, for at one point Huck says; Two or three days and nights went by; I reckon I might say they swum by, they slid along so quiet and smooth and lovely.; (113) This degree of peace and appreciation of quietness took time to get accustomed to and strengthens every time they return from the land. The m ore they venture onto the shore, the more they appreciate everything the raft has to offer. Hucks attachment to the raft and his companion grows every time he returns to the serenity of the raft. Not only does he enjoy Rifkin, 3in a way being cut off from society, but he somewhat becomes detached from it, not realizing that he has entered the realm at times. Although the river provides such heavenly things to Huck and Jim, it is also a source of danger, and the threat is ever-present. There is the threat of the raft being ripped apart during storms. (Thunderstorms on the Mississippi were especially severe) This threat