Tuesday, October 15, 2019

School policies and procedures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

School policies and procedures - Essay Example In fact, most teachers have also formed a strategic plan of motivating students by rewarding them and building their positive attitude in the classrooms. In this case, this essay will talk in deep length about a certain school I happened to visit whereby they have established their own rule and procedures, which the students should follow as well as the consequences of not complying with the rules. Easily notable is the school rule on absenteeism. In that school, the rule explains with clarity the consequences of any student who violates the rule. It states that if a student happens to be absent, they are supposed to report and clarify to the teacher why they were absent for the whole day or partial day within three days after being absent. Either way, they are allowed to bring a note from their parents/guardian or a phone call explaining why they were absent. The student is also allowed to bring a doctors note if they were sick, failure to do so, the absenteeism is taken as an offense hence consequences follow. Therefore, students who do not comply with that rule are assigned to a five-hour Saturday school for a period of twenty days to compensate for the absenteeism. They can also be placed in-house suspension where they are not allowed to go beyond the school for a certain period as set by teachers. Students who repeat the same offense are placed on the attendance behavior contracts with their parents where the regional educational officers are also summoned. The second notable rule is meant to control fighting and use of vulgar words among students. In this rule, students are not required to fight each other either physically or verbally. Any student caught in this act is enrolled for counseling section that could either require the presence of the parents. In addition, during this section, the student may be put on suspension from the school for about two weeks depending on the

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