Friday, November 1, 2019

Human sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Human sexuality - Essay Example enarios and the brain ability to mould it self is similar to plastic’s ability to change shape according to elements and objects that contacts the plastic. According to Doidge, a child’s brain has the ability to change over time with changes in environment (Doidge 98). He further states that when children are experiencing adolescent period, they should not be labeled according to their current sexuality preference as this preference changes over time until finally a sexual orientation becomes permanent. The book further states that there is a direct link between culture and brain and brain experiences alterations due to culture and not due to genes. This means that when the brain comes in contact with certain cultural practices, it adopts it and the individual starts behaving accordingly. The concept that brain is adaptive to environment can help us achieve our aims and objectives and we can alter our brain according to our needs. In relation to human sexuality an indiv idual can control his/her sexuality. If the individual wants to be labeled as straight then he/she should come in contact with their opposite sex and this will adapt the brain towards that sex and sexual

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