Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The European Union company law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The European Union company law - Essay Example The treaty of the European Union was signed in Maastrich on the in the year 1992. On the other hand, the treaty on the European Union functioning was signed in Rome in the year 1958. The function of the two treaties is to lay out the way in which the European Union operates. There are other satellite treaties interrelated to the two treaties. These treaties have undergone repeated amendments since the first signing. The European Commission usually issues the combined version of the two main treaties. In accordance with the Treaty of European Union, article 5 offers the limitations of the competences administered by the principle of conferral. The principle of subsidiary and proportionality governs the use of its competences. The principle of conferral, on the other hand, states that the union should act inside the limits of the capabilities bestowed upon by its Member States in the Treaties in order to accomplish the purposes intended. The competencies bestowed upon the members in the treaties remain as part of the member states. The principle of subsidiary states that in the areas which are not under the union’s exclusive competence, the Union acts only if the roles of the action in consideration cannot be achieved adequately by the Member states. This can be either at a central level or a regional and local level. The Union only comes in if the outcomes of the proposed action can be achieved better at the Union level. The foundations of the Union apply the principle of subsidiary as illustrated in the Protocol on the appliance of the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Interaction with teacher Essay Example for Free

Interaction with teacher Essay It was all what I wanted. It was what I dreamt of long before. But it was all taken for granted by the people around me. I was always the top student among all the six graders in our school, and due to that I am one of those whom they regards as their priceless gem because I always come up with something, like a new idea about a certain issue. I have been one of those sent for if there are contests. They say I act and think like an adult already. Not like any other regular students, I also happen to excel in sports and other curricular activities. I am also a runner. I have always been running on track since I was in grade three. I exerted much effort in it because it is my passion. Day after day I spend time in training and being exposed to tracks to win in future races but i never forget to maintain my good grades in my academics. In class, I have this very close teacher in Math. I also love Math at that time that is why I also like my teacher. It so happened that my Math teacher also happens to be our classroom adviser. Sometimes, after classes and I do not have any practice in the track, we always have chitchats and she would always advise me to pursue whatever dreams I have in mind and never to forget to remember the people around me that had help me in achieving things in life. She also told me not to be sidetracked and still give importance with my studies because that is the most important achievement in life. There were difficult times during my training but I still managed to persevere because I have a goal and that is to win. I never thought of quitting the training even how tired it gets. I continued to pursue my dreams and visions that one day I will reap my reward in due time if I will not fail and go frail. I can say that I am very determine and aggressive to reach my dreams that time. I think I just deserve every victory I get as i go along with my chosen path because of the diligence that I have manifested. Time came when I joined a race. Every people would know me would say that I have great chances of winning the first place because of my hard trainings and my trained skills. The event came and I was all set out to win the race but to my surprise, my coach talked to me in private and asked me not to win the first prize. I can be in second place or third place as long as I won’t be the champion. I was so devastated upon hearing this coming from my coach, my mentor, the one who served as my model. I wouldn’t know what to do. I was so troubled and kept thinking whether to agree and follow my coach or to go on the different way and achieve my dreams. It was the most difficult part of my life, to choose something that no one would be hurt. My conscience, my will to win and my loyalty to my coach we’re all fighting. What would I choose then? The event proper came, and the race started. I was on track and was leading. Many of my friends and families were all cheering for me. This made me more determined to go on faster and faster. The finish line is almost near when I remembered what my coach told me. My heart was beating as I saw the finish line. For the finish line would mean victory and success but for now, it meant devastation and tragedy for me. A few seconds before I reached the finish line I slowed down, giving the others opportunity to win. When I slowed down I noticed one girl who was always at my back during the track was now leading the race. Finally, the girl made it to the first place while I was the second placer. All my friends, families and relatives were all dismayed by what happened. They all expected that I would win the race. I was down and weary, to the point that it already affected my performance in school. I felt so ashamed and so coward for not fighting what is right. I have low self- esteem for quite some time and my grades got lower and lower. Then one Thursday afternoon, my Math teacher and classroom adviser called my attention. She and I talked in her office. I knew she was going to reprimand me for my poor performances at school. Well, at the back of my mind that time it was alright if she will reprimand me because I just deserve it. But to my surprise I was wrong, totally wrong. The moment I entered the room she smiled at me. Smile? Why would she smile to someone who is a loser? Then she offered me a seat. During those moments I am still very clueless on what would happen as we talk. Then she asked me if I am alright, so I said yes but I said it tears just fell on my eyes. She told me to be true to myself and whatever I feel I should share and let it out. So, I expressed my frustrations and everything that happened in the race. She told me that she understand why I was having low performances at school the past few weeks. But my life should not stop there. She told me that I am still very young and that many opportunities would still knock on my door and if that happens I should grab it immediately. She told me that everything happens for a reason and for a purpose that is to shape and mould us to become a much better person than what we are. She told me that my life should not end there because there is still so much in store for me in the future. Stubborn as I am, I told her that I do not want the future, what I want is now. She then answered me that I should live one day at a time and take one step at a time. With her words of wisdom, I was cheered. It really matters if you talk with someone who has a lot to say about life, like my teacher. I could not imagine that she would help me out because all along, I thought she was just a Math teacher, nothing more, but it was proven wrong. My teacher really touched my heart and transformed my life. After that talk, I started again and now with a positive outlook in life that no matter how I fall I should make a choice to rise up again. That was how I think even though I was just in sixth grade that time. Later it was found out that the father of the girl, who was the champion, paid my coach so that I won’t win at all. Imagine, all along my opponent knew that I was really something. They knew that I can really win the race that is why they were all threatened by my victory. I was a threat to everyone who was in the race that eventually made the father of the other girl bribe my coach to destroy my vision, my goals. But no matter how they put me down, the truth came out and it was on my side. Success, winning and victory are not about running a race after all. It is more of having a clear conscience that you made it that far because you never cheated, hurt anyone and stepped on other’s shoes for you own gain. I thank my teacher for the words of wisdom she has shared to me during the lowest point in my life. Teachers really do make a difference in this world. They are not just there to teach you academically but they are always there to support you and mould your being for you to become a better individual that every society dreams of having especially in this cruel world right now.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Movie, Real Women Have Curves Essay -- Cinema

Being a curvaceous young woman is hard enough. Especially when you’re trying to find love, you’re seeking approval and anticipating a better future for yourself. The film Real Women Have Curves stresses how important higher education is to a Mexican-American teenager and the wrath she endures from her mother because of her weight and aspiration. Mark Twain stated that, â€Å"Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great† ( I believe I can personally relate to Real Women Have Curves, the reason being is because I’m a daughter, I’m overweight, and I’m seeking a post-secondary education. This is a synopsis of Real Women Have Curves; I’ll reveal why the film is so inspiring to me, I’ll give feedback from movie reviews, and I’ll use documents from my course’s textbook, to fully develop my ideas. Real Women Have Curves is a 2002 movie adapted from a 1987 screenplay by George LaVoo and Josefina Lopez. The film was directed by Patricia Cardoso and produced by LaVoo. The film debuted at the Sundance Film Festival, where it won the Audience Award. Real Women Have Curves stars America Ferrera as Ana, an intelligent and ambitious 18-year-old who has just graduated from Beverly Hills High School in Los Angeles. Ana’s wish is to attend Columbia University; however, Ana’s mother, Carmen, sees a different future for her. She’s determined that Ana will become a seamstress, at her oldest daughter’s dress store. Carmen even tells Ana’s father, â€Å""I can educate her. I'll teach her how to sew. I'll teach her how to take care of her husband†. Roger Ebert stat... ...f- hollywood-celebrities-what-is-the-average-size-of-a-hollywood- actress-history Ebert, Roger. (2011, January 1). Real women have curves. Retrieved from Flixster.(2002, October 20). Rotten tomatoes. Retrived from!reviews=all&page=3 Graff, G., Birkenstein, C., & Durst, R. K. (2009). Fat as a Feminist Issue. "They say/I say": the moves that matter in academic writing: with readings (pp. 202-203). New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Graff, G., Birkenstein, C., & Durst, R. K. (2009). The Growing College Gap. "They say/I say": the moves that matter in academic writing : with readings (p. 379). New York: W.W. Norton & Co. (1999, January 1). Retrieved from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

History of Dogs

Rachel Bikshorn Eng 101 Informational Paper: Breeding of Dogs Over Time There are hundreds of breeds of dogs all over the world today. These dogs started off as wild animals that were domesticated for the benefit of humans. Purposes for breeding and domesticating dogs have changed since the beginning of the process. However, humankind has always taken advantage of what dogs can do for us. Dogs have been a large part of our lives from the very start. Some of their purposes have changed from more aggressive characteristics in hunting, to more passive behaviors to assist those in need.As humans have changed and evolved over time, so have our dogs. Early dogs were used for hunting large animals. Cave paintings dating back ten thousand years ago portray dogs helping a hunter take down extremely large animals (Coren 120 picture 2). These dogs were usually tamed wolves that could be used for hunting and protection. These dogs had a pack mentality and were very protective of the other dogs a nd humans apart of their pack (Coren 120). Later, hunting dogs would still be use, but for different reasons and animals. Later in society, more breeds of dogs were showing up, but for similar purposes.Breeds of dogs, such as pointers, spaniels, hounds, and terriers were used for hunting smaller animals. They would hunt for birds, foxes, ducks, deer, and rabbits (Coren 120 picture 9-13). Other breeds were used for service work to assist with jobs at home, transportation, or to help move objects. Many breeds of sheepdogs were used on farms to herd livestock. They were sought out for herding because they lacked a tail. This was â€Å"a desirable trait because of a tax structure that defined as taxable livestock anything born with a tail† (Coren 120 picture 14).Breeds such as the husky were and still are used in team to pull people and objects across snow-covered grounds. â€Å"The dog teams are organized much like a wolf pack, with a leader, or king whose movements coordinate the activities of the other animals† (Coren 120 picture 15). The other dogs on the sled team pay attention to the pack leader and follow that dog. Other, smaller breeds were used to pull small carts with objects such as rags (Coren 120 picture 16). Saint Bernards are extremely large dogs that came from Italy and the Swiss Alps.These dogs were used in search and rescue mission in the mountains. They were also used as herding dogs, livestock guardians, hunting dogs, and watchdogs (Saint Bernards- History and Information 3). Currently, dogs are still a huge part of our lives. As we have adapted to society and technology advances, so have our purposes for keeping dogs and certain breeds close in our lives. Dogs and dog breeds have also adapted to our everyday needs as they have changed in society. More commonly now, we see dogs as family oriented.They still assist in safety work and service help, but breeds are now commonly bred for family and show purposes. Commonly German Shepar ds are used as police dogs. These dogs sniff out drugs and bombs at bus stations, airports, checkpoints, and many other places. The key positive about using sniffing dogs is that it is not considered a search. There does not need to be evidence of drugs or bombs to bring out a sniffing dog. They simply sniff and detect or do not detect illegal objects (Savage). Dogs are also used to help the public through service.Many breeds that are known to be more docile and passive work with people who have special needs. These may include children, adults, elderly, and people with disabilities. Therapy dogs can be found visiting patients in nursing homes and hospitals to help ease the pain and anxiety for the residents. A study was done to see how therapy dogs affected anxiety levels in patients that needed an MRI. In order to get a clear picture from the test, the patient must be very still. If they are nervous and moving slightly, the picture is not clear.The study had two groups of people t hat needed an MRI. One group spent time with a therapy dog beforehand and the others did not. The study showed that â€Å"time spent with a dog seemed to substitute for the anti-anxiety medications some patients need to get through and MRI† (HealthDay). Dogs have a calming affect on people and can be used at substitute for drugs in certain situations. Other dogs that are also calmer and more docile have been used for service work. These dogs work with blind and deaf people.Guide dogs for the blind are ranked as â€Å"one of the most useful modern occupation for a working dog† (Serpell 52). Commonly Labradors and golden retrievers are used as guide dogs. Thanks to these dogs, people with disabilities are able to function on their own in society. Most commonly you can find dogs of all different breeds in people’s homes. Although many dogs are used for working purposes, many are also simply house pets. Dogs that are family oriented and friendly with other people an d pets are most likely what one would find in a home setting with a dog.Certain breeds, such as the pug have not been used for anything else other than companion dogs and pets. Another breed, the King Charles spaniel, has been bred to be loving and gentle. Some characteristics are specifically bred for housedogs and pets (Coren 120 picture 17-18). Dogs that have certain personality traits and physical characteristics have been bred for multiple purposes. Newly, purposes have been for helpful and caring reasons. It has become increasingly popular to breed dogs with strong physical and personality characteristics for show and sport purposes.Today, dog breeding â€Å"in most countries is dominated by the show-ring† (Serpell 61). Exemplary models of dog breeds are bred and trained for sport or show. Dogs in top physical condition compete in dog shows where their bodily skills are shown off in obstacle courses and physical tasks. Other dogs that are in top condition for looks and behavior compete in dog shows where judges pick the best in show for certain categories of dogs. The categories where a dog is picked as the winner include; sporting, hounds, working, terrier, toy, non-sporting, and herding (American Kennel Club).Over time, humans have used dogs in ways that best benefit our lives in the time period. As we have changed and evolved, so have our dogs. From the wildest and newly domesticated, to the simple house pet, dogs have always had a purpose in our lives. We have bred them over time to help us with our everyday needs, and in return they have been loving and loyal companions. Resources: â€Å"St. Bernard Dogs a History and Information. † St. Bernard Dogs a History and Information. Copyright August 7, 2011. Web October 25, 2012. Savage, David. â€Å"Top Justices See Benefits of Police Dogs†.Los Angeles Times. Copyright November 11, 2004. Web October 25, 2012. â€Å"Therapy Dogs May Help Ease Anxiety of MRI†. HealthDay. U. S. Ne ws. Copyright May 6, 2011. Web October 25, 2012. â€Å"A Beginner’s Guide to Dog Shows†. American Kennel Club. Copyright 2012. Web October 25, 2012. Serpell, James. The Domestic Dog: its evolution, behavior, and interactions with people. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Coren, Stanley. The Intelligence of Dogs: A Guide to the Thoughts, Emotions, and Inner Lives or our Canine Companions. New york: The Free Press, 1994.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reading Response to Introduction in Handbook of Race and Ethnic Studies Essay

Upon reading the Collins and Solomos introduction to their Handbook of Race and Ethnic Studies, I soon realized that the field of race and ethnicity is a diverse, living thing that is constantly evolving. The authors make reference to the fact that the civil rights movement has been working for decades and it appears at times that no progress has been made. They make this point by mentioning the nightly newscasts on television that show global atrocities brought on by policies of ethnic cleansing or other forms of hate. This is proof that more work has to be done and we must continue to seek and promote understanding and equality. Collins and Solomos also mention the rise of more right-wing political groups that they refer to as the new right. These groups use the media to promote their ideas of an ideal state. They state that `for the new right` the appeal is by and large no longer to racial supremacy cultural uniformity` and they get around this by ? parading under the politics of nationalism and patriotism?. This reminded me of my history classes in school where I first learned of Hitler and how he used extreme nationalism as one of his tools to gain influence and power over a economically struggling Germany. There seems to be a great many voices and perspectives out there that may contradict one another at times, but I feel that the study or race and ethnicity must continue to be pursued.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition Of A Good Education Essays - Critical Pedagogy

Definition Of A Good Education Essays - Critical Pedagogy Definition Of A Good Education Definition Of A Good Education Education is defined as acquiring skills. There are many different ways to be educated and many subjects that can be studied. A good education is one that teaches a student to think. This is proven by Edith Hamilton, Malcolm X, and Adrian Rich in their works to define what they believe about learning and its importance to our world. In Edith Hamilton's essay, The Ever-present Past, she described a good education as one that is modeled after the ancient Greek's ideas. She defines being educated as being able to be caught up into a world of thought (752). The Greeks were taught to think. They were cultivated on an individual level so that they knew how to conceive ideas on their own. During the times of the ancient Greeks students were shown how to appreciate poetry, music, arts, and mathematics. They carried their education of thought into their government and their ways of life. The era of the ancient Greeks was laid by the teachings of their schools and therefore helped make them into a notable civilization. Today, Hamilton believes that with our set way of teaching we are not encouraging individuals to think. She concludes that we are headed towards a standardization of minds (756). Hamilton believes that we need to challenge our society to shape our educational goals after those of the Greeks. With the proble ms our world faces we should study how the Greeks triumphed in a savage world and how they were educated to do so. Then maybe we can learn how to prevent the standardization of the minds in our society and avoid repeating the ill-fated history of the ancient Greeks (754). In Malcolm X's, Freedom Through Learning To Read, a chapter of his autobiography, he describes a good education as being able to understand life. He wrote of how he desired to acquire more knowledge. This inner struggle began when he envied his friend's intelligence and when he was unable to express himself eloquently in letters. From that point he began to read everything. Malcolm X started by copying a dictionary to learn all the words he could. From there he never spent fifteen minutes free time without a book (48). As he studied the works of Mr. Elijah Muhammad he realized how the history of the black Americans were not included in most books. He searched to find a book to learn the history of the African-Americans and finally found a few that taught him about slavery (49). Malcolm X said that through his domestic education a new world had been opened up to him. He achieved his goal of learning to read and through that obtain what is considered by many a good education. He was ab le to read, understand, and form ideas and opinions based on what he had read (53). Through reading Malcolm X was capable of expressing his own views and our society benefited greatly from this self-educated man. In Adrienne Rich's, Claiming An Education, a speech given at Douglass College, she describes a good or serious education as the study of languages, ideas, methods, and values (58). Part of being educated is refusing to let others do your thinking, naming, or talking for you(59). Some of the most important things needed to fulfill intellectual independence are to learn the ways of rationalizing, deep discussions, and writing. Rich writes about how it is our own responsibility to claim an education and how we should not sell ourselves short (59). In order to learn we first need to assess what we hear and read in our courses to form an opinion (57). In order to form an opinion, Rich says that we have to first commit ourselves to our studies and expect others to show us respect. Rich describes an education as a commitment and a responsibility (59). Throughout these essays the main ideas were that to be educated a student has to be an individual and be able to think. There are many arguments over what we should study and how we should be taught. There is no wrong or right way to teach or certain subjects that need to be

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cargo Vessel Size Classifications

Cargo Vessel Size Classifications Cargo shipping is a low margin business model that requires vessels to be fully loaded in order to sustain profitable operations. When a ship is in the design phase it is almost always structured in a specific classification of naval architecture and built to serve a specific route or purpose. Vessels that are built to pass through specific bottlenecks while carrying the maximum amount of cargo are termed â€Å"-max†. For example, a freighter designed to pass through the Panama Canal are called Panamax. This means that the ship will fit into a minimum bounding box that matches the dimensions of the smallest locks in the canal. A bounding box is measured in three dimensions and includes areas under water and above the ship in addition to maximum length and width. In a maritime specific case, the dimensions of the bounding box have some different but still familiar names. Draft is the measurement from the surface of the water to the bottom. The beam is the width of a vessel at its’ widest point. Length is measured as the overall length of a ship but in some cases, maximum dimensions might consider the length at the waterline which can differ significantly from length overall (LOA) because of the Deadrise of the hull. The final measurement is Air Draft which is the measure of the maximum height above the waterline of any structure on the ship. Other terms you will see are Gross Tonnage (GT) and Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT) and while many perceive this as a measure of weight it is actually described best as a measure of the volume of the vessel’s hull. Weight only factors in when an equivalent weight of water displaced by the hull needs to be expressed. Now let’s get to the definitions. Ship Size Definitions Most of these definitions pertain to cargo vessels but they can be applied to any kind of ship. Military and cruise ships can also be classified under these definitions but the most common usage concerns cargo ships. Aframax- This classification almost always refers to an oil tanker although it is occasionally applied to other bulk commodities. These vessels serve oil producing areas with limited port resources or where man-made canals lead to terminals that load raw petroleum products. The size limitations in this class are few. The main restriction is the beam of a vessel which in this case cannot exceed 32.3 Meters or 106 feet. The tonnage of this type of vessel is approximately 120,000 DWT. Capesize- Here is one of the instances where the naming scheme is different but the concept is the same. A Capesize class of ship is limited by the depth of the Suez Canal which is currently 62 feet or about 19 meters. The soft geology of the region has allowed the canal to be dredged to a greater depth since it was first built and it possible the canal will be dredged again in the future so this classification may change its maximum draft limit. Capesize vessels are large bulk carriers and tankers that get their name from the route they must take to bypass the Suez Canal. This route takes the past the Cape of Good Hope in Africa or Cape Horn off of South America depending on the final destination of the ship. The displacement of these vessels can range from 150,000 to as much as 400,000 DWT. Chinamax- Chinamax is a little bit different since it is determined by the size of port facilities rather than physical obstructions. This term is not only applied to ships but also to port facilities themselves. Ports that can accommodate these very large vessels are referred to as Chinamax compatible. These ports do not necessarily need to be anywhere near China they only need to meet the draft requirements of dry bulk carriers in the 350,000 to 400,000 DWT range while not exceeding 24 meters or 79 feet of draft, 65 meters or 213 feet of beam, and 360 meters 1,180 feet of overall length. Malaccamax- Here is another situation for naval architects where the main restriction is draft of the vessel. The Strait of Malacca has a depth of 25 meters or 82 feet so ships of this class must not exceed this depth at the lowest point of the tidal cycle. Vessels serving this route can gain capacity in the design phase by increasing beam and length at the waterline in order to carry a greater capacity in a limited draft situation. Panamax- This class is the most commonly recognized to most people since it refers to the Panama Canal which is quite famous in its own right. The current size limitations are 294 meters or 965 feet in length, 32 meters or 106 feet of beam, 12 meters or 39.5 feet of draft, and 58 meters or 190 feet of air draft so vessels can fit under the Bridge of the Americas. The canal opened in 1914 and by 1930 there were already plans to enlarge the locks to pass larger vessels. In 2014 a third larger set of locks will begin operations and define a new class of vessels called New Panamax. New Panamax has size limitations of 366 meters or 1200 feet in overall length, 49 meters or about 160 feet of beam, and a draft of 15 meters or 50 feet. The air draft will remain the same under the Bridge of the Americas which is now the main limiting factor for large vessels passing through the canal. Seawaymax- This class of vessels is designed to achieve the maximum size for passage through the Saint Lawrence Seaway inbound or outbound from the Great Lakes system. The locks of the Seaway are the limiting factor and can receive ships no larger than 225.5 meters or 740 feet of overall length, about 24 meters or 78 feet of beam, about 8 meters or 26 feet of draft, and an air draft of 35.5 meters or 116 feet above the water. Larger vessels operate on the lakes but they are unable to reach the sea because of the bottleneck at the locks. Supermax, Handymax- Once again this is a class of ships that is not restricted by a specific set of locks or bridges but instead, it refers to cargo capacity and the ability to use ports. Ports are often designated to be Supermax or Handymax compatible. Supermax as you probably guessed is the largest of the vessels with a size of around 50,000 to 60,000 DWT and can be as long as 200 meters or 656 feet. Handymax vessels are slightly smaller and have a displacement of 40,000 to 50,000 DWT. These ships are usually at least 150 meters or 492 feet. Suezmax- The Suez Canal’s dimensions are the limiting factor for ship size in this case. Since there are no locks along the one hundred plus miles of the canal the only limitations are draft and air draft. The canal has a useful draft of 19 meters or 62 feet and vessels are limited by the height of the Suez Canal Bridge which has a clearance of 68 meters or 223 feet.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Moi Non Plus - French Expression Explained

Moi Non Plus - French Expression Explained The French expression moi non plus ​(pronounced [mwa no(n) plu]) expresses agreement with a negative statement. Its the equivalent of the English statement me neither or neither do I. It literally translates to me no more and its register is normal.  Note that moi can be replaced by a name, a noun, or another stressed pronoun: Pierre non plus - neither does Pierre, Pierre doesnt eithermon mari non plus - neither does my husband, my husband doesnt eitherles professeurs non plus - neither do teachers, teachers dont eithertoi non plus / vous non plus - you either, neither do yoului non plus - him either, neither does heelle non plus - her either, neither does shenous non plus - us either, neither do weeux non plus / elles non plus - them either, neither do they Examples Tu naimes pas le jazz ? Moi non plus.You dont like jazz? Me neither / Neither do I. Sandrine ne veut pas y aller, et moi non plus.Sandrine doesnt want to go, and neither do I. Nous navons pas dargent, toi non plus ?We dont have any money, you (dont) either? Je ne peux pas taider, et Dany non plus.I cant help you, and neither can Dany. You can also use non plus with a negative adverb or pronoun:Je naime pas le jazz non plus.I dont like jazz either. Il ne parle personne non plus.Hes not talking to anyone either. And you can use non plus on its own, in which case there is no simple English equivalent: -Nous navons pas de thà ©.-Et du cafà © ?-Non plus.-We dont have any tea.-What about coffee?-(We dont have) that either.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Naked Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Naked Economics - Essay Example Wheelen has stressd the importance of innovation in his opening chapter. He says that trade is like innovation. Imagining larger goals such as turning corn into stereo, soybeans into cars and Windows software into French wine, he says that such a large context innovation is happening in trade in both rich and poor countries. According to him trade makes people richer and brings in more specialization in production. Wheelen's argument is that trade is mutually beneficial as it is based on the concept of voluntary exchange. In today's global trade order innovation has a greater role and helps in the value addition of global trade. The growing competitive environment and emergence of new industry houses from developing markets are compelling industrial houses world over and ambitious nations to give shape a solid action plan for the long term existence. With the opening up of economies, the capital flow has now become freer and margins have come down significantly. Most of these compani es are now working on shoe string margins or carrying out specific cost saving measures to increase their competitive advantages. Companies from developing nations are also aggressively entering into the markets in developed world such as United States, European Union and United Kingdom. While industry has to decrease the cost of production, it was necessary to improve technology and product quality to sustain in this highly competitive global trade scenario. It is in this scenario that multi national companies are thinking of a new approach for growth. Innovation is considered as the major factor deciding the competitive power of industries and nations. Wheelen says that trade makes the world richer by allowing greater specialization in production. According to Wheelen the trade will also help the customers products and services are lower cost. Not yet finished extolling the virtues of international trade, Wheelen turns to saying the myths of "sweatshop labor" and a trade-fostered environmental "race to the bottom." In the chapter "The Power of Markets", he portraits the power of markets to improve the consumer's life. He describe in the work about how markets use "prices to allocate scarce resources," how "markets are self-correcting," and how "every market transaction makes all parties better off." Trade is an unavoidable necessity in today's economics. Wheelen is successful in evaluating the strength of market and trade in improving living standards. He portraits how politics is influenced by trade related issues. Providing a in-depth analysis of public choice field of economics, he says that even smaller groups can make political impacts in the economic interest. In the chapter "The Power of Organized Interests," he says that farmers and ethanol producers were able to wrangle beneficial legislation with their collective bargaining power. It also gives an idea of rent seeking and explains how regulations such as occupational licensing can become powerful tools for self-interested individuals to extract rewards that they would be unable to in the marketplace. After illustrating how free markets are virtually always superior to markets regulated by government intervention, he suggests ways that governments can improve things by intervening in those markets. It may seem that Wheelan is a leftist economics. But his actual success is that he was able to give a clear picture of how market performs in the new economic order. His says that wages

Social Networking and SME's Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Social Networking and SME's - Literature review Example For a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME), that could mean their entire business. That buying process usually starts with the consumer searching for a product or a service either through any of the existing search engines or by asking for recommendations from friends. Once there is a shortlist, the consumer will make a more detailed investigation by checking the company website, looking for reviews, and, more importantly, asking friends about the products or services (Filoux, 2010). In every step of this process, social networking is front and centre regardless if the product or service is retail or Business-to-Business (B2B). Contrary to popular belief, social networking is not synonymous to sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Social networking involves all channels, venues, platforms, applications, and websites that allow consumers or users to directly interact with other users either actively or passively. Social networking is a relatively new but powerful economy. In the UK a lone, the International Telecommunications Union or UTI (2010) estimates that there is a total of 51,442,100 internet users as of June2010, 10 million more than the estimate of the Office for National Statistics Office. That accounts for 82.5 per cent of the population. Of this, Nielsen (2008) states that 97 per cent has shopped online. The Office for National Statistics Office (2011) estimates that there are 66 per cent of all users bought products and paid for services online. Comscore (2011) also states that UK internet users are the most involved as they spend the most time online and 73 per cent rely on social media for everything they do including shopping according to InSites Consulting, a research firm, in their 2011 study. The message is clear. Consumers are online and highly reliant on social media. It presents itself as a tool and a venue for small businesses to establish and expand their business. However, it is natural for a glamourized medium as social media to be pict ured as the be-all and end-all of sales and marketing. This paper will examine how exactly SMEs can utilize social networking to grow their business. It’s a Stimulant Not a Purchase Fulfilment Row Perfect is a cardio exercise machine that simulates rowing. They used to do trade shows and retail selling. They are now selling purely online and are more successful doing so. The strategy is simple, they use tweetdeck to scan for mentions of products and brands similar to theirs. They directly tweet the people looking to check out a similar product. That was it. They simply used social media to make other people aware of their product. No special offers, no discounts are offered. They are able to swing customer that are going to buy the product of their competitors and they do these several times a week. The fundamental thing to remember is that they have a superior product and that all they needed was to connect their product to a customer, a first move, a pick-up line and that i s what social media provided them. Heather Bestel is another case in point. Bestel is the creator of Magical Meditations 4 Kids, a children’s book that helps children relax and sleep easier. Aside from the UK, she has also marketed her product to the U.S. and Canada. Sales have been steady but not enough for her to make a living off her product (Wakeman, 2011). She decided to embrace social media and she landed a publishing deal that launched her CDs in UK and Europe in 2010 and eventually in other markets like US & Canada and Australia/New Zealand. She is also being offered to license her brand to develop items like toys and apparel. Her strategy was simple. She knew she had a great product and she simply needed the market to notice it so she connected with people that have high influence in the same industry she is in.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11

Review - Article Example riment among a small group of autistic children in different settings to analyze the results of multi-exemplar training to establish a repertoire of sharing behaviour. Evaluating the research design using the Scientific Merit Rating Scale (SMRS) the writer would assign a rating of four to this design. This rating is based on the study using a single-subject design with four subjects in total. The researchers compared control and treatment data by using a concurrent multi-probe design and baseline treatment. The research design helped in maintaining uniformity and accuracy of the response of the subjects. Each baseline and treatment trials consisted of eighteen sessions each out of which 9 sessions were teaching sessions. The verbal offers for sharing were randomly assigned to each of the participants and the offers were rotated in each session. The order of trials was also randomized the only exception being the training trials which was conducted both before as well as after a session. There was no mention of data loss of any kind in the article. Direct observation was adopted in the experiment to measure response which was done by trained observers using pencils and paper data sheets. The scoring of two observers was compared. Interobserver data was collected for all the subjects and the mean percentage was 99% across all the trials and all the subjects. Using the SMRS the researchers would rate the quality of dependent measure a five. Each verbal instruction tasks and observation were specified. The mean percentage accuracy on procedural components was 99%. Subject wise individual integrity scoring was also done. A rating of four would be given according to SMRS since the overall accuracy was above 80 and implementation accuracy as studies in at least 25% of the sessions for each participant. The four children who participated in the study were diagnosed with autism. The diagnosing was done by independent agencies. The 4 participants studied in a school

Effects of abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Effects of abortion - Essay Example (Allied Action Inc. 1996, 1). Other major effect of abortion is rather a physical one- miscarriage as a result of previous abortion(s). Based on recent studies, there has been a discovery of real danger to the future reproductive systems of women. The "West Jerusalem Study" presented careful research studying 11057 women, 752 of which had previously had an abortion. The findings of that report reveal serious repercussions on the mother, and any future children. There is relatively a 3 to 4 fold increase in the chance on miscarriage among women who have had an abortion, as those who have not had an abortion. Also, there was reported a disturbing amount of malformations in the births that followed induced abortions. On the other hand, many women who try to get pregnant after having an abortion face with infertility. It has been discovered that terminating a pregnancy stimulates developing breast cancer later in life. When cutting short a pregnancy, women's breast tissue is left in a da ngerously stimulated but undifferentiated state, increasing the risk of later cancerous development. According to studies done by Dr. Janet Daling there is reported fifty percent increase of breast cancer among women under forty five who had induced abortions. These results were published in the august Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Coporate Governance Social Responsibility report Essay

Coporate Governance Social Responsibility report - Essay Example The employees are obligated to operate within the guidelines set by the HSSE&SP, which defines accountability standards for all operation levels. Compliance to the guidelines is monitored via processes of comprehensive assurance. Another important aspect of Shell UK’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities in relation to their employees regards safety. However, these two aspects are not always the case, especially where governments are not keen enough on enforcing the law. The paper also gives recommendations on how to implement CSR strategies more efficiently for Shell UK. Table of Contents Contents Page 1. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4 2. Findings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 2.1 Shell UK; A brief introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 2.2 CSR/stakeholder theory†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 2.3 Shell UK’s stated position on CSR and employees†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 2.4 Criticism of Shell UK’s performance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 3. Conclusions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.8 4. Recommendations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 5. References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦10 SHELL UK LTD. ... While they are some concerns that various strategies, especially those involving employees and other stakeholders are inspired by PR, employees have embraced the strategies as a way of externality internalization that emanate from the operations of the company. The labor market has increased CSR uptake by companies since the employees want to feel positive regarding their company and employment responsibilities. Thus, companies make commitments to CSR that are in line with the values of their employees. Companies can use this as an appropriate strategy to attract high quality employees. CSR is essential in attracting favorable employees to a company. This paper seeks to discuss the CSR strategies that Shell UK employs with their employees, including human rights and safety. While information on Shell’s CSR programs is scarce, general literature on its CSR strategies and those of the oil industry were useful. Findings Shell UK: A Brief Introduction Shell is a major contributor in the UK, not only in the provision of services and products, but also in investments, tax revenues, and employment that aid in boosting the economy. The company employs approximately 6,400 employees in the UK directly. These employees are essential to Shell UK’s core business of energy provision to millions of clients who rely on the energy for powering and heating. They are also essential in the company’s upstream business, where it has been a leading player for more than 30 years in the North Sea with interests in more than fifty fields, thirty sub-sea installations, thirty platform installations, a marine terminal, and three onshore gas plans (Aguilera et al, 2009: p840). The company is responsible for twelve percent of UK gas and oil supplies. Downstream employees are

Biopsychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Biopsychology - Essay Example For they become colourd by reflecting the Light of their own Colours more copiously, and that of all other colors more sparingly." (Opticks, Book I, Part II, Experiment 15)    Generally, colour vision is merely a physical ability of an organism or human being. A colour is perceived by the human eye as a combination of different wavelengths. The ability of humans to distinguish colours is an interesting question, which has been discussed by scientists for many years. Thus, a number of theories have been created. These theories will be discussed in the present paper. According to Peter Gouras â€Å"color vision is an illusion created by the interactions of billions of neurons in our brain. There is no color in the external world; it is created by neural programs and projected onto the outer world we see. It is intimately linked to the perception of form where color facilitates detecting borders of objects† (Gouras , 1969). There are two main theories explaining the ability of humans to distinguish colours: trichromatic colour vision and opponent process theory. The researches devoted to the development of trichomatic colour vision were initiated in 18th century by Thomas Young. This scientist claimed that human vision is caused by interaction of three different kinds of photoreceptor cells. Later on, claims of this scientist were experimentally proven by Hermann von Helmholtz. Therefore it was proven that a human required 3 wavelengths in order to distinguish all colours. More detailed discussion of this theory requires additional facts. There are 3 kinds of cones in the retina of the eye; each of these 3 cones has various photosensitive pigments. Different kind of pigment is sensitive to different light wavelength. Cones are of three different types: long, medium and small, ranging from 560 nm to 420 nm respectively (Dacey,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Coporate Governance Social Responsibility report Essay

Coporate Governance Social Responsibility report - Essay Example The employees are obligated to operate within the guidelines set by the HSSE&SP, which defines accountability standards for all operation levels. Compliance to the guidelines is monitored via processes of comprehensive assurance. Another important aspect of Shell UK’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities in relation to their employees regards safety. However, these two aspects are not always the case, especially where governments are not keen enough on enforcing the law. The paper also gives recommendations on how to implement CSR strategies more efficiently for Shell UK. Table of Contents Contents Page 1. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4 2. Findings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 2.1 Shell UK; A brief introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 2.2 CSR/stakeholder theory†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 2.3 Shell UK’s stated position on CSR and employees†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 2.4 Criticism of Shell UK’s performance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 3. Conclusions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.8 4. Recommendations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 5. References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦10 SHELL UK LTD. ... While they are some concerns that various strategies, especially those involving employees and other stakeholders are inspired by PR, employees have embraced the strategies as a way of externality internalization that emanate from the operations of the company. The labor market has increased CSR uptake by companies since the employees want to feel positive regarding their company and employment responsibilities. Thus, companies make commitments to CSR that are in line with the values of their employees. Companies can use this as an appropriate strategy to attract high quality employees. CSR is essential in attracting favorable employees to a company. This paper seeks to discuss the CSR strategies that Shell UK employs with their employees, including human rights and safety. While information on Shell’s CSR programs is scarce, general literature on its CSR strategies and those of the oil industry were useful. Findings Shell UK: A Brief Introduction Shell is a major contributor in the UK, not only in the provision of services and products, but also in investments, tax revenues, and employment that aid in boosting the economy. The company employs approximately 6,400 employees in the UK directly. These employees are essential to Shell UK’s core business of energy provision to millions of clients who rely on the energy for powering and heating. They are also essential in the company’s upstream business, where it has been a leading player for more than 30 years in the North Sea with interests in more than fifty fields, thirty sub-sea installations, thirty platform installations, a marine terminal, and three onshore gas plans (Aguilera et al, 2009: p840). The company is responsible for twelve percent of UK gas and oil supplies. Downstream employees are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

School policies and procedures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

School policies and procedures - Essay Example In fact, most teachers have also formed a strategic plan of motivating students by rewarding them and building their positive attitude in the classrooms. In this case, this essay will talk in deep length about a certain school I happened to visit whereby they have established their own rule and procedures, which the students should follow as well as the consequences of not complying with the rules. Easily notable is the school rule on absenteeism. In that school, the rule explains with clarity the consequences of any student who violates the rule. It states that if a student happens to be absent, they are supposed to report and clarify to the teacher why they were absent for the whole day or partial day within three days after being absent. Either way, they are allowed to bring a note from their parents/guardian or a phone call explaining why they were absent. The student is also allowed to bring a doctors note if they were sick, failure to do so, the absenteeism is taken as an offense hence consequences follow. Therefore, students who do not comply with that rule are assigned to a five-hour Saturday school for a period of twenty days to compensate for the absenteeism. They can also be placed in-house suspension where they are not allowed to go beyond the school for a certain period as set by teachers. Students who repeat the same offense are placed on the attendance behavior contracts with their parents where the regional educational officers are also summoned. The second notable rule is meant to control fighting and use of vulgar words among students. In this rule, students are not required to fight each other either physically or verbally. Any student caught in this act is enrolled for counseling section that could either require the presence of the parents. In addition, during this section, the student may be put on suspension from the school for about two weeks depending on the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Health and Hygiene Essay Example for Free

Health and Hygiene Essay The word technology refers to the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include construction technology, medical technology, and information technology. The prehistorical discovery of the ability to control fire increased the available sources of food and the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including todays global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Planet Earth and its environment. The distinction between science, engineering and technology is not always clear. Science is the reasoned investigation or study of phenomena, aimed at discovering enduring principles among elements of the phenomenal world by employing formal techniques such as the scientific method. Technologies are not usually exclusively products of science, because they have to satisfy requirements such as utility, usability and safety. The 20th century brought a host of innovations. In physics, the discovery of nuclear fission has led to both nuclear weapons and nuclear power. Through our modern day miracles of science we are able to appreciate that which is truly an incredible era of advanced erudition and self-sufficiency. Because of the advantages of modern day technology, we are allowed the unique benefit of looking back on what was and comparing it with what is and what could be. Technology is no longer seen as a barrier, but as a breakthrough. Bringing fresh insight and offering better jobs to those who are willing to take a step towards the future. .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why did the Bolsheviks Win the Civil War?

Why did the Bolsheviks Win the Civil War? BRIEF OVERVIEW The Soviet Union was one of the world’s two super powers during the second half of the twentieth century. The idea that almost everyone has is that the Soviet state was founded in the year 1917, which was the year of the Bolshevik revolution; the truth is that the state has risen only after the end of the civil war in which the Bolsheviks were the ultimate victorious side. After the establishment of Lenin’s government in 1917, opposition members, especially those who had military positions under the Tsar regime, started to appear. General Alexeyev, who was the imperial chief of staff under the Tsar, started creating an anti-Bolshevik army immediately after the revolution. Soon after that, other leading tsarist military officials joined that group; those included Kornilov, Denikin, and many others. General Lavr Kornilov, who was the Supreme Commander of the Russian Army under the Tsar, created an army of volunteers that reached approximately three thousand men in 1918, and that army was the core of what later became the White Army that fought against the Reds (the Bolsheviks). Even if the White Army managed to control certain regions, for limited periods of time, such as the Ukraine, the Kuban region, Omsk, and Gatchina, and even though it succeeded in winning some battles, such as those at Simbirsk and Kazan, their ultimate fate was defeat. The Red Army prevailed and the Soviet state was finally established. WHY THE BOLSHEVIKS WON Many historians and researchers studied the Russian civil war, and the reasons for the defeat of the Whites they all agreed on were not always identical. According to Lee, the reason of victory laid in the effective handling of the war by the Bolsheviks themselves [The Bolsheviks were] outflanked to the east by Socialist Revolutionary regimes and surrounded by White military offensives. Yet this widespread opposition and apparently vulnerable position both worked in the favour of the Bolsheviks, making it possible for them to secure eventual victory. What made this certain was the effectiveness of their own diplomacy, organisation and military strategy (80) Some other researcher, however, contend that the Reds won the war not because of their exceptional and ingenious handling of the war, but because of reasons related to the mishandling of the war, and its various phases and stages, by the White army and its military chiefs. What must be stated here is that while the Red army was a unified military force under one Bolshevik (communist) leadership, the White army was composed of different groups which had different political views and, most importantly, which did not agree on what concerned the future they wanted for the new Russian state. As explained by Treadgold, the various components of the White army did not have a common efficient war strategy. The Whites had lacked coordination, and were plagued by personal rivalries among their leaders. They denounced Bolshevism, but affirmed nothing. Denikin and Kolchak were moderates, who lacked effective political or economic programs. Their slogan: ‘A united and indivisible Russia’ alienated national minorities, and played into Bolshevik hands. White generals made military blunders, but their political mistakes and disunity proved decisive. (Western New England College) The national minorities formed another factor that the Whites did not succeed in convincing. In fact, those minorities feared the Whites because of their constant call for a united Russia and felt threatened by them, and this was another positive element for the Reds. The above mentioned point of view is presented also by Phillips. He states that the main objective of the various groups that formed the White forces was to stop the victories of the Bolshevik revolution and to put an end to Lenin’s ambitions of creating a new Russian government and, ultimately, a new face for the Russian state. And even though all the fractions of the Whites agreed on that final goal, they did not agree on practically anything else. The Whites did not succeed in presenting a clear vision of what should come after the desired defeat of the Bolsheviks. The Whites were an amalgam of different groups united only by their desire to get rid of the Bolsheviks. On what was to replace the communist regime they were deeply divided. Some wanted a return to the Tsarist regime; others a democratic republic. There was little in common between the Tsarist groups and socialist groups like the Mensheviks. The aims of the national minorities were more limited and often at odds with the White leaders. The slogan ‘Russia One and Indivisible’ did little to keep the minorities fighting for the Whites. (Philips 42) Another factor that worked in the favour of the Reds was the foreign aid that the Whites were receiving. This gave the chance to the Bolsheviks to present their case against the opposition stating that they were tools in the hands of external powers that wanted to interfere in the future of Russia both politically and economically. Treadgold states that Allied intervention was of dubious value: foreign arms and supplies aided the Whites, but were insufficient to insure victory and let the Reds pose as defenders of Mother Russia. Bolshevik propaganda portrayed White generals (wrongly) as reactionary tools of Western imperialism, and (more correctly) as aiming to restore the landlords. (Western New England College) For what concerns the foreign powers, it must be noted that their abandonment of the Whites when the Reds began winning some of the battles was crucial in determining the outcome of that conflict. This was an enormous drawback for the White army that found itself alone and weak. Habeck confirms that the division of the groups that the White army was formed of was certainly an important element, but it was not the only one. The author states that the Allied forces were always offering assistance to the Whites, but they stopped it when the Whites needed it the most. When they were successful on the battlefield, the Allied powers (Britain, France, and the United States) provided critical military assistance, but as the Whites began to lose, the aid disappeared, consigning the Whites to their fate. The fluid nature of the civil war also meant that the Whites never created permanent institutions. Matters were not helped by the officers’ reluctance to involve themselves in political matters, leaving chaos and banditry to reign in much of their territory. (Habeck 1665) This abandonment of the Whites, according to Philips, was the result of the Versailles treaty of 1919. The author suggests that â€Å"the Allied leaders may have had no taste for communism but neither did they desire to carry on fighting.† It is also known that â€Å"the Whites did receive money and military equipment from the Allies although not enough to have an impact on the course of the war† (43). The pure military strategies and realities were not the only direct reason why the Bolsheviks won the war; another aspect was the method in which the Whites conducted their various issues and their personal lifestyle affairs. Corruption was one of the factors; another one was the total dependence on vodka and cocaine among the White soldiers. This even reached a more serious level when an official of the White army stated that his army was composed of members who were ignorant and incompetent (Anderson 22). The nature of the civil war was, just as any war, cruel and brutal, the White army was responsible for many crimes: â€Å"White troops were allowed to commit atrocities during the war, such as pogroms against the Jews who lived in White-occupied lands† (Habeck 1665) The last of the reasons that led the Bolsheviks to victory is purely economic; they were in control of the most important industrial and manufacturing plants in the country, while the Whites simply had far less and, as mentioned earlier, were dependent on foreign aids and on outside help to keep their campaign alive. Laver summarises the reasons by stating that the Reds had many advantages; such as the unified leadership of the communists under Lenin, the skills of Trotsky, and the control of industrial centres which were highly populated areas. The Whites, on the other hand, were divided, they lacked a common strategy, and they did not have popular support. Not to mention the ineffectiveness of the limited foreign support that they received (76-77). Works Cited Lee, Stephen J. Lenin and Revolutionary Russia. London, UK: Routledge, 2003. Treadgold, Donald W. Twentieth Century Russia. 1987. The Russian Civil War. Western New England College. 2000. 21 October 2006.>. Philips, Steve. Lenin and the Russian Revolution. London, UK: Heinemann Educational Publishers, 2000. Habeck, Mary R. â€Å"White Army.† Encyclopedia of Russian History. Ed. James Millar. New York, NY: Macmillan Reference-Thomson/Gale, 2004. Anderson, Peter. â€Å"Why did the Bolsheviks Win the Russian Civil War?† History Review 43 (2002): 22 27 Laver, John. The Modernisation of Russia 1856-1985. Oxford, UK: Heinemann Educational Publishers, 2002.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Orangutans :: essays research papers

Orangutans In Malay orang means "person" and utan is defined as "forest'. Thus Orangutan literally means "Person of the Forest". Orangutans are found in the tropical forests of Sumatra and Borneo. They are the most arboreal of the great apes and move amongst the safety of the trees from one feeding site to the next. They are so well adapted to arboreal life that they cannot place their feet on the ground, instead they walk on the outside of their curved foot. There is a scattered population of orangutan in Indonesian Borneo, Malaysia Borneo and northern Sumatra. The different habitats have isolated the orangutan reproductively and geographically from one another creating a "degree of difference" or two subspecies. There are several different characteristics between the two subspecies of orangutans and it has recently been suggested that they may be a separate species. The Borneo male has relatively large cheek pads, a tremendous laryngeal sac and a square shaped face. The Sumatran male has small pads and laryngeal sac, a ginger coloured moustache, a pronounced beard, and a diamond shaped face. Individuals can also be distinguished chromosomally, biochemically, and by their cranial characteristics. There is a great deal of individual variety in the orangutan. "Each orang-utan had a distinct personality and in dealing with such highly intelligent animals in captivity, the keeper's knowledge of the individual was probably more important than the knowledge of the overall behaviour patterns " (Markham, 1980). Orangutan males, however, appear to be totally intolerant of one another, especially the Borneo males who are even aggressive towards females and infants. Male orangutans' participation in social groups is limited to sexual "consortship" with females. However, the Sumatran males tend to stay with females for a longer period of time usually until the birth of the infant. They may stay longer with their partner because of the presence of large predators absent in the Borneo habitat. The orangutan has a menstrual cycle of 29-30 days, menstruation lasting 3-4 days. The Gestation period lasts slightly less than nine months. Offspring pass through three stages, infancy (0-4), juvenile (4-7), and adolescents (7-10). Mother young relationship lasts for a long time, the young usually stay with their mother until they are mature. Female Orangutans are not sexually mature or fully grown until the age of twelve and will not have their first offspring until they are at least fourteen. Males become sexually mature and fully grown at the age of fifteen. The cheek flanges of the male easily recognize the differences between adults and semi-adults. The flanges in the Boreal male curve out ward from the face and develop around the

Friday, October 11, 2019

Personal Philosophy Project An Idealist in a Career

Goodness Is an Ideal state, something to be striver for. Idealism would favor schools teaching subjects of the mind, such as Is found In most public school classrooms. Teachers, for the Idealist, would be models of Ideal behavior. For Idealists, the schools' function Is to sharpen Intellectual processes, to present the wisdom of the ages, and to present models of behavior that are exemplary. Students In such schools would have a somewhat passive role, receiving and memorizing the reporting of the teacher.Change In the school program would generally be considered an Intrusion on the orderly process of educating (http://guardhouses. Roll. Deed/leaders/philosophies. HTML). There are as many characteristics of an Idealist as there are websites to quote from, so I thought It best to outline my philosophy with direct responses to the ten categories. Please see the attached matrix as I outline my CITE classroom. In short, I find myself supporting traditions while developing new approaches t o promote the learning process.Consistently providing an environment of academics, media, technology to best repaper my students for the workplace of tomorrow. Personal Philosophy Project An Idealist in a Career and Technical World By masher to the philosophy of Idealism. Idealism is a philosophy that espouses the refined wisdom of men and women. Reality is seen as a world within a person's mind. Truth is to be found in the consistency of ideas. Goodness is an ideal state, something to be striver for. Idealism would favor schools teaching subjects of the mind, such as is found in most public school classrooms.Teachers, for the idealist, would be models of ideal behavior. For idealists, the schools' function is to sharpen intellectual are exemplary. Students in such schools would have a somewhat passive role, receiving and memorizing the reporting of the teacher. Change in the school program would generally be considered an intrusion on the orderly process of educating (http://guardh ouses. ROI. Deed/leaders/philosophies. HTML). There are as many characteristics of an idealist as there are websites to quote from, so I thought it best

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Individualism vs Collectivism

Individualism and Collectivism Culture Abstract This essay discusses different aspects of Individualism and collectivism culture. Although every culture is different, Individualist and collectivism have a different implication for social organization. In this essay I able use my personal experience as a foreigner to help the readers understand the subject. In addition to the research I have done I was able to find information to help me fully understand how the two concepts impacted different countries such as the U. S.A, China and Burkina Faso. There are about a hundred and nighty-six countries on this planet, each one of them has a variety of cultures and traditions. Cultures are typically divided into two categories: collectivist and individualist. Individualist cultures, such as those of the United Sates and Western Europe, value personal achievement resulting in a strong sense of competition. Collectivist cultures, such as those of China, Korea, and Japan, emphasize family and w ork group goals above individual needs or desires.From a personal preference I would prefer a collectivist society but orders of social behavior change from culture to culture. I will now explain my experience coming in the United States to study. Being an international student from Burkina Faso, a country that has more than sixty ethnic groups with all different languages and dialects. I myself speak three languages, Moore my first and French second. The Western cultures are more individualist than collectivist Eastern cultures. The United States is considered to be an individualist country, so when I first got here, the transfer was very hard.I met American friends at U. G. A, despite been very nice it was hard sometimes to understand each other, as our cultures are different. The terms individualism and collectivism are usually used to express different cultures. An individualistic culture is where individuals are said to be bounded, autonomous, distinct from others, and emphasiz ing one’s own goals and agency rather than those of others (Mascolo M. F. & Li J. , 2004, p. 27). As it was stated in the first paragraph the United States is listed as having an individualist society.Some people would offer themselves, their family and friend as an anecdotal counter example to American individualism, but â€Å"both individualist and collectivist orientations may coexist within individuals cultures (Kim U. & Trandis H. C. & Choi S. C. , 1994, p. 123). For example; my best friend in Burkina Faso, born and raised there grew up to become an individualist. She say it herself, â€Å"I do not like to share†. A person may live in a traditionally collectivistic culture and may still express individualistic behaviors within that culture, just like my friend.The culture in Burkina is known for being hostile and as for myself being born there, and having a total nine siblings, we all shared everything, such as cloth, food, toys and many other things. So growing in this environment I have learned to share not only with brother and sisters but sometimes cousins. The traditional views of individualism and collectivism suggest that Eastern countries will exhibit collectivistic tendencies while Western countries will exhibit individualistic tendencies (Parker R. S. , Haytko D. L. , & Hermans C. M. , 2009). According Sen L. H. (2004).Being raised in a collectivist environment, the transition at UGA was a bit complicated. Many of my friends at UGA were born and raised in Georgia; some of them have a different way of approaching this subject. For example one of them had a total different situation than mine. He has 2 sisters and was told by his parents that if they each get something each of them have the right not to share. Since both individualist and collectivist orientations may coexist within the two cultures, it is practically impossible to say that everyone in western countries is an individualist or that everyone in eastern countries and A frica is a collectivist.As a within the communities it might be possible. For example most of the time in my country if someone is getting married everyone is pretty much invited. One will have thousands of people at their wedding to show support to the newlyweds. Studies suggest the well educated are more individualistic than the less educated. City dwellers are more individualistic than rural residents. Men are more individualistic than women, and young more than old. Thus, we need to consider peoples' experiences when interacting with them (Kanchier C. , 2007).The same individualism that has led to disaster, such as the mortgage crisis, because it was pursued to excess will also be the source of America's eventual resurgence. At its best, American individualism embraces the notion that every person matters. Increasingly, in American cities especially on the coasts, you will find that social categories are less important than individual histories. The U. S media will rather gossip about bill Clinton affair and Paris Hilton’s sex tapes than talk about important subjects that actually affects people’s life like the increasing dangerousness of tuberculosis as it becomes more immune to anti biotic.By contrast, collectivist are connected and interdependent, stressing roles and relationship, more than individual uniqueness; they are principally motivated to pure group goals rather than their own (Mascolo M. F. & Li J. , 2004, p. 27). Like individualism, within every culture there will be both individualist and collectivist people. Now lets take a look at the aspect of collectivism in China. Chinese culture is indeed more collectivist than individualist, and individualist values such as self-interest tend not to be present. (Kim U. & Trandis H.C. & Choi S. C. , 1994, p. 154). Hui in 1988 developed the individualism-collectivism scale (INDOL scale); it comprises six subscales purporting to measure a person’s collectivism orientation toward targe t groups (Kim U. & Trandis H. C. & Choi S. C. , 1994, p. 149). In his research Hui compared the scores of Chinese university students to those of American university students. Taken together, these results indicate that Chinese culture may be characterized as predominantly collectivist as well as anti-individualist. (Kim U. & Trandis H.C. & Choi S. C. , 1994, p. 154) For example the Chinese culture divorce is considered be dishonorable they believe that the marriage of two people is the union of two families. According to Luke Metcalfe, 2013, the divorce rate in china is 0. 79 per 1000people. As compared to the U. S. it is very common and some areas considered the norm. Luke Metcalfe, 2013 stated that The U. S divorce rate is at 4. 95 per 1000 people, which is the highest country with divorce rate. Individualist and collectivism have a different implication for social organization.The components of social organization presented in the book â€Å"Individualism and Collectivism† are very important; they are combined into more inclusive major components, of which there are five: values, autonomy/conformity, responsibility, achievement and self-reliance/interdependence. As an example of autonomy/conformity, an my best friend from Burkina Faso would want the right to privacy she believe that everyone should mind their own business. Their privacy should be respected. While on the other side I would believe that one’s business is also the business of the group; friends should be concerned with each other’s personal matters.Individualism and Collectivism are both needed in a society, inside every cultures will exists both concepts. I was raised in a collectivist environment but could decide to become an individualist; it may be an unconscious choice, but it happens very frequently. The two concepts have their advantages and disadvantages. When I was a kid I wanted to learn how to rollerblade because my friends knew how to. I was too proud to ask f or their help, so I have decided to teach myself how to uses the rollerblades. I certainly did, but at what cost? Multiple injuries and it took forever before I could really get the hint of it.I now realize that it would have been less painful if I just asked my friends help. Because I believe that collective work can make one attain greater success. Because together we are stronger. It is important for us readers to remember that individualism and collectivism each serve their own purposes, they are part of the reasons why our society is the way it is today. References Kanchier, C. (2007, May 12). Are you part of collective? ; we are not all individualism. How you view your-self influences how you relate to others at work. The Gazette, p. . Kim U. & Trandis H. C. & Choi S. C. (1994). Individualism and collectivism. United States of America: SAGE. Mascolo M. F. & Li J. (2004). Culture and development selves: beyond dichotomization. San Francisco: Wiley company. NationMaste. (2003-20 13). Luke Metcalfe. Retrieved from: http://www. nationmaster. com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorce-rate Parker R. S. , Haytko D. L. , & Hermans C. M. , (2009). Individualism and Collectivism: Reconsidering old Assumptions. Sen, L. H. (2004, May 7). Society needs individualism. The Straits Times, p.

Burka’s book Essay

On the surface ‘procrastination’ is an ideologically and psychologically fixed term – it is presumed that procrastination is definitely bad and is to be avoided. Thus there exists a whole plethora of books which seek to cure this tendency of ‘delaying. ’ And as far as such efforts go, this book is no exception, rather her book like so many others in its category systematically prescribes how to overcome what the ancients like St. Augustine called ‘acedia’ (depression leading to inordinate delays in doing anything within a time frame. What Burka misses is that it may be fine to procrastinate on doing one’s laundry over writing a thesis; to delay shaving over finishing a novel started from last night. Burka’s book suffers from giving equal importance to every work and an overt tendency to pre-plan everything. This need to plan and work towards goals is a recent phenomenon in self-help literature. Time – management books especially hinge on the setting of goals. There is a fear that by over-regimentation they kill all spontaneity and joy from life and make us automatons. But if one argues that the book is intended for clinically malefficient procrastinators then one ought to point out that self-help books are hardly written for those who need mental help. There is another point regarding this book. It is definitely a secularization of the concept of procrastination. In the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries and even later, ‘delaying’ was inevitably associated with the cardinal sin of sloth. This book opens up the issue for humanistic debates, albeit their humanism is rooted in the ontogeny of Freud. Burka and Yeun devote a whole chapter to the interrogation of procrastination as a formed infantile reaction to clinically significant psychological events. Fear is seen as the source for the ultimate interiorization of chronically delayed work habits. They list many different fears — the fear of losing, the fear of being humiliated, etc. Ultimately it is seen that all the various phobias are just related to the process of self-actualization and Jungian individuation. In a very interesting and significant paper Jennifer M. Kosmas1 gives a similar phobic-oriented account of procrastination. Whereas she and other experts in the field are highly technical and do not try to see how the tendency to delay can be prevented; Burka and Yeun posit a reductive approach to problem solving and thus, delay – negation. In this they follow the beaten path, not merely of psychiatrists but of self-help gurus and time management experts like the legendary Stephen Covey. Covey in his The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People asks us all to problem-solve by breaking the problem into parts and then working towards the solution within fixed time frames. All this is traditional and time-tested but the real problem for true procrastinators in not to only know the cause of their disease but rather for them, it is a mortal combat against the inertia caused by time itself. This is where the book fails. It falls short of giving any really effective formula to any reader which would impel him or her to just get up and doing a thing. One can plan and write all sorts of goals and have strict time frames; this book creates a programme of two weeks for procrastination de-addiction; but at the end one might just refuse to go running according to the planned start of any exercise regimen. In the final analysis, this book is a clearly written and popular account of procrastination but it fails miserably as a serious book with any real clinical significance. Innumerable studies have shown that procrastination is often psychosomatic and related with depression. The authors, in spite of being practicing psychiatrists, do not really tackle these issues. The parable like examples strewn throughout the book are just Chicken Soup (the popular series) sort of stories. The more serious sort of reader and patient will do better to study the original Freudian works on infantile hysteria and then read Stephen Covey’s books.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Classical Mythology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Classical Mythology - Essay Example He writes: "As a guiding principle I believe that every poem must be its own sole freshly created universe, and therefore have no belief in 'tradition' or a common myth-kitty... To me the whole of the ancient world, the whole of classical and biblical mythology, means very little, and I think that using them today not only fills poems full of dead spots but dodges the poet's duty to be original." (Larkin 1983:69) Larkin has a right to his view but from what we have witnessed, literature from Renaissance till today is in awe of Greek and Roman mythological characters. And when we discuss mythology, we simply cannot ignore the role played by Homer in reinforcing myths. And one of his key epics dealing with images of classical mythology was Iliad. In this paper, we shall focus on the role of heroism in ancient world with reference to Iliad and how a modern hero borrows from ancient definition of a hero. Homer's Iliad presents the oldest yet most enduring picture of hero and heroism. Who is a hero and what constitutes heroism are questions that Iliad answers but in a manner which may not appeal to modern sensibilities. For us today, hero is a man of who is sensitive, courageous and responsible with compassion for the community. However apart from courage, no other attribute mattered for construction of a heroic figure in Greek epics of ancient times. Homer follows tradition when he creates heroe s and develops a heroic code in his work Iliad but there are occasions where the poet tried to deviate from conventional picture of a hero and from these deviations emerge a new and more reformed image of heroism. A modern day hero borrows from ancient picture of a hero in terms of enduring courage. However a serious distinction must be made here. When we talk about modern hero in this paper, we are only referring to modern mythical heroes like superman and Spiderman and not necessarily heroes in ordinary literature. This distinction is made because while in the ancient plays, heroes were people with extraordinary courage and strength, in modern literature, a protagonist is called a hero and he can be as weak or flawed as any ordinary person. Fishwick explains this difference in these words: "Different ages and cultures vary the heroic personality, but all heroes are true to their age. Whatever their situation, the motives they urge are elementary, the morality they advocate is obvious. History is not very effective without people, and people are ineffective without leaders. The search for heroes is inherent in human nature. Pre-literate societies allow men, heroes, and gods to stand on a footing of tolerable equality. In remote areas of the world men are still deified in their own lifetime. The idea of aloofness in super-human power comes late in history." (Fishwicck, 1954: 3) Homer's ideal hero may have many shades but he is invariably a traditional image of ruthless ambition and unbridled courage at least for most of the epic: "Everywhere can be found, reshaped according to shifting cultural standards, the ideal hero, chevalier sans pear et sans reproached, the crafty hero, the boaster, the grim and aging warrior, the slightly buffoonish hero, the aged king, the warrior virgin, the wise counselor, or the young reckless fighter." (Cedric H. Whitman: p. 26) Homer's heroes most notably, Achilles and Agamemnon were products of a society that weighed a man's worth in terms of public honor.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

News Story Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

News Story - Assignment Example Marisol Franken, an administration coordinator for community services targeting Australians over the age of 55 corroborated McKay’s statements. Speaking to the media at the same event, Mr Franken most people turned up for physical fitness in the evenings and over the weekend. He, however, urged people to take physical fitness seriously, especially the Australian elderly. â€Å"We need to have a nation that is physically fit,† he averred. The report also showed that most Australians were not physically active. 34.1% of the people interviewed did not participate in any sporting activity or physical fitness program while 6.3% only participated â€Å"occasionally†. Only 29% of the research sample engaged in sports more than twice a week. Noting that physical fitness was key to the general health of an individual, McKay termed the findings as â€Å"grim reality†. He, however, stated that the research identified various constraints that hindered people from participating in sports of physical fitness programs. Some participants cited age as a major constraint where they stated that they were too old to take part in sports. Others were afraid of the occasional injuries that people sustained in sports whereas others were simply not interested. There are some who cited heavy responsibility at home or at the work-place while others put the blame on financial challenges. In light of these findings, it is important that relevant authorities take up the challenge and work towards a better, healthier and physically fit Australia. There is need to put appropriate measures into place to encourage Australians to participate in sports and physical fitness programs. Moreover, every Australian has a responsibility of his or her health. It is a high time Australians came out of their cocoons and took sports and physical fitness seriously. The level of physical fitness in Australia is very low. A large number of Australians do not participate in sports

Sunday, October 6, 2019

International and Strategic Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International and Strategic Marketing - Essay Example The demographics that are within a local market differ from those in the global market. More important, there are changing trends that are based on specific psychological responses and trends by specific populations that a business has to be aware of before moving into the market. Those who are on the Internet constitute a different type of business than those who are in a locality (Calliau, 2010). Step 3: The unity of analysis to be examined will be the entertainment and event industry on the Internet and whether it can expand into a global market. There will be an understanding of how local businesses are working toward expansion in the entertainment arena into a global market. Step 4: The data availability is based on the current trends as well as the noted expansions of the entertainment industry. There will also be specific data available based on the trends with Internet music and entertainment. Step 6: The research will begin with identifying the current market online as well as what types of responses are occurring from demographics. This will be combined with defining a specific entertainment segment that is continuing to grow and how this is being affected by the changes in trends. The information will be compared to note how businesses are taking different concepts into consideration for the changing market. Step 7  : The data gathered shows that there is a growth in entertainment at a global level, specifically because of the Internet. Generation Y is changing the way entertainment is looked at, specifically because technology is used as a portal for entertainment and socialization. The statistics gathered are showing the online recreation is now a direct part of the younger generations and is providing for more growth with online use (Jones, Fox, 2009). The concept of using the Internet for entertainment also relies on changing factors that relate to why individuals use the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Tort Reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tort Reform - Essay Example The escalating cost of medical bill has been attributed to excessive litigation also; therefore, the bill aims at reducing litigation by promoting patient safety. Hence, â€Å"states that apply for a grant to work on patient safety issues, rather than on other dispute resolution techniques† (Jones, 2010). In the opinion of Barack Obama, the new tort reform would improve patient safety and medical liability terms. According to Thomas Gallagher, an official of University of Washington, the goal of the reform is to improve the culture of health care communication with the objective of mitigating medical malpractices and thereby increasing patient safety. He adds that the proposed changes would provide better communication training to health care workers. Similarly, the J. D. of New York State Unified Court System, Judy Kluger argues that the reform would protect the patients who get injuries by providers’ mistakes. Kluger also says that costs associated with medical malpra ctices can be minimized by the introduction of the proposed tort reform (Point of The state of Texas successfully implemented the tort reform in 2003 in order to improve the efficacy of the patient- friendly ‘malpractice laws’ in 2003.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Pilot Fatigue and Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Pilot Fatigue and Stress - Essay Example In order to reduce the impacts of these problems, an Aviation Safety Program is developed from the perspective of an airline operator, with a great emphasis on how to successfully implement the safety program. The discussion about pilot fatigue and stress is as old as aviation itself. This problem has been given a serious consideration because of the monumental destruction it could cause. Some of the deadly plane crashes recorded in the history of aviation were as a result of the pilots losing concentration on their jobs, which is one of the characteristics of pilot fatigue and stress (Ragan 33). Therefore, to save lives and protect their businesses, airline operators have been working hard to fashion out an efficient safety strategy that would give confidence to their airlines in the eyes of the passengers (Ragan 21). Many studies have been carried out and different safety programs have been implemented. But the question still remains: what is the best approach to completely curb the menace of pilot fatigue and stress? Hawkins (49) analyzed three main kinds of pilot fatigue and stress: though they appear not separable from one another, since it is practically difficult to identify which of the fatigue is currently affecting a pilot’s performance at a particular period. These are muscular, mental and skill fatigue. As its name implied, muscular fatigue arises from over-exertion of physical power, which might cause serious pain in both arms’ and legs’ muscles. But this kind of fatigue could easily be cured by taking some rest or/and by application of balm. Mental fatigue occurs as a result of mental stress from to much brainstorming and exhaustion, while skill fatigue is defined as a gradual decline in performance owning to the pressure from a work that constantly requires concentration and high level of skill (Hawkins 49). If not handled properly, both mental and skill fatigue could lead to nervous breakdown; and

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Nature versus nurture Essay Example for Free

Nature versus nurture Essay My husband and I ran a group home for teenage girls for over nine years. The girls were struggling with â€Å"major† life issues, some had been abandoned, others had sexual identity issues, a few were addicted to drugs, and struggling with Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa. Many of these girls survived their environments and some did not. Was it something they were exposed to or was it something they were predisposed to? Nature or Nurture, or perhaps it was a little of both. The Nature vs. Nurture theory has been argued, fought over and debated for centuries by such intellectuals as Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, and Darwin. The phrase Nature vs. Nurture has been attributed to Francis Galton, who was also the cousin of Charles Darwin.? Galton became an openly anti-Christian bigot. Galton wrote about prayer: I do not propose any special inquiry whether the general laws of physical nature are ever changed in response to prayer: whether, for instance, success has attended the occasional prayers in the Liturgy when they have been used for rain, for fair weather, for the stilling of the sea in a storm, or for the abatement of a pestilence. The modern feeling of this country is so opposed to a belief in the occasional suspension of the general laws of nature that most English readers would smile at such an investigation. (Memories of My Life, Galton, Nabu Press, August 28, 2010) Nature vs. Nurture is an argument that, in all probability, will never be settled. I know that for me, I am no closer to a choice than I was when I started working with teenagers. Edward Shorter says this about the Nature-Nurture opinions: â€Å"Yet in the 1950s, advocates of psychoanalysis and community psychiatry argued that biology played virtually no role, that it was all nurture and no nature. So the argument that nature and nurture stand in some kind of Nature vs. Nurture 3 fifty-fifty relationship is already quite extreme from the viewpoint of thirty years ago. One need not be an organic absolutist to place organic factors in their proper perspective: Nature and Nurture intertwine. † (A History of Psychiatry, 1997 E. Shorter pp 287) I think I most agree with this assessment as I have seen both in action and I have seen both be dominant in certain people. The nature theory is that we are all born with predisposed traits, such as personality, intelligence and even sexual orientation; these traits are not influenced by the environment but biology. The nurture side or the â€Å"Tabula Blanca† (Blank Slate) is the theory that each of us is born with a â€Å"Blank Slate†: and that our environment determines traits such as personality, intelligence, and sexual orientation. James Garbarino says this: â€Å"The question of whether bad behavior is preprogrammed genetically is one of the central controversies in child development. An informed starting point is to remember that child development requires the interplay of biology and society, the characteristics children bring with them into the world and the way the world treats them, nature and nurture. Sociobiology emphasizes a genetic origin for social behavior: some characteristics promote survival, and thus reproduction, more than other characteristics. In contrast, what researchers Benjamin Pasamaniack calls social biology concentrates on the social origins of biological phenomena (e. g. , the impact of poverty on infant health). The key is that there are social implications of genetically based individual behaviors; the social impact of biologically rooted traits can affect the survival of individual people and groups of related people, and thus the likelihood that a particular genetic pattern will be passed along to surviving offspring. † (Lost Boys, James Garbarino, Ph. D. Simon and Schuster Inc. , 1999 pp. 73-74) Nature vs. Nurture 4 In my thirty years of working with young teens I have experienced a variety of issues. One such as a family which had two daughters, both raised in the same environment, the oldest became a drug addict for many years. Throughout the years, the family went to several drug rehab centers, doctors, psychologists, and therapists. One doctor told the family that there was nothing anyone could do. When asked why, the doctor said â€Å"She was predisposed to be this way! † This would be an argument for nature; one struggling with addiction and the other not being affected. Both living in the same environment yet one, according to the doctors, was predisposed to addiction. This young lady found Jesus and He cleansed her from her drug addiction and she has been clean now for over 15 years. Jesus can clean up our predisposition and our nature. I met a young African-American man when he was in the 7th grade. He lived in the projects with his grandmother, mother, sister, and younger brother, all in a three bedroom apartment. The father had left this family and they became poverty stricken. The difference was the mother! She was fearless and wanted her children to use education to rise above their circumstances. This young man is now the assistant principal at a local high school. His family has moved out of the projects and both his sister and brother graduated from college. They did not allow their environment to dictate their future. However, I feel that their environment helped. Their mother was their environment not the projects. So was this family predisposed to make it out of the projects? Or was it the affect their mother had on them? I think that it was both. Nature vs. Nurture 5 In my experience there is no doubt that environment plays a huge part. That is because the environment is something we can see, it’s natural, you can look at a situation and see what the surroundings are and make a judgment. With nature you can’t really see it per say so it is harder to make a judgment on what really causes someone to act a certain way or become the person that they become. In our group home setting my husband and I did everything we possibly could do to make it a loving environment. These girls had never experienced unconditional love. I know that a loving environment has the ability to change people. No matter what has gone on before in their lives. Not every person we â€Å"loved on† made it. Recently my husband and I were watching the evening news and heard a report of a prostitute being arrested downtown for stabbing a man. When her name was given it was a young lady that had lived in our home and my husband and I had tried to adopt. I believe that I am more of a nurture person than a nature person. I believe that nurture can change nature, if that is even possible. Peter tells us in 2 Peter 1:4, â€Å"so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature† (ESV). He prefaces that by saying in verse three that Jesus has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness. I know that for many of these teens we worked with what they needed was not just love and nurture but they needed to be made partakers of the divine nature. Nature and Nurture, intertwined together. Nature vs. Nurture 6 References Galton, Francis, Memories of My Life, Nabu Press, August 28, 2010. Shorter, Edward, A History of Psychiatry: From the Era of the Asylum to the Age of Prozac, 1997, John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publisher. Garbarino, James, Ph. D. Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them, 1999, The Free Press, a Division of Simon and Schuster Inc. Publisher The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (2008) Crossway a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. FINAL PAPER GRADING RUBRIC.