Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Ethical And Environmental Issues Involved - 1388 Words

Do you think businesses from outside of China should stop trading with and operating in China because of the ethical and environmental issues involved? Many people and pressure groups from outside China argue that businesses like Jaguar Land Rover, should stop trading with and operating in China because of the many ethical and environmental problems that will inevitably arise. The issues that the board of directors need to be aware of and debate are: Workers in the UK and Europe are protected by many employment laws such as the Sex Discrimination Act, Equal Pay Act and the Health and Safety at Work Act, for example. Other laws ensure that workers get minimum wage, maternity pay, holidays and aren’t discriminated against because of their race, sex, religion or disability. It’s only fair that whatever benefits British workers get the Chinese should too, otherwise the employees and the other stakeholders of the business will see the transferring of any production to China as a way to avoid the laws that are in place to protect workers. The media have reported on the poor conditions that workers have to endure in China. Newspapers and websites have shown pictures of exhausted factory workers sleeping next to the production line or instances of notes left in product boxes detailing the hardships that they are subjected to. Even if a company s own factories in China have no issues it doesn t mean that their numerous suppliers aren t exploiting their workers. For example,Show MoreRelatedEthics Case Analysis: Trans-American Paper Company937 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis: Trans-American Paper Company In resolving the ethical issues associated with business conduct the â€Å"seeing-knowing-doing† model is very useful. 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