Friday, September 27, 2019

STrategies for Special Populations in CTE Assignment

STrategies for Special Populations in CTE - Assignment Example This part further highlights a few legislations concerning learners from the special population. It highlights four students James, John, Marie and Sarah who have pertinent problems and are special population learners. If left unattended to, learners from this category are at high risk of not graduating or becoming useful members of the workforce. Teaching special population learners using conventional means without understanding their condition works. Special strategies must be used in order for them to learn and or become useful members of the workforce. Yes. I have had a misconception that students who are inattentive in class often dozing off as not serious in their learning outcomes. This view obviously is incorrect as students with this type of problems often tend to belong to the special population. This part focuses on teaching strategies. It begins by highlighting elements that foster success in students. These elements include helping students monitor their progress, setting up clear discipline rules, recognizing student’s achievement, etc. This module next introduces the concept of instructional "Backpack". Instructional backpack includes setting up instruction plans, motivational teaching and how to get students in learning group. Next, types of instructions used by CTE are outlined. These include direct instructions, small group instructions and differentiated instructions. Direct instruction incorporates the whole class and often will use the lecture technique. Small group instruction involves flexible grouping and cooperative learning. Differentiated learning is a one on one form of relaying instruction to the student. This module further moves to what turns off students. These include poor visuals from the instructor, unclear structure of the lesson, disruptive habits such as constantly looking at your watch etc. What turns on students is also highlighted. Instructor enthusiasm, clearly written

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