Monday, September 30, 2019

Humanistic Theory and Trait Theory Essay

Humanistic Theory and Trait Theory My research was comparing the Humanistic Theory and Trait Theory. Humanistic Theory is based on the ability for individuals to be able to uniquely diverse with our own prospective on life. It evaluates how an individual’s choice can affect their decision making and how the decisions can take a positive or negative effect to the conclusion of that choice. It also focuses on how we allow others to manipulate us into believing what our self worth is, if we are capable of achieving what we set out to become. Trait theory is based on an individual’s observation, and elements of their personality traits such as openness to new experiences, skill development, agreeableness, etc. and how that affects their choices. According to Tom Ato, psychologists believe that this trait stems from one basic group of characteristics which are biological in nature. Studies have concluded that is it not based on individualism but account for consistent behavior which are familiar in diverse situations. Both theories have a few similarities; however research revealed several differences between them. Their approach to personality traits differ because they go in different directions. Trait theory shows aspects of human personality can be stable and consistent in several cultures; it is not shaped by outside influences, where as Humanistic traits are. Trait theory is correct in its approach for many reasons; the success of the five-factor personality models, observers’ evaluations, the models withstood challenges that affects all cultures, the link between psychological disorders and personality traits, and the potential to predict what the individuals’ future may bring. The Humanistic trait has been criticized for being too subjective in its approach. Because it focuses on each individual’s potential and gives the fundamental belief that all individuals are good, makes it harder to explain why people commit crimes. We can not objectively tell is self actualized, we can only rely on the individual own assessment of their experiences. Both theories have valid merit on the personality traits, but they have different approaches on how to establish their findings. Both Humanistic and Trait Theories are in disagreement on what way is most effective however both view the individual’s personality as a whole.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Essay on Increase Cost of Living

India vs. UAE Living in India as compared to staying around the world you need to adapt to the surrounding atmosphere. Similarly I have been living in Sharjah since a while however I have lived my whole life in India. Although these two countries are far apart, very few factors such as education system and the culture between the two countries. There are a lot of difference between the Indian and the UAE education system. In India the schools mainly follow CBSE system, similarly in the UAE most of the schools follow the same system. On the other hand there are many schools and colleges that follow the IGCSE system.I have studied in a school where the school follows CBSE board. The main difference between the two of them is CBSE is much harder than the IGCSE board. The portion that CBSE covers in high school is what the IGCSE students study in collage. I had a major advantage on it because I did the CBSE board. The students who study IGCSE mainly study the Cambridge portion. In India, some schools don’t even have textbooks to study from, and still people study and get amazing grades. This is because the people in India struggle to study. That’s why there is a lot of completion as compared to the UAE.In India the education system is progressing at a slow rate. In India schools don’t use the latest technology to teach the students and are still teach on the board and chalk method. In UAE almost all the schools have computers and smart boards, which make studying much more easier and fun. The fees structure in a normal collage in India is very high as compared to the fees structure in any university in the UAE. The cultural diversity in India is very huge. In UAE it is less. The parents in India are very conservative when it comes to children. if it is a girl then they will be more protective because of the security of the girl.Parents do not allow the girl to leave the house for more until late in the night. On the other hand if it were a guy then they would have not cared much. This because of when it comes to the girl, the security of hers becomes important, as she could be raped or kidnapped or anything else can happen. Whereas in the UAE this is not the case because they know wherever their children are they will reach home safely, because of the laws. According to my personal experience the mentality of an Indian parent should change and they should leave their children free to live their lives. In India people eat with their hands.The men sitting first, to eat together in one huge plate. On the contrary, in UAE people eat by sitting on the table and in different plates and sit around the dining table. In India the women don’t sit together for food with the men. When I was a young kid I use to sit on the floor and eat food with my dad and my cousin brother. Back then I use to think why eat by sitting on the floor. As I grew up I realized that it is an Indian culture and tradition to sit down and eat. The man has the last say in any important decision. Whereas in UAE, when a decision is made by asking the opinion of all the members.In conclusion in the many years to come I would like to see India catching up with the UAE. To make a country better than the others countries, Education and cultural diversities of the country plays a major role. There are many colleges in India that have been recognized internationally. The Indian education system will come up in the coming years, as the IT sector in India is booming. This will be a turning point to them as they can make some better technology better than the other countries, whereas in the UAE, technology has played an important role and which has helped them to make education much easier and more interesting to people.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cadbury Dairy

Cadbury Dairy milk is in the mature stage of the product life cycle, the reason being is that it is a well-established product since 1905. The maturity point is generally reached when about half the potential users have adopted the product. Since Cadbury Dairy Milk is Australia’s favourite chocolate, it is safe to say that there is already consumer trust and loyalty to the brand. However customers still need continued satisfaction and loyalty, built on lower cost, differentiation or customer service. Seeing that Cadbury chocolate is considered a common brand name in households all over Australia, there is nothing within the external environment that should be modified and it will remain in a strong steady position in the confectionery industry. Product: In order to continue generating sales, Cadbury took into consideration one of the threats that the confectionery industry is facing today. Consumers are becoming more health conscious; therefore Cadbury will support and promote physical activity by giving away mountain bikes to 100 lucky winners around Australia! The promotion will only feature in the Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate block range: including the Fruit and Nut, Hazelnut etc†¦ Featured on the wrapping will be, â€Å"WIN A MOUNTAIN BIKE† with a picture of the bike that will be won. Price: The pricing of Dairy Milk Chocolate will also maintain the same pricing strategies to remain competitive with its competitors Nestle and Mars. Place: The distribution of Cadbury Dairy Milk should be at its maximum capacity, remaining readily available in supermarkets, convenience stores, seven elevens and kiosks. Promotion: Cadbury should continue to generate promotions to remind and encourage consumers to purchase Dairy milk chocolate. In order to maintain the sales of Dairy Milk, sales promotion should be implemented to generate growth. This is done by creating advertisements on Television and in-store promotional posters to display the promotion that is running. The television and in-store promotion is to inform consumers of the promotion that is currently running. The sales promotion will be â€Å"WIN A MOUNTAIN BIKE† This promotion is for the Cadbury Dairy Milk block chocolate range. Every consumer that purchases a block range from Cadbury’s will have the opportunity to enter the competition by text via SMS a code that is given inside the wrapper. f. ) Marketing Action Plans: A key objective is to hold current customers and to maintain and increase the retail and brand market share to make sure that the Cadbury brand and products remain one of the top selling confectionery brands in Australia. Since Cadbury Dairy Milk is in the top five selling chocolates list, there will be no need for any tremendous change. A good way to promote The other Cadbury block chocolate range such as Fruit and nut and Hazelnut†¦etc will also have his competition. Price: Cadbury’s human resources department will need to find a place that will provide us with the mountain bikes. The costing of the bikes and the overall promotions will need to be considered, as Cadbury does not want to spend so much on promotions, when Cadbury Dairy Milk is not declining any time soon. Promotion: Pictures of this new competition will need to be put in magazines such as: Women’s day, News Idea, newspapers†¦. etc†¦designers will be needed to create the advertisements for this promotion. However, to promote Cadbury Dairy Milk’s new competition, television is the key to ensure that viewers all around Australia will know about the â€Å"WIN A MOUNTAIN BIKE† promotion. As television is the main and preferred type of advertising, it is certain that consumers will know about the competition faster. And in addition to that, the Cadbury chocolate commercials will still be showing, to heighten promotions. It is best to air the promotion on television between 4:00 pm – 9:00pm, since that is the time when consumers are most likely to be at home. Place: The exposure of Cadbury Dairy Milk promotion will need to be more publicized in convenience stores and kiosks in the form of a poster. g. ) Management of the marketing effort and the marketing function: In order to make sure that they marketing effort and function works accordingly a few steps have to be taken in regards to the management of the planning. The three step process that will have to be put in place will be based around †¢Marketing Implementation –The process of putting marketing strategies into action †¢Intended Strategy The strategy that the company decides on during the planning phase †¢Realized Strategy – The strategy that actually takes place Cadbury must be able to respond and adapt to its internal marketing department. Coordinating internal exchanges between the firm and its employees to achieve successful external exchanges between the firm and its customers is very important as it allows for a gauge or a measure to be received as a result of acceptance and understanding. In regards to the marketing activities it all starts within the Cadbury management team. The ability to motivate marketing personnel plays a large part in the initial process to get the promotional idea off the ground, once the team is able to have a grip of the idea that tackles the current health issue and that a bike will be awarded as a prize and health product then extreme communication within the marketing unit will be essential. Openness and responsiveness from other marketing departments will be just as important to make sure that the management and strategy travels across all channels. This will be indispensable to the organizing and coordinating of marketing activities which then lead to a schedule for implementation. The marketing control process consists of three steps; Establishment of control standards, Evaluation of actual performance relative to established standards and corrective action if necessary. A few key guidelines that will help Cadbury in controlling marketing activities: Within the Marketing Control Process †¢Establishing performance standards and trying to match actual performance to those standards Establishing Performance Standards Expected levels of performance †¢Taking Corrective Action oImprove actual performance oReduce or change the performance standards oDo both †¢Problems in Controlling Marketing Activities oLack of the information required to control activities oUncontrollable influence of market environment changes on marketing activities oTime lag that occurs between marketing campaigns and their results delays corrective actions A few problems can also occur in the controlling of marketing activities, however the ability to act on these problems will only make the campaign more successful and responsive.

Friday, September 27, 2019

STrategies for Special Populations in CTE Assignment

STrategies for Special Populations in CTE - Assignment Example This part further highlights a few legislations concerning learners from the special population. It highlights four students James, John, Marie and Sarah who have pertinent problems and are special population learners. If left unattended to, learners from this category are at high risk of not graduating or becoming useful members of the workforce. Teaching special population learners using conventional means without understanding their condition works. Special strategies must be used in order for them to learn and or become useful members of the workforce. Yes. I have had a misconception that students who are inattentive in class often dozing off as not serious in their learning outcomes. This view obviously is incorrect as students with this type of problems often tend to belong to the special population. This part focuses on teaching strategies. It begins by highlighting elements that foster success in students. These elements include helping students monitor their progress, setting up clear discipline rules, recognizing student’s achievement, etc. This module next introduces the concept of instructional "Backpack". Instructional backpack includes setting up instruction plans, motivational teaching and how to get students in learning group. Next, types of instructions used by CTE are outlined. These include direct instructions, small group instructions and differentiated instructions. Direct instruction incorporates the whole class and often will use the lecture technique. Small group instruction involves flexible grouping and cooperative learning. Differentiated learning is a one on one form of relaying instruction to the student. This module further moves to what turns off students. These include poor visuals from the instructor, unclear structure of the lesson, disruptive habits such as constantly looking at your watch etc. What turns on students is also highlighted. Instructor enthusiasm, clearly written

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Psychology - leadership question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychology - leadership question - Assignment Example Leaders like Todd McFarlane see challenges as opportunities and work hard to convert those opportunities into successful ventures for them. This is one of the main personality traits that distinguish successful leaders from other individuals. Moreover, visionary outlook, creativity, entrepreneurial approach, and willingness to take risks to control destiny also distinguish leaders from other individuals. Global competition and technology advances have changed business conditions and leadership challenges in many ways. Today, almost every entrepreneur wants to expand his/her business to other markets to increase productivity and revenues, as well as to gain competitive advantage. Hiring a workforce that is able to understand different cultural, social, and business environments has become one of the main challenges for business entrepreneurs in today’s competitive global environment. â€Å"Attracting and retaining talent in todays very competitive world is something that a human capital practitioner cannot easily dismiss† (Mwaka). Therefore, business leaders not only focus on expanding their businesses but also on hiring a competitive and multicultural workforce. Moreover, leaders also need to make business owners and managers aware of incorporating the use of new technologies to improve the performance of their businesses, as well as to increase productivity both of wh ich are essential for success in today’s competitive environment. Mwaka, Clayton. Common Challenges in Human Resource Management., 10 Aug. 2012. Web. 4 Nov. 2012.

Halecar and Mid Lans Automotive Two cultures merge Coursework - 1

Halecar and Mid Lans Automotive Two cultures merge - Coursework Example The first is that there is the need to bring together two potentially conflicting cultures and practices under one single corporate structure(Armstrong, 2012). The second issue includes adjusting the individual HR practices and systems in each of the organisations in order to eliminate errors and inefficiencies of the past(Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to critique the circumstances relating to the systems and practices of the two companies. This will be done on the context of historical practices and processes. From there, the paper will recommend a way forward in improving the HR system, organisational culture and other practices for the achievement of the corporate strategy of the newly formed car manufacturer – Mid Lancashire Automotive. The facts of the case brings to the fore, important pointers and issues that can be used to diagnose HR and Organisational Behaviour concerns. These issues can be used to streamline the structures of the new company, Mid Lancashire Automotive and give the blueprints for the creation of a new and a better entity that will achieve better results. The ultimate end is to develop a good HRM strategy that will operate within an appropriate Corporate Strategy to ensure efficiency and effectiveness that will lead to competitive advantage and ensure the survival of the new company in turbulent times. There are three main classes of issues that are of relevance to this analysis. First of all, there is a case of the issues inherent in HaleCars. Secondly, there are issues with Mid Lancs which come with unique implications for a new human resource management strategy. Finally, there are the conflicts that will arise as a result of trying to link up the two entities into one entity. The organisational culture of HaleCars is one that is built around the specialisation and focus of the firm because they only do a few cars at a given point in time and this kind of bespoke and extreme

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on Vietnam War Soldiers Essay

The Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on Vietnam War Soldiers - Essay Example exposure to a traumatic event, and is re-experiencing that traumatic event; also showing or exhibiting signs of avoidance to certain stimuli, an increased arousal in particular situations, and presenting with symptoms which are present for more than 1 month, of which there is clinical significance with a diagnosis of functional distress or impairment (Jenkins 2003, pg. 10). Vietnam Veterans have suffered for years with this disorder but there was a time where they suffered in isolation and received barely any recognition from the medical world with regard to having a legitimate mental illness and needing help (Beall 1997, pg. 917). Now however, in current day there is obvious attention to this type of mental disturbance and soldiers who have gone and not received therapy in the past are now getting significant amounts of quality care in order to try and bring back some sense of decency and good in their lives. There is still a lot of study that needs to be given to this mental illness but many questions have been solved through much of the research in the past and present that has been carried out. The history of PTSD was initially identified during the Viet-Nam era although instances of it existed before then. Both American soldiers and Vietnamese soldiers suffered and do still suffer with PTSD in their lives. Not only were the soldiers affected mentally by the brutality of the war but an estimated 50% of Vietnamese families, including children have been defined as showing signs of PTSD throughout the years, especially during the Viet-Nam War period. Young (1995) states that those who were directly exposed to much of the fighting in Viet-Nam, either due to being a Vietnamese female in a village or a child, it is feasible to assume that they still suffer with involuntary symptoms of traumatic stress that is related to what transpired in Viet-Nam. For the American soldiers there have been many signs and noticeable warning symptoms of the onset of PTSD

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Batch Distillation Column Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Batch Distillation Column - Assignment Example A single batch column is able to separate a multi-component mixture in a single operation, to its various components. During the start-up period, the column is adjusted in a way that ensures the distillate produced will be of desired purity (Jana, 2008, 145). The production period is, in contrast, the part of the process during which the product is withdrawn from the column. Operation of the batch distillation column takes place in four ways. Constant reflux ratio, total reflux, optimal ratio, and constant distillate composition are the methods used in operating batch distillation column. The method of operation of the batch distillation column is dependent on the type of mixture that is being separated. In the separation of the methanol/water mixture for instance, total reflux method could be appropriately used. In total reflux, the batch process is left alone to approach steady state before the withdrawal of the distillate product is allowed to start. In order to now achieve steady state, overhead vapours are condensed and collected in the condenser-reflux drum system (Diwekar, 2011, 5). All the liquid that has been condensed is directed to return to the column. When this happens, the liquid is further taken through the distillation process several times until there is no more distillate product to be removed. This continuous process of reflux and subsequent distillation ensures that the maximum possible purity is obtained, since no more distillate product is left unremoved. The process that goes on in the batch distillation column is a complex one. Liquid mixture is put in a vessel that is known as the still spot. The vessel is then heated to such a time as vapour is produced, and the vapour is directed to a rectifying column. As the vapours rise in the column, they become enriched in the component of the mixture that is more volatile. In the initial start-up period, all the vapour collected from the top section of the column is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

At-Risk Students Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

At-Risk Students - Assignment Example Some factors are predetermined to be causes of risks for dropping out of high school among the youth. Most of these are but not limited to: having divorced parents or undergoing divorce; lack educational support at home; financial instability; lack ties to community, school, and peers; high rates of mobility; little or no extra-curricular activities; has a long history of being unsuccessful academically; being emotionally unstable; sufferers of physical, emotional or sexual abuse; have psychological and/or addiction problems; have no health care plans; juvenile law-offenders or gang-members; or have not finished the grieving process for the loss of important loved ones (McGee, 2001). The presence of one or a combination of any of these risk factors increases the stress levels of students, which makes them lose focus on studying and instead lets them dwell more on such problems. In addition, the lack of a proper support groups or guidance counselors would leave these youths unable to cope with the strains both in the home and in the self, which could prevent them from properly learning, and would ultimately lead them to self-pitying, hopelessness, and eventually dropping out from school or pursuing their chosen careers. Most students recognize the need to graduate in order to improve their lives, so it would be absurd to think that they chose to drop out for no sound reason (Pillow, 1997). They would even show signs to teachers or advisers that they want to finish school but they might not know how to do this effectively. These indicators would show up in behaviors such as showing up in class despite having low grades, submitting half-done homework and taking or retaking exams despite previous scores. However, it  does not get enough support and encouragement from their teachers in being pushed forward to graduate, or if they feel that they do not receive any help, these students would feel discouraged and even think that it is not worth doing anymore since help is not available anyway.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Organisational Structure Essay Example for Free

Organisational Structure Essay All organisations are designed to suit their objectives, role, and mission. Internal structure of an organisation is the way in which interrelated groups of an organisation are arranged in a particular fashion for effective communication and best possible coordination (Wikipedia, 2006). Organisational structure plays an important role in day-to-day functions of an organization. The organisational structure of an organization will dictate the delegation of authority, work specialization, and employee reporting framework. An efficient structure will facilitate decision making. A good organisational structure removes uncertainties and helps in planning for future expansion as well (Business Bureau-uk, 2002). A company would adopt a suitable combination of structure and control systems that are most effective for pursuing sustainable competitive advantage. In addition to coordinating strategy implementation, the role of structure and control is to motivate and provide incentives for superior performance. There are numerous internal and external factors affecting the way organizations structure themselves. This essay will scrutinize organisational structures of small and medium sized organizations in different countries. An evaluation of the factors affecting these structures has also been carried out coupled with an analysis of the response from these organizations to varying challenges. Organisational Structures Three major components of organisational structure identified by most theorists include complexity, formalisation, and centralisation (Robbins, 1987). Complexity is basically the degree of differentiation that exists within an organization. Horizontal differentiation considers the degree of separation between units of the same level and vertical differentiation refers to the depth of the organizational hierarchy. A well-known way of horizontal differentiation is the multidivisional (M-form) structure (Chandler, 1962). This structural form is used by firms to carry out most diverse economic activities. Other forms of horizontal differentiation are the functional structure in which people and tasks are grouped together on the basis of their common expertise and experience. Then there are the geographic structures, which use regional basis for organizing activities, and the product division structure which has a focus on products or product groups. The second component of organisational structure is the formalisation. The formalisation refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized. If a job is highly formalized, there are explicit job descriptions, lots of organizational rules, and clearly defined procedures. The formal organization however does not imply that the organisational structure will become inflexible. The informal organization on the other hand is any joint activity without conscious joint purpose, even though contributing to joint results (Barnard, 1964). The third component of organisational structure is the centralisation. It is defined by most theorists as the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Different Countries SMEs are generally defined as having fewer than 250 employees and less than 50 million euros in annual turnover (Cardais, 2005). SMEs play a major role in developed economies. According to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, in 2000, 99. 8 per cent of enterprises in 19 countries in Western Europe were SMEs (Kuwayama, 2002). In the United States, small businesses employ more than half of the labor force. The SMEs constitute 96% of the total establishments and represented 69% of total employment in the US (APEC, 2006). SMEs are inherently adaptive to changing market and supply environments. SMEs help in deepening managerial and entrepreneurial skills, and are considered very attractive because of their diversity and competition in the supply of products and services. In United States, SMEs generate half of the national total sales. Most of these corporations develop market-like relationships between the different parts of their organisation. This is reflected in the greater use of the multidivisional structure form. In United States, companies are split into profit centres in pursuance of their market strategies. There is however heavy reliance on formal procedures and standardisation of organisational roles which makes American companies to coordinate a large diversity of economic activities. In Europe, 20 million small and medium sized enterprises comprise major chunk of the European economy. The SMEs in Eurpoe are providing around 65 million jobs. SMEs have greater opportunities to continuously evlove their structures keeping in view their diversified role and constantly changing competitive environments. Organisational Structure of SMEs is very dynamic in Europe. In Germany specially, SMEs are more centralized than US companies and planning and control is more integrated (Europa, 2006). The German SMEs are characterised by a strong linkage between enterprise and owner. This close relationship strongly influences the internal structure and market strategies of the enterprises (Hauser, 2000, pp. 1-2). Factors Reshaping Organisations There are many internal and external forces that can affect an organization. Internally an organization creates its own internal structure, mission, and fiscal policies. These internal forces are designed to meet the external challenges like competitors, the economy, and the demands of the customers. All these factors are having unified impact on organizations in United States and in Europe. Customer demands are influencing organizational structures directly in the same manner that supply can affect demand and vice versa. Another area influencing organizational designs is the constantly changing requirements of the human resources. Surveys conducted in United States have revealed changing workforce behaviour. Changing drives for motivating workers, and getting the best out of them affects the way a company needs to organise its resources. SMEs in developed economies are influenced by e-business to a great extent, allowing them to trade worldwide from a single website. Organisations in Europe and United States are deeply effected by the environment. The advancement of technology is forcing the companies to reengineer their processes. The general environment is dictating change in socio-cultural outlook of companies. With regard to the task environment, major forces playing their part in reshaping organisations include competitors, customers, suppliers, regulators, and strategic allies. High performance and customer satisfaction are directly related to structural design of a company. To compete effectively, the company must avoid becoming operated by a top-down approach. In an era of rapid change and high technology, companies are required to shift centralized management controls. The environment is dictating to focus on streamlining operations, and empowering workers with the knowledge, skills and resources to do their jobs. Analysis of Response to Changing Requirements Change is always viewed differently by the management and the employees. Top level management perceives change as an opportunity to strengthen the business and to advance in their career. The employees however do not welcome the change. They consider change as disruptive and intrusive. They may worry about their ability to meet new job demands. They may think that their job security is threatened, or they may simply dislike ambiguity. Some managers may also feel threatened by the change since it may be against their self-interests. Managers so affected may fight the change as well. But the change is inevitable. The only thing constant in this world is the change. Organizations in Europe and United States are changing and actively adapting to their environments. Organisations in United States are structuring to small business units to tackle complex, and highly uncertain environments in the face of huge competition. Organizations whose structures are not fitted to the environment can not perform well and eventually fail (Borgatti, 1996). The changes are being made to the tools, resources, and the physical or organizational settings of the company. Organisations in Europe and United States are redesigning their structures to meet new challenges. Customers, owners, suppliers, regulators, local communities, and other employees are changing their needs constantly which are compelling the SMEs to adopt a flexible and dynamic structure. The Impact of uncertainty avoidance dimension is forcing towards flexibility of jobs definition and task interchangeability which is quite visible in US and European companies nowadays (Hofstede, 1980). Conclusion The last decade of 20th century witnessed developments occurring within a frame work of rapidly expanding social and economic interdependence on a global scale. Organizations have evolved through periods of incremental or evolutionary change. The major work changes happening today are changes in organizational strategy, organizational structure and design, technology and human resources. In contrast to the classical scholars, most theorists today believe that there is no one best way to organize. What is important is that there be a fit between the organizations structure, its size, its technology, and the requirements of the environment including the competitors. References

Friday, September 20, 2019

Modern society in the UK and Saudi Arabia

Modern society in the UK and Saudi Arabia Modern society has many definitions and this essay will introduce one of them, It is a society indicated that same modern about a basis of age, or technological and social or indeed anything else. Moreover, is the modern period of the developed world different to that of the less developed world .(Llexperts) Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom have similarities in modern society such as the Monarchy and differences in modern society such as the culture. Also, they have differences and similarities in youth culture, social welfare, gender roles, and population and I will describe them later in the main body for this essay. I have chosen this topic because I am studying in the United Kingdom and I want learn and research more about the modern society in the UK and I will compare modern society in the UK and Saudi Arabia. First of all, will be given information about the youth culture in Saudi Arabia and the UK such as what the young people prefer of clothes, sport, carsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc. Secondly, compare and evaluate the social welfare such as education, social programme, hospital. In the UK and Saudi Arabia. Finally, the gender roles in the UK and Saudi Arabia what job they prefer and what the opportunity for them in the future. Analysis: In youth culture mean what distinguishes human rights as an object sane thinker develops ideas and knowledge by thinking and experiences and learn from others, and of the basic instincts shared by human and animal is jealous of assembly youth culture in general Indicates to the ways of young people such as teens differentiate themselves from the general culture of their community. There are many differences and similarities between the youth culture in the UK and the KSA. The main difference between the young people in the UK and the KSA is that in the UK most of young people spend the time at the weekend in the pop or club with the friends while in the KSA most of young people spend the time with the family and friends in the house, beach, and coffee shop. That mean the crime is increase in the UK at the weekend because the young people were drunk and did behave badly whereas in the KSA better and they will do behave well.(BBC) Young people in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia are similar in that they have interested for sport, according to, (Haynes, R. 1995). Says that The Football Imagination is the first in-depth study of football fanzine (fan magazine) culture, contributing to the extensive body of knowledge on the football industry which has developed over the past 25 years in the UK and Europe As will as sporting, United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia are similar in terms of slang, More importantly, they share the same cultural beliefs. But maybe this custom can be effect for the Arabic and English language because nobody can be use the old language and maybe the people has forgotten it also make the language difficult for the people who need to learn other language. Gender mean that eliminating gender disparity, or otherwise cancel the impact of biological differences between the sexes and to prevent without taking into account those differences when dealing with the distribution of roles and functions between the sexes; where indicates that the concept of gender roles that have been classified social impact of the community.(moheet). According to faqs says that What is male? What is female? Your answers to these questions may depend on the types of gender roles you were exposed to as a child. Gender roles can be defined as the behaviors and attitudes expected of male and female members of a society by that society. Gender roles vary. Different cultures impose different expectations upon the men and women who live in that culture. The United States has experienced tremendous upheaval and revising of its traditional gender roles in the last generation. These changes in gender roles affect the home, the workplace, and the school, and they affect all Americans to some degree. There are many differences and similarities between the gender roles in the UK and the KSA. The main difference between the girl in the UK and KSA is that in the UK, the girl can drive a car, whereas in the KSA the girl can not drive as well. But may be in the future the girl will drive because there are no differences between the girl and men also according to the king Abdullah says women well be drive a car in future in the KSA nearly. While the people in the UK male and female can work together as a one team, the people in the KSA male and female can not work together unless in the specific job such as the bank or the companies. Because the culture in the KSA it does not accept that. Even though, mix gender in work has some advantages for example, will increase competition with the other, the women will try to prove their presence in the work, and the man will be interested in appearance and dressed, whenever he went to his job. Also, mix gender in the work has some disadvantages such as Sexual harassment. According to ( Hinsliff,G. 2006) says A hidden world of sexual harassment, with female managers exploiting their power over men in the office, has been unveiled by a new government survey. Despite the common stereotype of the male executive putting pressure on his secretary, two in five victims of sexual harassment are men, the study found. A quarter of the men questioned in the Department of Trade and Industry survey reported being pestered by a client whom they also felt obliged to please. According to the Equal Opportunities Commission, 8 per cent of calls to its sexual harassment helpline are from men, even though research shows male victims are less likely than women to complain. It insists that male complaints should be taken just as seriously. It affects both women and men, causing stress, health problems and financial penalties when they leave their jobs to avoid it, said Jenny Watson, chair of the EOC. Legally, sexual harassment is defined not just as lecherous behavior such as groping, but as any form of denigration of workers because of their sex. Male victims were more likely than women to complain of the second kind of harassment where a female manager treats women more favorably than men or criticizes male employees more regularly . As well as women can not drive in the KSA, UK and KSA are differences in the facility for the women such as sport the women in the KSA they do not have choice to play sport where as in the UK they can play. Football, rugby, and swimming. Welfare mean that the range of efforts made by the State through it is institutions, and members of the community through the efforts of volunteers to achieve social welfare and housing programs include social security and child careà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.etc. Also, the social welfare mean the Pattern of services the organization that are submitted by families or the countries or voluntary organizations to prevent or improve the social conditions.( ejtemay) According to wikipedia says Welfare or welfare work consists of actions or procedures especially on the part of governments and institutions striving to promote the basic well-being of individuals in need. These efforts usually strive to improve the financial situation of people in need but may also strive to improve their employment chances and many other aspects of their lives including sometimes their mental health. In many countries, most such aid is provided by family members, relatives, and the local community and is only theoretically available from government sources. In American English, welfare is often also used to refer to financial aid provided to individuals in need, which is called benefit(s) or welfare benefits in British English. Welfare can take a variety of forms, such as monetary payments, subsidies and vouchers, health services, or housing. Welfare can be provided by governments, non-governmental organizations, or a combination of the two. Welfare schemes may be funded directly by governments, or in social insurance models, by the members of the welfare scheme . UK and KSA are dissimilar in education, especially with fee. Students in KSA can study without pay anything, whereas students in UK have paid for that. According to says Undergraduates pay up to  £3000 per annum (capped) in top-up fees and Postgraduates typically pay  £3000 per annum however some institutions charge more ,while students in KSA have got monthly allowance from government to encourage them.(moe) Health care system in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia are similar in that they have good health care system according to says Healthcare in the United Kingdom is a devolved matter, meaning England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales each has its own system of private and publicly-funded healthcare, together with alternative, holistic and complementary treatments. Public healthcare is provided to all UK permanent residents and is free at the point of need being paid for from general taxation. Taken together, the World Health Organization, in 2000, ranked the provision of healthcare in the United Kingdom as fifteenth best in Europe and eighteenth in the world. Also, KSA has good health care system according to says The positions of access or the health of the population of Saudi Arabia to the fullest extent possible and the best in terms of justice and equality in care and in terms of effectiveness and the possibility of carrying the financial burde n of treatment and health care and to work in order to reach the level of the consumer to satisfy his ambitions, by providing this special home health services and the public with a high level of quality and services to cover the entire population Finally, there are differences between the UK and KSA for the housing that the UK support the people whereas the KSA it does not. According to Page Richard (223:1999) says that In 1900 around 10 per cent of housing was owner occupied and 90 per cent was rented from privet landlords and in 1995 , 77 per cent dwelling in the UK were either owner occupied or rented from privet landlords Conclusion: The most striking feature that British government help the British people more than Saudis government but some of the young people did not care. Also, the UKs government help the people by give them houses as a free whereas the Saudis government did not do it. The KSA government support the students by give them scholarships to study outside the country at about 20000 students in the UK and 40000 students in the USA also in Canada, Australia, Japan, France, China, Spain, New Zealand, Germany, and Malaysia at about 150000 students . (moe)